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Help Center - Can I get Quick/Guaranteed credit if I buy DC elsewhere (not through SwapaDVD)?

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No. Unless your Delivery Confirmation was purchased through the SwapaDVD system, your DVDs will not be tracked on the map nor will they be awarded QuickCredit or CreditAssurance (= Guaranteed Credits).

This is because:

  • Making the system work that way would require additional programming that we have not written.  The programming time to create this feature is part of what you pay for when you pay 30 cents to SwapaDVD to use it.

  • The fee for SwapaDVD Delivery Confirmation offsets the financial loss we sustain whenever we have to 'invent' credits to give to both sender and requestor when a DVD is declared Lost in the Mail  or damaged (we have to put money into escrow for every credit that is not backed by an actual DVD, to satisfy our lawyers, accountants, and Uncle Sam).
  • Guaranteed Credits are like insurance: you don't pay the insurance premium to Allstate and then submit your claim to Geico.    (And like insurance, Guaranteed Credits apply only to accounts with good sending records.  If your DVDs have a habit of not being received or of arriving damaged or unplayable, Guaranteed Credits will not be given.)

If you purchase your Delivery Confirmation outside of the SwapaDVD system, you may have paid more (75 cents at the PO), or less (18 cents for e-DC), but you have not paid the slight upcharge for the Quick/Guaranteed Credit and tracking services. Delivery Confirmation can be purchased for $0.18 several places on the Internet. 

What SwapaDVD provides, which justifies the additional $0.30 fee, is the service of mapping your DVD across the country, receiving 'quick credit', and being indemnified against possible misdelivery, damage, or loss of your DVD.