How far will you go for true love? After pledging their undying love for one another, happy newlyweds Danny (Graham Sibley) and Denise (Tracy Coogan) head to the Jersey Shore for their honeymoon. The romantic start to thei... more »r new life is cut short when Danny is attacked on the beach and Denise discovers that her new husband has become a flesh eating zombie! As he tries to contain his cannibalistic behavior for the sake of their marriage, Denise decides to stand by her man "for better or worse". But will Danny's decay eventually cause Denise to forsake her true love? One part horror flick and one part romantic comedy, Zombie Honeymoon is guaranteed to first melt your heart, and then tear it out! Written and Directed by Dave Gebroe.« less
Seemed like a great concept for a Zombie movie and the beginning was strong but it fizzled out.
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 2/27/2012...
A boring film that drags along at a snails pace. Cheap best describes every aspect of this movie. Bad acting, a pointless story & grade z effects. The characters have zero personality or screen prescence. Bad in every way
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Robbi C. (silverscreensilent22) from WEBSTER GRVS, MO Reviewed on 4/9/2011...
What happens when your new husband starts eating the neighbors? Do you "Stand by your man," as the Loretta Lynn song goes, or brush it all aside and think of happier times? Tune in to Zombie Honeymoon and learn all the grisly details, with a does of humor thrown in for good measure. The humor, alas, disappears toward the end when Hubby becomes a veritable killing machine, but this is a better-than-average zombie flick nonetheless.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Nikki E. (missnikki) from KNOXVILLE, TN Reviewed on 10/5/2010...
This was a quirky zombie movie,they had fun with it and that's what I love is new creativity.Not really a horror but was an enjoyable movie,liked it and have recommended it
"Danny and Denise are still in the glorious days of nuptial bliss, roaming the peaceful beaches and woods surrounding their borrowed honeymoon home. Their joy is complete, their bliss never ending, until that oh so fateful day when a bedraggled zombie walks out of the surf, hunger urging it onward to attack an unsuspecting Danny. Luckily, Danny survives, waking in the hospital after having been technically dead for ten minutes. The disaster has been averted, Danny is alive and well, shaken (but not stirred) by his gruesome encounter . . . or so they think. It's time dear friends, for the honeymoon bliss to begin and as Danny starts to inexplicably change, acquiring a taste for some rather succulent looking neighbors, Denise must decide whether it's worth the pain (and the carpet stains) to stand by her man. The romance, the love, the evening walks, and the occasional devoured friend . . . its time for romance zombie style! Remember, zombie love can break your heart.
What, you ask, possesses anyone to watch a movie entitled Zombie Honeymoon? Doesn't the title just say it all? The love, the betrayal, the endless rounds of cheesiness. Oh the pain, the pain. Indeed, I viewed this on Chiller Channel's weekend marathon of the top ten cheesiest horror movies of all time (aptly titled The Cheese Fest) and I must admit, the movie was worthy of the title. Still, the film did have its redeeming qualities including, most importantly, a unique, if underdeveloped, plotline. The idea of a newlywed couple experiencing such an unbearably painful tragedy is surprisingly sorrowful and emotional for a movie that otherwise promises to be a cornball funfest. Zombie Honeymoon employed a unique study of human emotion and artistic license when Denise discovered her husband's degeneration and, instead of running from his pleading, decides to support and help him in this time of need. In so doing, the nebulous plotline took shape (somewhat) and the drama announced its main theme: just how far should one go for love? Is it "till death do us part" or really "till undeath do us part?" The answer, while done zombie style, overcame the air of corniness and inspired the viewer toward productive thought concerning the meaning of life, love, and mutating strains of zombie viruses. Because of this interesting plotline, the viewer is inspired to continue watching the movie, despite its other not-so-great elements.
Likewise, the film possessed one other redeeming quality - - - the exploitation of sadness to induce empathy. While Danny was wimp zombie extraordinaire, Denise portrayed her role quite nicely, leading the viewer to sympathize with her situation and her dying romance. Indeed, despite the film's low budget and aura of cheesiness the main actors including Tracy Coogan, Graham Sibley, Tonya Cornelisse, David M. Wallace, and Neal Jones portrayed their roles surprisingly well lending a palpable dose of human emotion and drama that calls for the viewer's empathy and interest.
