One of the worst movies I've ever seen, from any genre!
Matt C. Handfield | Northampton, Ma USA | 08/21/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Holy Ca Ca! This movie is so bad, I can't even describe, so bare with me. So what happens when Zombies take over the world, the survivors in City...? your guess is as good as mine. Take refuge in an empty ware house. In fact thats where 97% of this film takes place. The other3% takes place in the woods surrounding the Ware house.
This movie looks like its shot on lowgrade video tape. The acting is so bad, its almost like the actors are reading off Cue Cards. Honestly it looks like someones Video Class homework.
Now, if Zombies take over the world and you have to defend yourself with the only practical kind of weapon-guns wouldn't you get the best stuff? Yeah not these guys, about 95% of guns being used, look like cap guns, or something smaller than a 38 snub nose revolver.
There is some gore in this film but, because of the video quality the picture was shot on, and the bad acting coupled with bad directing the gory parts of this movie seem very fake. Example, in one part of the film a zombie gets his leg blasted off just below the knee, when the zombie is rolling around on the ground with No leg, you can see the actor has his lower leg in a hole with the latex and prosthetics around his knee. So lame.
When this movie finally ended, I honestly said 'theres an hour and a half of my life I'm never getting back.' I think I'm just a bit less intelligent because I watched it. How about that! Bottom Line....Terrible, not worth the plastic that its printed on."
Simply AWFUL
The Rikster | Las Vegas, Nevada United States | 03/25/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I gave this one star only because I coudn't give it anything less. This was perhaps the worst film, even by low-budget horror standards, simply for the fact that nothing ruins a production faster than bad acting and bad dialogue. And this film exhibited both. The dialogue, the writing, the acting, especially the lack of character development, which did nothing more than to create an ensemble of pasteboard characters, was so poorly done that I would have to say that this was written by fourth graders for third graders. **Seriously, even if you like low budget horror films no matter how bad they may be, stay away from this one. This film is an insult to the art of horror."
Time I'll Never Get Back
Bones | Lake Jackson, Tx | 04/09/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Skipping the whole synopsis since you can just scroll up if you don't know what this movie is about, we'll get to the meat. This is the most horrible movie I've endured for quite some time. The only reason I didn't turn it off and save myself some pain is the fact that I actually had to pay money to see it. Don't make the same mistake I did.
The actors in this movie are absolutely unforgivable. I sincerely hope that Zombie Night marks the end of the careers of everybody invloved. Not only could they not pull off simple dialog, but the action scenes (I'm using this term very loosely, mind you) are atrocious. They look like a bunch of five year olds play fighting. Also, new charaters seemed to just appear out of nowhere.
Next, small detail though it may be, they had the wussiest guns I have ever seen in a movie. If you had a .22 revolver and wanted a gun that really sucked, this is the gun you would have. They looked like cap guns or something but everybody acts like they are hand cannons. There is actually one .45 caliber in the movie, but it seems like they kept rading it around. In one frame a character might have the .45 and in the next frame he/she has a cap gun and somebody else has the .45.
Also, the movie seems to be really long. I though it would never end. They actually tried for a plot, but the script is so crappy and drawn out that it takes an eternity. And after all the utter lameness there is still no substance to the plot.
I think the worst crime committed by this movie is that the gore effects are actually good. That good splatter was wasted on this should be illegal. There are also some pretty decent looking zombies. This actually serves to point out all of the other failings of this movie and by no means does it redeem Zombie Night. I dare say that House Of The Dead was better. Gee, I never thought I'd say that........"
A decent zombie movie
James | California | 06/08/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Now, take note that I am a huge fan of ZOMBIE-SURVIVAL movies, I couldn't give a crap if a zombie movie had loads and loads of gore, what fascinates me is how the survivors survive, and what the rest of the world is going through when this is all happening. Believe it or not, this movie actually did satisfy all of my needs, although they may have did it with below-average acting, this is a pretty decent zombie SURVIVAL movie."
I would give this zero stars if I could
The Legend Of Megadon | USA | 01/08/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I want my five dollars back. This movie stole nearly two hours of my life I will never get back. This movie was utterly terrible. Where do we start? OK first the camera work was shoddy. The script was the worst piece of dung I have ever witnessed. The acting was vomit worthy, seriously this bunch of actors makes Britney Spears and K-Fed look talented. The set's were cheap and the worst I have ever seen in my life. The special effect's where where they? The director and the producer's must have been nut's to think the abomination was even good for a B movie. I could go on for hours about how terrible this movie was. In my humble opinion I think that all copies of this film should be thrown into a fire. Seriously. I recommend you stay as far away from this movie as possible. This is the worst movie I have ever seen."