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Help Center - If you can't log out of your account...

Search Terms:

If you cannot log OUT, you need to clear your cookies.  Cookies are bits of information (such as login information) that are stored on your computer, and if your browser holds onto them after they are outdated (by a change in the page code), you may not be able to log out.  You need to force your browser to discard the cookies and load the fresh code for the page you are on.

To clear cookies in Firefox:

  1. Click "Firefox" in your toolbar
  2. Choose "Preferences" from the dropdown menu
  3. Choose Clear Cookies Now on the box that comes up.

To clear cookies in Internet Explorer:

  1. Click the Tools menu
  2. Choose Internet Options
  3. Click the Delete Cookies button
  4. Close that window and restart your browser.

To clear cookies in the AOL browser:

  1. Open your AOL account
  2. Click the Settings button on the toolbar (My AOL for older versions)
  3. Select Preferences from the dropdown list
  4. Choose Internet Properties (WWW) on the right hand side (older versions will show a WWW box)
  5. In the middle of the Internet Options box is a section called Temporary Internet Files; choose all Offline Content box
  6. Click OK.
  7. Restart your browser.

Related Links:

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