And now, as they say, for the hour of truth - - - onward to the film's copious compilation of cons. Firstly, while the plot was ingenious, its production was not. As a part of the Cheese Fest, the movie contained more plot holes than a treasure trove of Swiss cheese and the viewer was compelled to fall into each one (over and over again). Danny's new appetite and his subsequent remorse cause some sticky situations, causing him to occasionally lash out at pedestrians, friends, beach goers, etc all in public places within full viewer of the unnecessarily slow witted police department who, although there is a zombiefied man covered in blood prowling the streets, swinging dismembered limbs, just can't figure out what is happening to all these missing people. Huh? I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree, but I am pretty sure that if someone started chewing on people in my presence, I'd notice. And, considering all the numerous times Danny's appetite catches him in, shall we say precarious circumstances, logic dictates that, eventually, even the dimmest witted individual would notice.
Of course, with Danny's newly acquired "taste" action is required - - - eventually. It never occurs to either of our characters that, perchance, this new phase of binge eating isn't going to stop and maybe measures should be taken. You see, in the world of zombie lore there are two kinds of zombies (1.) scary zombie --- a slave to his appetites --- he is an evil menace to the world sparing no one in his unbridled carnage and (2.) wimp zombie --- he takes the world on, one bite at a time, killing and maiming with manners --- he apologizes when he bites into your arm. There, we have it now folks, gentlemen zombie! He may eat your family, but he'll do it with style and sympathy. And so, the movie pokes along, detailing Danny's wailings of sorrow and misery as he munches his way through Denise's fav friends. Eventually, somebody remembers that stories should have direction and so Danny and Denise come up with a plan to save the day --- they're going to Portugal. Yep, that makes sense. I definitely see how that is going to solve the problem. And, considering Danny's new proclivity, a fourteen hour plane ride is a really good idea.
After much ado about nothing, spiced in with a few surrealistic scenes of true merit, the movie rushes forward to a conclusion that is, quite frankly, dissatisfying. Nothing is ever truly explained, the zombie plague is just as much of a mystery as when the film started, and the concluding song (a cheerful little country ballad) shatters the entire atmosphere of brooding sadness that the movie had managed to successfully maintain. So much potential, so little satisfaction.
And onto one more complaint that may not be totally fair, the movie was exceedingly gross. Now, considering that the title is Zombie Honeymoon and that the intro is filled with chewing sounds, it is more than apparent that the movie never claimed to be anything other than what it is. Still, caveat emptor, the production will turn your stomach so if you need a new diet regime, consider watching this before every meal.
Conclusion: Essence of the Zombie --- to watch or not to watch
Zombie Honeymoon was a rare cheese fest film in that the basis behind the plot was actually pretty ingenious but the production just wasn't there. The film does have some merit, and to its credit, it keeps the viewer curious enough to watch until the conclusion. This is a movie that isn't for the general populace. I would only suggest this film for those who are extreme zombie and cheese fest fans. Proceed with caution ... most people won't like this.
- Ravenova"
'Till Death Do They Part...
Madelyn Pryor | Mesa, AZ United States | 03/19/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In this classic take on what it means to stay married until the end, Danny and Denise get married and set out on their honeymoon. Only a few hours into their life as a married couple, Danny is bitten by a zombie and dies, but he doesn't stay dead, and he awakens with a ravenous appetite that threatens to destroy all that he loves, including his new bride, Denise.
This is a fun flick, with a rockabilly/surfer soundtrack and background, about a couple of characters that most horror fans can identify with. The special effects are nothing breathtaking, but they're not bad either. There are more holes in the plot than a good piece of Swiss cheese, but you don't rent a movie like this and expect a piece of well constructed, fine art, either. The film also has a good flow from start to finish.
There is no real `hardcore' zombie action, but if you're a fan of zombies or a completist of the undead genre, then this is a fun afternoon flick to throw on while you're doing housework or homework.
Recommended for Zombie fans everywhere.
