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Help Center - Managing your DVD Tower

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Your SwapaDVD DVD Tower is the list of DVDs you have posted.  The ones you have posted on Hold are not visible to the membership, and are not offered for swapping.  The ones not on Hold are visible to the membership, and should be available for swapping. 

You can get to your SwapaDVD DVD Tower from the menu under My Account on the main toolbar at the top of the site, or by clicking the My DVD Tower tab when you are in the My Account view.

Understanding the Notations on Your  DVD Tower:

  • The status of each item on your Tower will appear in the very LEFT most column beside the list:
    • You can check the status by putting your cursor over the symbol (ie, green check mark or red X) and a little box will come up, describing the meaning of that symbol.
  • A green checkmark indicates that the item is listed as "available" and being offered for swapping
  • A "slashed circle" indicates an item on Hold on your Tower. An item goes on hold if
    • you put it on hold
    • you mark it received from another member (so it is easy to repost and reswap from your Tower)

How to use your DVD Tower:

  • DVDs that appear as "available" on your DVD Tower as available should be able to be sent out when they are requested.
    • If you can't send DVDs out for a period of time (if you are plan to be away from home or from Internet access for more than 5 days), you can put your DVD Tower on Hold.
    • If you give a DVD away or it gets damaged, you should delete it from your DVD Tower before it gets requested.
  • DVDs appear on your DVD Tower immediately after you post them into the system. 
    • There is a link to Post DVDs in the yellow bar at the top of your DVD Tower, on the left.  You can also post DVDs from the link under My Account in the main toolbar at the top of any page on the site.

To put a DVD on hold:

  • Click to place a checkmark in the box on the far right of the listing.
  • Click at the top of the page
  • You can do this for multiple DVDs at once, by checking the box on multiple listings.

To unHold a DVD (make it available for swapping):

  • Click to place a checkmark in the box on the far right of the listing.
  • Click at the top of the page.
  • You can do this for multiple DVDs on a page at once, by checking the box on multiple listings.

To Delete a DVD:

  • Click to place a checkmark in the box on the far right of the listing.
  • Click  at the top of the page.
  • You can do this for multiple DVDs on a page at once, by checking the box on multiple listings.

Function buttons (in the yellow bar at the top of the DVD Tower)

Allows you to sort (display) your DVD Tower in various ways.  The default display is alphabetically (A-Z) by title.  To sort your DVD Tower, click this button and make your choice from the options that come up.  Your new Sort will remain until you ReSort again, even if you log out of your account in the meantime.  Sort options include:
    • By title: This will show your DVDs alphabetically by title.  Choosing ASC means that titles that begin with numbers will be listed first, followed by titles from A->Z.  DESC means that titles will be listed Z->A, and titles beginning with numbers following Z.
    • By Date posted: This will show the DVDs in the order that they were posted to your DVD Tower.  "Ascending" shows the earliest-posted DVDs first; "Descending" shows the most recently-posted DVDs first.
Allows you to search your DVD Tower by Keyword.  Click this button in the yellow bar at the top of your DVD Tower and enter a keyword in the field that comes up, then click Search.
Allows you to delete items you have checked (clicked to place a checkmark in the box to the right of the item) on your DVD Tower.  You can delete multiple items at once on a page.  Click to place a checkmark in the box to the right of as many items as you  wish to delete, then click Delete Checked.  Once deleted, the DVD cannot be restored to your DVD Tower without reposting it. 
Note: If you have clicked "I cannot mail" on a request, or have clicked "Cancel Order" on an active outgoing transaction, or the system has canceled your transaction for failure to mark a DVD mailed by the deadline, the DVD will have been automatically removed from your DVD Tower.
  • Mark:
These buttons allow you to mark All of the DVDs on that page (or to UNmark all of the DVDs on that page) before you apply one of the functions (Hold, Delete, Post) to the marked DVDs.

Function buttons that appear on the right side of each DVD in the list on your DVD Tower:

    • Allows you to write a review of your DVD for other members to read. 
      • Information about your particular copy of a DVD should not be included in a review--there is no guarantee that the requestor of your DVD will see your Review, and the Review is attached to the DVD Details page for a DVD, and NOT to a particular copy.
  • (stars)
    • Allow you to rate a DVD from 1 (Hate it) to 5 (Love it) stars.   You can clear your rating by clicking the .  The star rating that will appear on the DVD Details page for a DVD in the database is an average of all ratings members have given to the DVD.  Yellow stars are your ratings of a DVD.  Blue stars are the average rating of all members in the club who have rated this DVD.
    • This allows you to suggest this DVD to a Buddy - a Personal Message will be sent to the Buddy with the DVD listing in it, and if the Buddy clicks Order this DVD on the Personal Message itself, the request will be sent to you (no matter what position "in line" for requests your copy of the DVD is).


Related links:

How to remove a DVD from your Tower
I got a request for a DVD I don't have
How to post a DVD
How to put your Account on Hold/vacation