Tom Goryssimo | Skies above, Heaven FR | 01/18/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The only time I've heard about ZOMBIE BRIGADE was from the directors of THE UNDEAD ( an upcoming Australian ZOMBIE flick really awesome ). They were like " this is the only ZOMBIE flick the Australia has produced so far..."As a ZOMBIE Movies Fan, when I saw that this movie was available on AMAZON, I decided to give it a try. And well, this was quite a disappointment at first. I'm easy when it comes to Zombies but this one does not have any decent make-ups or gore F.X and the ending is just crap.On the other hand, the acting is not that bad and the plot is quite intelligent. It shows how dumb Australian Rednecks Society can be and includes some Aborigines cultural elements which is cool. Overall, you got some nice pictures like the one showing the ZOMBIE SOLDIERS walking in the cemetery.If you buy this movie, don't expect a Zombie Gorefest but an O.K Horror movie worth watching late at night."
S. Boone | Louisville, KY | 01/22/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is a stinky Aussie vampire/zombie movie that has little to offer. The premise sounds great but it's a no-budget sleepwalk and entirely without a point. A Viet Nam memorial is dynamited to make room for a Japanese theme park dedicated to cartoon character Robot Man....see, I told you it sounded great! Zombie vampire Viet Nam vets are then released and mosey all over the place doing very little, actually. A snore, a bore, off to the trade-in store."