Help Center - How to use SwapaDVD Delivery Confirmation
SwapaDVD Delivery Confirmation is a per-transaction, paid feature at SwapaDVD. You need SwapaDVD Money in your account to use SwapaDVD-DC. The feature offers QuickCredit and CreditAssurance. SwapaDVD Delivery Confirmation is the ONLY way to get QuickCredit/Guaranteed Credit at SwapaDVD. SwapaDVD Delivery Confirmation is included with the SwapaDVD Printable Postage option.
How to Use SwapaDVD Delivery Confirmation:
- First, put SwapaDVD Money into your account.
- You can do this in the Kiosk, or by clicking the green + sign on the SwapaDVD Money balance at the top of your account page, or by clicking the link on the Wrapper System page while printing a wrapper
- Then, when you are printing a wrapper to send a DVD:
- click to place a checkmark in the box next to the SwapaDVD-DC option. This is the second item in the list under the illustrations of the different wrapper layouts. The top option is for printing postage with SwapaDVD-DC; the middle is for printing with SwapaDVD-DC only; the bottom option lets you print with no extra services.
- When you print the wrapper by clicking Print Wrapper Now at the bottom of the Wrapper System page:
- $0.30 cents will be removed from your SwapaDVD Money account. This fee pays for the SwapaDVD tracking and QuickCredit/CreditAssurance service; it does not include the 19 cents for the USPS barcode-scanning service.
- If you are NOT choosing to print your postage (the top option on the Wrapper Settings page), but are choosing SwapaDVD-DC only, you must apply the 19 cents for the USPS fee in the form of additional postage applied to the package.
- If you HAVE chosen to print postage, the DC fee will be included in the postage that prints out on the wrapper
- To ensure that your barcode will be scannable by the PO:
- do not choose "Scale to Fit" when you print the Wrapper
- do not print on anything but white paper
- do not print if your black ink cartridge is low or empty
- do not smear the barcode after it is printed.
- Wrap the package as usual (and put postage on it plus 19 cents for the USPS part of this service if you did not print postage through PBS) and mail it.
- Don't forget to mark the DVD mailed!
- Until a DVD is marked mailed, it cannot receive QuickCredit.
- If your DVD is not marked mailed before the deadline, it will cancel (just as with any outgoing transaction).
- Using SwapaDVD Delivery Confirmation does not eliminate the "mark the DVD mailed" final step in the sending process.
- When USPS scans your package into the system and transmits that information to SwapaDVD, you get your credit.
- You don't have to wait for the package to get to its destination, or for the requestor to mark it received!
- If USPS scans your package and it is lost or misdelivered, you STILL automatically get your credit! This is CreditAssurance.
- When USPS scans the barcode and transmits the information to SwapaDVD:
- you get your QuickCredit and an email notifying you of this
- an orange checkmark will appear on the transaction indicating that this DVD has gotten its QuickCredit
- there can be a variable delay in USPS scanning and transmission of the scan information
- Delivery Confirmation purchased elsewhere (outside SwapaDVD) will NOT provide Quick or Guaranteed credits, as we have not done the programming to support this. For a Delivery Confirmation barcode scan to earn you a Quick/Guaranteed credit, it must be a barcode registered with SwapaDVD as well as USPS.
- The SwapaDVD fee (30 cents) for DC is non-refundable.
- Please be sure, before you print, that you ARE going to use the Delivery Confirmation service that you are purchasing. (Since the 19 cents' additional postage is not collected by SwapaDVD, that cost is not paid until you purchase postage or apply stamps to the package.) Printed postage is also non-refundable.