Insane especially the real life zombie discussed at the very beginning. The really low ratings are probably not justified but if you like amateur campy films, this is for you!
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jorge S. (jorgito2001) from WESLEY CHAPEL, FL Reviewed on 1/18/2013...
Arguably THEEE worst zombie movie EVER (even worse then House of the Dead & Day of the Dead 2: Contagium). The shoe string budget doesn't help, but believe me, its just....BAD! Only redeemable quality is the "star" Jenicia Garcia and her VERY NICE ba-donk-a-donk that seems to be focused on a lot (we never see her nude It looks like some friends simply got together & decided to make a quick movie for laughs. I honestly can't believe I FINISHED this thing! Guess I'm a sucker for punishment. The same "filmmakers" are also responsible for "Vampiyaz" (something about those gangsta Z's). Best believe I WON'T be checking that out.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Don't expect a black zombie classic...
Daniel W. Kelly | Long Island, NY United States | 05/21/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The cover of the DVD looks REALLY creepy. It's a scam. Hip Hop horror has become a genre, and this is a terrible attempt to go the zombie route. This is 80 minutes of one woman running away from people with no zombie makeup on, just making silly snarling faces and grunting noises--and each "zombie" has bright red blood splashed on its white t-shirt so you know it's been chowing down. In group shots, when the zombies rip store bought meat products out of victims' shirts, some of the actors are either smiling or laughing at how stupid they're acting. It's ridiculous. Oh yeah, the zombies talk every once in a while, too. and they tote guns. And they wield a whole lot of rubber meat cleavers, and you can clearly see them faking the blows of the blade. Storyline? Simply, this woman seems to work at a construction site, gets attacked by the zombies, all her co-workers die, she runs and runs and runs, runs through the woods, finally mentions that she's going to save her husband and get away, and then eventually ends up back at the construction site after being captured several times and tied up by the zombie gang then breaking free while some other unfortunate gets sliced up. this movie is bad. NO redeeming qualities. Also, it's set almost entirely to a hip hop rhythm track. Honestly, don't waste your money."
Zombiez, quite possibly the worst movie ever made.
TBC | 06/16/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Let's face it, there are alot of bad horror movies out there.. and this is the worst. First off the cover actually looks really good and the discription is misleading. If you ignore the poor flim quality and the shaky scenes you still are over whelmed with horrible hip hop music played over and over and over again. It's like they didn't even try, the special effects are horrible, infact so bad that it makes Godzilla look awsome. I've never see such poor acting, was this a joke? Did they think that this would be funny? This film is not even acceptable for an elementary school student.. I wouldn't reccomend this dvd to line your bird cage.. it's not even that good."
Bad Bad Bad
Andre Villemaire | Canada | 01/27/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Now if you just spend your hard earned money for this movie, i
suggest you look at it in fast foward and then put it away in
file 19. This is a poor example of a movie, and should have
never been made. None of the characters are interesting and the
acting of the zombies is pitiful and embarrassing for any true
zombie fan."
ULP....BLECH.....GURPLE.....BLECH (Puking Noises)
Zombich | In Ya Momma!!! | 02/01/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
""EEEK, Watch Out Lady, There's A Guy With Tomato Paste All Over His Shirt Chasing You!!!" BOOGLY!! BOOGLY!! BOO!! Did I scare you, if so you can probably still handle Zombiez. Seriosly, this has got to be one of the most offensive attempts at making a zombie movie ever known to man...House Of The Dead 1 & 2, Children Of The Dead, and Day Of The Dead 2 Contagion are all masterpieces compared to this crap. I'm about ready to boycott all of Lions Gate's straight to video horror releases, they all suck horse balls, it's like they don't even watch their own movies before releasing them. Lions Gate has been consistently been putting out some of the best theatrical horror pics to date, so what gives? All though this "Zombiez" is an awful movie, you can salvage the money spent, coffee table coaster's anyone, it would make a great miniture cutting board, you can use it as fire wood(plastic), & of course last but not least with soft jelly like substances you could use the disc as a half-assed cutting knife. All though if you're already pretty well stocked up in all those departments, you should probably save yourself the agony of sitting through this garbage and skip it, consider yourself warned. BOO!!...did I scare you?"
I rented this "movie" for $2, which is $4 too much
Daniel Hidalgo | Southgate, Michigan United States | 09/06/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"But even though this movie is completely devoid of any redeeming value, you can still learn some important facts:
A sickle is a surprisingly common weapon for zombies to use.
Zombies find it amusing to hide, throw rocks at you, and laugh.
If surrounded by a group of 8 or more zombies, wave a meat cleaver in their general direction and they will scatter.
Zombies eat nothing but your guts, and only when you are wearing a shirt that covers the wound.
Not only do they not decay, they are even aware enough to clean up between feedings.
When the time comes for the final battle with the zombie leader, it should take the form of a co-ed boxing match. Seriously."