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Help Center - I received an empty case (or empty wrapper)--no DVD (no disc) inside!

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If this is the wrapper or empty case for a DVD you requested, you should not mark the DVD received, since you did not get the actual DVD.  You should contact the sender to let him or her know what happened.  

If this was an EMPTY CASE (no disc inside)

  • The sender can send you the disc under separate cover; when you get it and it is playable, you should mark it received.
  • Alternatively, she can send you a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and you can return the case to her in it. 

If this was an EMPTY PACKAGE (nothing inside the envelope/wrapping)

  • If you think that the wrapping method may have contributed to the loss of the DVD, please do give (gentle/constructive) feedback to the sender; you can refer to What are the requirements for posting a DVD? if you like.

If you have not marked the DVD received yet, do not do so.  You will continue to get the usual auto-emails from SwapaDVD asking if the DVD has arrived; open and read the emails, and follow any instructions within. 

If the DVD hasn't arrived by the 26th day (*35th day for items mailed to or from outside the contiguous US) after it was marked mailed, then SwapaDVD will declare it Lost in the Mail and you will get your credit back.  If the DVD does arrive after that, you should mark it received from your Transaction Archive.    

Related Links:


I received a DVD that was 'lost in the mail'
How do I contact another member?
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