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Help Center - How do I buy credits?

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You can buy SwapaDVD credits in the SwapaDVD Kiosk, which is accessible from the toolbar at the top of any page on the site, or from the right-hand menu of your account page. You need to be logged in to see the Buy Credits option in the Kiosk. The price of credits can be viewed in the Kiosk.

In the Kiosk, you can use:
  • PayPal
  • Your credit/debit card
You can also send in a money order/check by snail mail to:
3651 Peachtree Pkwy
Ste E-390
Suwanee GA 30024-6009
If you send in a check or money order by mail:
  • Please be sure to include your full name (in the form that you used to register at SwapaDVD), and a notation of what the money is for (credits, Gift Certificate for Credits, Gift Certificate for DVDs, SwapaDVD Money, etc).

  • You should allow 10 business days for your payment to be processed.

There is a limit of 30 purchased credits per month, per account.  Purchased credits are "unbacked" credits, and we need to limit the number we issue to keep our taxes and required escrow under control.