Tom Goryssimo | Skies above, Heaven FR | 10/23/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Once again, TROMA offers us, GOREHOUNDS, the possibility to see What some broke but talented and creative filmmakers can do.
First, you got KEVIN WOODS and ADAM MINAROVICH'S WIZEGUYS VS ZOMBIES. Those dudes got some skills when it comes to shooting and editing. The plot is simple but way effective : some mobsters carry some new drug troughout the coutry. Of course, that drug turns people into UNDEAD and of course the wiseguys end up slaughtering a whole new REDNECK ZOMBIES town in order to survive.
The action is fun, most of the actors are great, the dialogues are hilarious and so is the whole damn flick.
So why only 3 stars ? Well, there is a major low point to this beautiful mess : GORE FX. Some of them are OKish but they are mostly inexistant. Eg : a mobster shoots a ZOMBIE several times, from very close and with a SHOTGUN... The least you can expect then, is blood on the CORPSE's chest but Forget about it !! There is not even a single scratch. It maybe sounds like i'm bitching here but see for yourself and you'll get my point. Anyway, that movie is good enough to show bigger producers where they could invest their green if they had balls and it's nice enough to appeal to GOREHOUNDS who can stand no-budget productions.
Next comes the infamous DAVID SILVIO's MEAT FOR SATAN'S ICEBOX. Now... Here is one sick, disturbing, disgusting and scandalous little flick.
Some running away teenage girl discovers that her whole town is under the control of a group of powerful and really sick cannibals. That's basically it, plus numerous scenes of torture, rape, cannibalism, necrophilia and even worse ( the LLOYD KAUFMAN's cameo's scene must be seen to be believed )!! If you want to test your stomach, this is THE flick to watch, no doubt. Now, the GORE is OK but most of the actors are not on top of their games, the picture is camcorder quality and the editing is quite chaotic and confusing to say the least. In the end, I'm sure most viewers won't mind the flick being so cheap because otherwise they would blow a fuse over all this madness. I mean, can you stand to watch one guy forced to eat his own severed genitals ? that's the type of questions you got to ask yourself before watching this lovely flick."
Buy for the WG vs Zombies, ignore the other
J. Balsamo | 09/02/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Never buy a Troma before you see a trailer and reviews first. 90% of the Troma movies appear as if shot with a home camcorder over the previous weekend. Besides WG vs. Z., the good ones are weak but at least so bad they are funny like "Redneck Zombies", "Toxic Advenger" series, "Cannibal the Musical","Tromeo and Juliet", and "Bloodsucking Freaks".
Wiseguys vs. Zombies - Micro budget but actually pretty funny. Gus had some good one liners and the bad scenes were so bad they were funny. CD would be a 4 if this was the only movie on it. Music went well with the scenes. Original ideas in some parts when killing the zombies, most low budget zombie movies just steal the killing scenes from other films. Zombie make up not too good but it does remind me of the classic "redneck zombies". Watched sober while drinking coffee and enjoyed it. Pay attention to Gus's one liners. I almost missed a few when making coffee and had to rewind to catch them. This film I give 4 stars.
Meat for Satan's Icebox - If it were a separate disk when you buy this set, mine would be sitting in a landfill surrounded by rotting trash. Tried to watch but it was too painful. Blood and gore are weak. Main characters that try to act tough look like the ones in high school who lost their milk money to bullies in the lunch room. Actors and actresses are those who you see in the bars of horror conventions slobbering drunk and spewing out that they are stars and angry because no one recognizes them. Pretty sad when I've been able to finish watching some waste of cd space like "Vampires vs. Zombies", "Buttcrack", and "Robo Vampire". This film I give 1 star, would give lower if it was possible."