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Topic: Am I allowed to swap or sell Digital Codes on the site? (answer: nope)

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papaschild (Laura F.)

Subject: Am I allowed to swap or sell Digital Codes on the site? (answer: nope)
Date Posted: 4/22/2019 1:43 PM ET
Member Since: 11/27/2007
Posts: 3,662
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Please refer to the Help Center doc, "Am I allowed to swap or sell Digital Codes on the site?"

Trading digital codes is prohibited on the site. Posting or offering digital codes in our Discussion Forums will risk account termination.

Digital copies/UV codes do not earn credit. You may not ask for a credit for the Digital Copy or UV Code of a movie in our Forums. The only thing that credits may be used for in the Forums are the main discs - the DVDs and Blu-rays. There are potential legal issues involved when you "sell" UV codes/digital copies apart from the DVD they were sold with. ("Sell" means that you are getting something in exchange, whether credits, money, or something else.)

Swap's intention has always been for Digital Codes to only be used as freebies. They understand that the wording in the Bazaar may not have been clear enough, and hopefully the revised Help Center doc should be more clear. Please pass the word! Thanks!!!!

Christina T.

Date Posted: 4/22/2019 2:56 PM ET
Member Since: 9/7/2010
Posts: 253
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Very sorry, I did not mean to go against site rules or upset anyone. Thank you for clarifying. Have a blessed day. 

jac27187 (John C.)

Date Posted: 4/22/2019 3:32 PM ET
Member Since: 2/10/2011
Posts: 625
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So they CAN still be used as "free with tower order" is that what you're saying? Just curious, thanks for keeping things in order.

Advertisement (Bret H.)

Date Posted: 4/22/2019 4:25 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2007
Posts: 378
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It would be nice to hear more details about the potential legal issues involved.
Are there similar legal issues for trading disks separately from the case artwork they were sold with?
Or for splitting up a Blu-Ray and DVD combo set and trading away just the DVD?
If not, what is the difference?

Last Edited on: 4/22/19 4:26 PM EST - Total times edited: 1
papaschild (Laura F.)

Date Posted: 4/22/2019 6:41 PM ET
Member Since: 11/27/2007
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Christina, no one is upset, and most people didn't realize anything was wrong. It just wasn't all that clear before. It's all good!!  :-)

Brett, I'm not sure what the difference is. Swap tries to stay on top of any potential issues, and figure out when rules are/aren't needed. If something isn't likely to be an issue, they don't need to make a rule about it. So if DVD/Blu splits somehow become a legal issue, we'll let you know.

John, as far as Swap is aware, giving them away isn't an issue, so that is still okay. Trading them is now, since you are getting something in return.

Last Edited on: 4/22/19 6:44 PM EST - Total times edited: 1
musiclover (Valerie L.)

Date Posted: 4/22/2019 10:15 PM ET
Member Since: 4/12/2011
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Bret, I first heard about this on the Dis on youtube.

Disney brought a lawsuit to stop Redbox from selling the digital codes from the combo packs.

Disney lost the lawsuit to Redbox and the judge accused Disney of copyright misuse.

People are allowed to resell books and DVD's and Blu-ray's. 

Something about Disney is infringing on the rights of others to resell the digital code.

I think the judge was saying by requiring someone to keep the physical disc with the code that infringes on someones right to resell. 

https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/disney-wins-injunction-redbox-movie-download-codes-cant-be-sold-separately-1138556So it's no surprise that studios do not want people to sell the codes. 


Then the tables turn, Disney wins injunction against Redbox


On SwapaDVD you cannot trade codes for credits or codes, better safe than sorry type of thing.  


UPDATED 4/23/19:

Here is a better article 



The tables turn, Disney wins injunction against Redbox 




Last Edited on: 4/23/19 10:42 AM EST - Total times edited: 4
musiclover (Valerie L.)

Date Posted: 4/22/2019 10:40 PM ET
Member Since: 4/12/2011
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On SwapaDVD you cannot trade codes for credits or codes, better safe than sorry type of thing.  

musiclover (Valerie L.)

Date Posted: 4/23/2019 10:00 AM ET
Member Since: 4/12/2011
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Remember the case I covered in December, about Disney suing Redbox for breaking up retail Star WarsDVDs and selling the bundled digital copy codes separately while it rented the discs? The separate sales violated the shrink-wrap license of the digital copies, which were intended to be tied to ownership of the disc versions with which they were sold. However, Redbox contended that this bundling violated first sale rights, which permitted customers to dispose of purchased items how they wished.

To the profound surprise of industry observers, the low court has found in favor of Redbox—and as I noted in that earlier article, this decision could have profound implications for the future of bundling if it survives appeal.

The deciding factor for Judge Dean Pregerson was first sale, but not in a way I had expected. Pregerson found that, in requiring that customers own the physical disc in order to continue to use the non-transferable bundled digital copy, Disney was effectively using the shrinkwrap license on the bundled copy to stifle customers’ first sale right to dispose of the physical disc as they please. This constitutes “copyright abuse”—using a copyright to impose restrictions beyond what copyright law allows.




Disney wins injunction against Redbox




Last Edited on: 4/23/19 10:43 AM EST - Total times edited: 4
homerbr (Homer B.)

Subject: Free movie code.
Date Posted: 5/14/2020 1:55 PM ET
Member Since: 2/9/2018
Posts: 8
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Free Movies Anywhere code for the HD movie

The Deep


seizetheday (Kevin R.)

Date Posted: 5/15/2020 10:44 AM ET
Member Since: 2/6/2010
Posts: 1,535
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Thank you Homer!

Jiyu (Robert P.)

Subject: Digital codes
Date Posted: 1/23/2024 8:03 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2008
Posts: 11
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It's illegal to sell, trade, or give away digital codes without the discs they came with. The license you purchase when you buy a disc gives the current owner of the disc, and ONLY that owner, to use the digital code. If you read the fine print of your DVD, BRD or 4K disc, it will tell you the copyright owner expressly FORBIDS you from transferring the code without the disc. You are legally bound by that policy. You never really "own" digital content, your purchase is a LEASE to keep watching that title in digital format, but only as long as you retain the physical copy too. You can NOT legally sell, trade or give that code to anyone else because it's intended to be used ONLY by the person who owns the physical media it came with. You paid for ONE copy of the movie, not two. The ability to watch the digital version is a convenience only.