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Help Center - Can I see my past transactions?

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There is a list of all your past transactions (completed, canceled, lost and problem) in your Transaction Archive.  Each transaction there has a button to contact the other member involved in the swap, and a Request Details link which gives more information about the transaction.

  • Every past transaction will appear in the Transaction Archive
  • That means that there may be multiple transactions for the same DVD (if one sender canceled, for example, or if one copy was declared Lost in the Mail)

Your active transactions do not appear in the Transaction Archive. They appear in My Account, in the Requested From Me, DVDs I've Requested, DVDs to Mail, DVDs I've Mailed or  En Route to Me tabs

  • click My Account in the toolbar at the top of the site, and scroll down if necessary to see these tabs. Click the tab to see the active transactions in that category.
  • There will be no tab for a category if there are no active transactions in that category.

To get to your Transaction Archive:

  • From anywhere on the site: Place your cursor over My Account and click Transactions Archive in the menu that drops down.
  • From My Account: click the My Account tab, and click the link "Transaction Archive" in the yellow bar at the top of the page.

Symbols on the Transactions Archive:

Completed Successfully (sender received credit)

Canceled (no credit granted to sender) or Wrong DVD Received (sender received credit)

place your cursor over the image to see if a specific transaction is Canceled or a Wrong DVD, and to see who canceled: sender or requestor.

  • If you receive a DVD that had been declared lost in the mail, you can click to grant credit to the sender and move the transaction to Completed Successfully status.
  • Be sure that you are marking the correct transaction received--check the sender's name first!  You may have multiple canceled transactions for a particular DVD title.

Received Damaged  (sender got credit for sending)

Lost in Mail

  • If you receive a DVD that was lost in the mail, you can click to move the transaction to Completed Successfully status.
  • Be sure that you are marking the correct transaction received--check the sender's name first!  You may have multiple  transactions for a particular DVD title in your archive.

Using the Transaction Archive:

  • Sorting:
    • You can sort by All Requests (default view), DVDs Requested by Me, or DVDs Requested From Me.
    • You can choose one type of transaction to view: All, Successfully Completed, Canceled by Sender, etc.
    • You can sort by title, actor, date requested or date received, and choose ascending or descending
      • ascending title means requests displayed by title, A -> Z; descending means Z -> A.
      • ascending date means requests are displayed by date (requested or received), earlier to later; descending means later to earlier.
    • Click after you have made your sorting choices to see the list as you have specified.
  • Click the Request Details link on any transaction to see:
    • Dates: requested, printed, mailed, etc.
    • Dialogue about the transaction:  
      • Messages sent and received between sender/requestor about this transaction will appear here.
      • You can send a message from this area; it will be sent as a PM, and will also appear here
      • Messages can be replied to from within Request Details, OR from Personal Messages
      • Each time a new message about a transaction is sent, a notification auto-email will be sent.