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Help Center - Can I hand-write the address to send a DVD?

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Yes.  If you cannot (or do not wish to) print the wrapper, you may hand-write the address on your packaged DVD.

You will need to access the address from the request for the DVD on your My Account page, the same way you would begin if you were going to print it. Once you are viewing it (either in .pdf format downloaded to your computer, or on a webpage using the backup wrapper link), instead of printing it you can copy the address onto your package. 

Here is how to get the address:

  • Click on the request for the DVD.
  • The Wrapper Settings page will come up.
    • Choose the orientation (layout) of your wrapper
    • Scroll down and click .
      • The .pdf file will download to your computer
      • Open it and copy the address from there.
      • If you are unable to download the .pdf wrapper, you should disable your browser's popup blocker (in Firefox, you can select to allow popups from swapadvd.com)
      • If your browser is set to accept popups from SwapaDVD, you should disable your antivirus/firewall software. 
      • If you are able to download the .pdf but cannot open it, you should get a new copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    • If the Print Wrapper Now button does not work, click for the backup wrapper.  
      • You will be taken to a printable form of the address on a new webpage
      • You can hand-copy this.


Related Links:

How to Print the SwapaDVD Wrapper
How to Wrap a DVD for Mailing