Chick Flick of the Living Dead
Eddie Whitlock | Georgia, USA | 06/06/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The plot is pretty simple. A couple on their honeymoon encounter a fellow who turns out to be a zombie. He turns the husband into a zombie. For the next eighty minutes, we follow his devolution into the walking dead.
There's lots of gore. Most of the special effects are decent.
It's the plot that makes this worth watching. My wife enjoyed it more than I did. (I fell asleep the first viewing and had to repeat the last thirty minutes the next day.)
If your wife (or girlfriend) won't watch zombie movies with you, this might be middle ground: a chick flick of the living dead."
Zombeo-and-Juliet, with heart
Radu Ysya | Oakland, CA | 01/31/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Fans of zombie cinema are no strangers to wading through loads of dreck to find the gems. Rest assured, Zombie Honeymoon is one of those gems. Unlike far too many horror movies out there, this independent work of art by Dave Gebroe delivers high levels of blood & gore _without_ sacrificing creepiness, infuses its characters with coolness and humor _without_ sacrificing character depth, and is emotionally charged _without_ sacrificing style.
The concept, at its core, is a tragic love story. There are a number of jokes -- good jokes, pitch-black and subtle -- and they are often delivered nonintrusively when the tension is highest. But even more important is the romantic element, which, in Gebroe's capable hands, provides a bizarrely appropriate structure for a story full of some very palpable horror. Gorehounds and horror enthusiasts will certainly be delighted, but I expect non-horror fans to enjoy this film, as well.
The story follows newlyweds Denise and Danny -- portrayed excellently by Tracy Coogan and Graham Sibley -- on their honeymoon, which is interrupted when Danny is attacked by a mysterious zombie-like fellow. After Danny dies and inexplicably revives, he starts to feel new cravings... for human flesh. As Denise finds out, planning for the future, handling the tasks of the moment, and maintaining ties to the past all become much trickier when one is married to an anthropophagous ghoul.
Many viewers will be able to connect with Zombie Honeymoon at different levels. The main characters are likeable and realistically portrayed, so their trials seem that much more sympathetic. People who have suffered the loss of a loved one may be able to relate to Denise's situation and empathize with her distress, and people who have had to deal with addiction or disease in themselves or those close to them may notice multiple parallels.
I'm not kidding. It's a blood-spattered zombie movie, and it's probably the most _moving_ blood-spattered zombie movie you'll see for some time.
I caught Zombie Honeymoon during one of its limited theatrical runs, and I'm already looking forward to seeing it again. This DVD will definitely be worth owning. A solid assortment of special features has been announced, including two commentaries (one with the writer / director / producer himself, and another with the lead actors), two behind-the-scenes documentaries, and others. Definitely pick this one up when it comes out (appropriately enough) on Valentine's Day."
Excellent Film, Atypical of the Genre, Great but Depressing.
brian tunick | west new york, nj United States | 03/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Zombie Honeymoon is certainly not what I expected. We fans of the zombie genre really can not be sure what we're getting by looking at a cover. As one reviewer suggested, the packaging makes ZH appear to be a troma-esqe zombedy that will provide a few laughs and fit nicely between `Rabid Grannies' and `Redneck Zombies'. What we get here is very different.
This is not a post apocalyptic quest for survival set to a backdrop of hordes of flesh-hungry monsters. There are only two zombies in the entire movie, and one is only seen for about 30 seconds. Zombie Honeymoon is much more about the trials and tribulations of true love.
We watch a couple go through the heartbreak of attempting to deal with her beloved husband's `affliction'. At one point, we even see him rationalizing that he is not a bad person. Wife Tracy Coogan is extremely convincing in her internal struggle to be there for husband, till death do them part. If there is any justice in filmmaking, Coogan will be seen again, she is excellent. Husband is (while not nearly as convincing) pretty adept to showing his internal struggle between not wanting to kill people and his need to feed his `addiction'.
15 hours after watching the movie, I am still affected. It was a powerful love story. Zombie Honeymoon is considerably more depressing than any other movie with the word `zombie' in the title. I would absolutely recommend it, especially if the girlfriend will be watching too. Just make sure to keep a copy of `Shaun of the Dead' handy as an antidote for post `Zombie Honeymoon' depression. And watch for the quick Fulci tribute."