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Help Center - How to Use the Discussion Forums

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The Discussion Forums are a great way to "meet" other DVD lovers! 

The rules:

  • We ask that members put their topics into the appropriate Forums.
  • We ask that members behave courteously to one another, refrain from vulgarity, and do not 'bash' SwapaDVD or promote other swap sites.
  •  Advertisement or solicitation is not permitted in any member-contributed content on SwapaDVD, including the Discussion Forums and members' Forum sigs onSwapaDVD. (This does not include "advertising" your SwapaDVD Tower in the DVD  Bazaar.)

We will remove any links or other material which actively solicit for a commercial (or nonprofit) purpose. It is okay (an exception to the no-commercial-links policy)  to include a link to your personal webpage in your forum sig or public profile, even if your webpage is your business webpage; but there must be no accompanying soliciting text with the link. No links to other swapping sites, or any commercial sites, may appear in any member-contributed content on SwapaDVD--not in Forum sigs, nor Forum posts, nor SwapaDVD Profiles, nor PMs or Reviews.

Repeated violation of the Forum posting guidelines may lead to suspension or termination of membership.


How to use the Forums: The Basics

  • To read a topic:
    • Go to the Discussion Forums main page under Community from the top of any page on the site.
    • Scroll down the list of Forums and click on the title to see the list of active topics
    • Click the title of any topic to read the posts in it
      • To read the latest post in the topic, click "Last post" on the right of the list of topics
      • You can "jump to" any page in a topic by selecting a page number at the top or bottom
      • You can reply to any topic using the text box at the bottom of any page on the topic.
  • To post a new topic:
    • Click at the top of any Forum page
    • Enter your topic title in the Subject line (you will NOT be able to edit this once you have posted the topic)
    • Enter the text of your post  in the text box (if you are using a Mac, you wil need to have Firefox to do this)
    • Click
    • You can edit your posts (but not your topic title) at any time by clicking  on the post.
    • You cannot delete posts or topics.
    • Topics will "archive off" the active list 45 days after the last post in the topic.
  • To reply to a topic:
    • Click at the top of any page in the topic, or
    • Scroll down to the bottom of any page in the topic and enter your text in the Reply box there (if you are using a Mac, you will need Safari to do this)
    • Click
  • "Watched topics":
    • Your Watched Topics are the topics you have selected to follow
    • Watching a topic means that you will get an email alert whenever a new post is added to the topic
    • Click at the top of any page in the topic to add the topic to your Watched list.
    • You can get to your list of Watched Topics by clicking at the top of the main Forum page
    • You can Watch any number of topics
    • You can unWatch a topic by clicking at the top of any page in the topic.
  • Searching Forums
    • Click at the top of any forum page, or the top of the Forum Main Page.
    • You can search all of the Discussion Forums at once:
      • You can search by keyword/phrase in the topic subject (title) or message (post)
      • You can search by member Nickname to see all recent topics that member has posted in

Discussion Forum Rules and Recommendations:

Rules = policies that must be obeyed

Recommendations = helpful suggestions

  • Members must be courteous and respectful to one another. This is a rule.
  • Topics advertising your DVDs must be confined to the DVD Bazaar.  This is a rule.
  • In the DVD Bazaar, each member may start a maximum of 2 topics per day, and may "bump" a topic only once per day (not the same day that the topic was started).  This is a rule.
    • This is to permit everyone to have a chance to have their topic appear on the front page for a while, and not be "crowded out" by one relentless poster.
  • It is wise to consolidate your DVD Bazaar topics: title them with something eye-catching ("Spiderman and Batman and Superman, oh my!"), and give details in the first post (titles, formats, dates, stars of the DVDs you are offering, especially if the DVDs are unpostable/do not appear on your Tower).  This is a recommendation.
  • It is not recommended to start DVD Bazaar topics saying only "look at my tower!" or "order from me".  These topics clutter up the Bazaar and don't really help members know if you have anything on your tower that they might like. This is a recommendation.
  • Only movies (DVDs or VHS tapes) may be offered in the DVD Bazaar.   This is a rule.
  • No copied movies are permitted for swapping anywhere on SwapaDVD.  This is a rule; it is also the law.  Offering a copied/burned DVD or VHS tape in the DVD Bazaar will cause expulsion from the club.
  • You cannot ask or offer more than "SwapaDVD price" (1 credit per disc) at any time.  This is a rule.

Imported DVDs must have UPCs and Region 1 encoding

SwapaDVD is unable to allow the barter or exchange of any imported DVDs that do not have a verifiable UPC  and Region 1 (North America) encoding.   Unfortunately, many imported DVDs that lack a UPC are illegal copies rather than legitimately produced titles.  Likewise, many illegally produced DVDs have "Region 0" or "Region ALL" encoding allowing them to be played worldwide. If SwapADVD allows trading of pirated DVDs, we are potentially liable for contributory copyright infringement, a risk we as a company are not willing to take.  Because we have no way of verifying the authenticity of individual discs, we must insist that all imported DVDs traded here have both UPCs and Region 1 encoding.  Your strict compliance with this policy is required to maintain your account status.


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