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Help Center - SwapaDVD Privacy Policy

Search Terms:

SwapaDVD takes member privacy very seriously. 

  • SwapaDVD will not share your email or personal information. 
  • SwapaDVD will not inflict spam on you.
  • Only your first name and the first initial of your last name will appear on the site (in PMs, forums, or Profiles).

However, in order to receive DVDs from other members, you must provide a shipping address. 

  • SwapaDVD will release your shipping address to a sending member for ONLY the duration of an active transaction.
  • When the transaction is completed (or canceled, or the DVD is declared lost en route), your address will no longer be accessible from the website.

You can take further precautions to protect your privacy, from the Account Settings:

  • You can hide your city/state in the Member Directory and your SwapaDVD profile
  • You can opt out of appearing in the Member Directory even if you have a Profile
  • You can hide your transactions statistics on your Profile
  • The SwapaDVD Personal Message System allows you to communicate with other members without sharing your email address

If you are concerned about privacy issues, this is what we recommend:

  • Use only a first initial (full last name must be provided) when you register
  • Hide your city/state in the Member Directory and your SwapaDVD Profile
  • Do not share personal email addresses/mailing addresses in the Forums
  • Consider using a PO box or work address to receive your SwapaDVD shipments
  • Consider unlisting your telephone number
  • Do not give out your email address when you refer others--give them your SwapaDVD Nickname instead.

We know that the Internet contains search engines that permit access to private information such as telephone number, but it is NOT OKAY to use information obtained in such a manner to contact another SwapaDVD member.  If such contact is initiated without the express permission of the other member and the other member complains, the offender's SwapaDVD account may be terminated permanently.


Related Links:

What's in the Settings in My Account?
How do I contact another member?
How do I refer others to SwapaDVD?