Worth buying if you did not get the 4 disc set
Enrique Fernandez Roberts | Washington, DC | 11/15/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I consider myself a fan of Romero's and of zombie movies in general, so it was pretty cool to see this come out on its own. Dawn of the Dead was released in Europe as Zombi, with Dario Argento recutting Romero's classic.
Unfortunately, the 4 disc set was not available when I bought Dawn of the Dead, so it's great to see they released ZOMBI as a solo offering. For those who own the 4 disc Dawn of the Dead boxed set, this version of Zombi has all the exact same features, so this is not for you.
For those who have only the one version, or for those who have never seen any of the Romero zombie movies, this is the version to see. The soundtrack by Goblin is super creepy, much of the original humor is toned down, and you get a scarier and more exciting version of an already scary and exciting movie.
While Zombi may seem tame by today's standards, in it's day it was considered a gruesome flick. For fans of horror and gore, this is the movie to watch. Fans of Romero will dig seeing his vision through someone else's eyes. Those who own the original Dawn of the Dead but who don't want to buy the box set, consider this a bonus disc."
Not bad but not spectacular just a different view from a d
J. Kramer | Bronx/Queens , NY | 10/19/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"....This item is already released....October 18,2005 in your local Best Buy. Saw it when i went to buy Land of the Dead. Also released is George romeros " Season of the Witch ", which I never saw but heard this transfer is horrible and not worth getting, as well as "Day of the Dead: Contagium" a homage which i heard was horrible I passed up both for now in the future maybe I will be bored and buy them but for now I will read what others viewers post.
Anyway its a re-cut version of the original Dawn of the Dead by Romero, it has most of the humor cut and has other parts inserted to make it more serious. This was released in Europe as Zombi by Dario Argento ( which is where Fulci got the idea for Zombi aka Zombi 2 ), I think everyone knew that already well if you are a fan of the zombie genre and know your stuff.. A good cut different but not that much, I wouldnt say so much different you should buy it.But I know even if i didnt have the box set I wouldnt anyway.
Also Dawn of the Dead releasd a 4 disc box set for $30, it has the original , the uncut, the Argento cut and a additional disc with tons and tons of extras , so if you want this you might as well splurge an extra $15 - $20 or so and get the set its welll worth it."
Worth It for the Commentary Alone (if you don't have it alre
T. A. Rothfuss | New Hampshire | 01/18/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you don't already have this version, I'd recommend picking it up not only for the sake of comparison, but also for the highly entertaining commentary by the four leads (David Emge, Ken Foree, Scott Reiniger and Gaylen Ross). It's like a high school reunion of sorts - and they talk all the way through it (not like some commentaries that have that awkward silence in bits). Lots of fun!
(Also, it's getting less expensive to pick up, too :)"
Good Bet for Zombie Fans
Danno | NY, NY | 01/26/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm assuming you already know the basics of "Dawn of the Dead" and are trying to decide if this version of the film is for you. This is "Dawn of the Dead" as it appeared in Europe in the 1970s. I can think of two main reasons why you would choose this version over the single disk American version of "Dawn of Dead." Firstly, if you first saw this movie in Europe, you'll probably want the exact version you remember. Dario Argento slighly re-edited the film to correspond to European tastes, and this is probably more to your liking. Secondly, if you are a fan of the Italian rock band Goblin, you will probably like this version of "Dawn of the Dead" more because Argento uses more of their music in the score than George Romero did. For example, whereas Romero used stock library music as the Muzak playing on the PA system in the shopping mall in the film, Argento has lounge-style music played by Goblin instead. Otherwise, to me, it's a toss-up. I was surprised, however, that there was no Italian-language version of the dialogue available as an option on the soundtrack.
I'll leave it to the die-hard pundits to argue over whether this is a "better" or "worse" version of "Dawn of the Dead." By today's standards, this isn't a very gory film and the original "Night of the Living Dead" is much more frightening. But, to me, "Dawn of the Dead" captures a growing sense of dread and doom that few other horror or science fiction films even attempt to address. That's why I think this is a worthwhile movie to see, especially for people dismissive of fantastic films as a genre.
As a bonus, there's a lively and amusing commentary track featuring the four lead actors of the cast. They're having a great time watching their film and sharing their memories. It's one of the warmest commentary tracks I can remember experiencing."