Are you entering the correct information on the Login page?
- You need to enter your ENTIRE email address (the one at which you receive SwapaDVD emails) in the space for "email" on the Member Login page? Entering only part of the email address in that space is a common error.
- Have you reset your password more than once? If so, only the *most recently-generated* temporary password will work.
Are you on the correct page?
You need to be on the "login" page to log in, not the "sign up" page.
The "sign up" page is the page that you registered on. If you have already registered, you can access your account by clicking Log in at the top of the page, and entering your login information in the spaces, then clicking Log In.
For more help with login problems, see below.
To log in to SwapaDVD:
- Go to the SwapaDVD Homepage at
- Click the Login link on the very top right of the page or in the middle of the toolbar at the top of the site.
- Enter your login information:
- In the space for User Email/Password you can enter either:
- your entire SwapaDVD User Email (the email address at which you receive emails from SwapaDVD)
- your SwapaDVD Nickname (if you have chosen one)
- In the space for Password:
- enter your SwapaDVD password
If you are unable to log in from the Member Login page, read on:
If you get a message that you need to accept cookies:
You will need to set your browser to accept cookies. Cookies are pieces of information stored by websites onto your computer. They are used to remember login information and other data.
- To enable cookies if you are using FireFox:
- Click Firefox in your toolbar
- Choose Preferences
- Click Privacy in the menu on the box that comes up
- Choose the tab for Cookies
- Click "Allow sites to set cookies" (you can choose exceptions if you like)
- Click OK.
- To enable cookies if you are using Internet Explorer:
- From the Tools menu, click Internet Options
- From the Privacy tab, click Advanced
- Click to select "override automatic cookie handling" and "always allow session cookies"
- Click OK
If you have forgotten your password:
If the Member Login page resets without letting you log in:
- This is usually a browser issue.
- We recommend Firefox, which is a very stable, FREE browser available here.
- Firefox is the browser of choice for SwapaDVD and many other websites, including
- After you download Firefox:
If you cannot get the site to "remember you", even though you have checked the "remember me" box on the Member Login page:
- You need to adjust your browser's frequency of clearing cookies.
- Cookies are what allow your browser to "remember you"
- If your browser is set to clear out cookies every day, the "remember me" function won't work.
- You can do adjust the frequency of cookie-clearing:
- in the Preferences:Privacy:Cookies menu for FireFox
- in the Tools:Internet Options menu for Internet Explorer.
- Each time you log in with the "remember me for 2 weeks" box checked, you will be "remembered" for the next 2 weeks from that login.
If you continue to have trouble logging in despite following the instructions above, you should:
- immediately after the login fails, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Contact Us
- then select Send us Feedback at the top of the Contact Us page, and
- send us a message telling us that you can't log in, and describing any error messages you saw.
If you send the message in by using the feedback link as above (right after the failed login attempt), we will be able to help more with this.
Related Links:
If you can't log out of your account...