And the Oscar goes to...Sam Jones III...ZigZag!!!!!
C. Law | USA | 11/02/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"ZIGZAG is the story of an autistic 15-year-old boy named ZigZag, spelled with two big Z's and two little G's (Sam Jones III) who steals money from his boss (Oliver Platt) to provide rent for his abusive father (Wesley Snipes), who uses the money to repay a loan shark (Luke Goss).
Writer David S. Goyer most known for his dark superhero films, ... succeeds with this little drama which in a way is also about a superhero, only this superhero is a 15 year old autistic child.
Young actor Sam Jones III absolutely made me fall in love with ZigZag. .. While I know he won't even be considered come Oscar time he should be the winner. Watch out for this kid. He can truly act. John Leguizamo (MOULIN ROUGE; COLLATERAL DAMAGE), who usually comes off rather annoying to me, also shines as Singer, the big brother character of ZigZag.. The chemistry between Leguizamo and Jones is brilliant and lights up the screen.
The other performances make stnd out as well. Oliver Platt (THE THREE MUSKETEERS; LIBERTY STANDS STILL) revels in a wonderfully rich and funny supporting role. Natasha Lyonne (AMERICAN PIE 1 and 2) delivers a rich performance as a hooker with a heart and Wesley Snipes (LIBERTY STANDS STILL; BLADE) casts is beleivable as a crack-addicted abusive father. .. He knows how to act and what he's doing. But when it's all said and done, its Sam Jones III who is the heart and soul of the film, and ultimately why we care to see it unfold."
A peek into the dysfunctional life of one young boy....
I. Allison | Sacramento, CA United States | 01/13/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Louis (Sam Jones III) aka ZigZag is a 15 year-old autistic boy, who lives with this physically-abusive, and drug-addicted father, Fletcher (Wesley Snipes--Blade, Blade 2, Passenger 57, Jungle Fever). He works a low-paying job washing dishes at a local diner, where he is often ridiculed by the alcoholic manager, Mr Walters aka "The Toad" (Oliver Platt--Don't Say A Word, Liberty Stand Still) with racial epithets and remarks about his condition in general. His only friend is Dean Singer (John Leguizamo,--Carlito's Way, Empire,) who acts as a Big Brother to ZigZag, despite his illness. When ZigZag's father (who is also in debt to the Mob) threatens that ZigZag needs to give him $200 for the rent or he is homeless (ZigZag understands this as "two-zero-zero-"), ZigZag devises a plan to steal some money from the safe at work to give to his father. ZigZag steals the money, (all $9,241 of it) and gives it to his father--who takes ALL the money, leaving Zig with nothing. Soon an investigation starts, and Zig doesn't know what is going to happen to himself. Singer's condition worsens when he collapses at the job. He wakes up at the hospital to find that his testicular cancer has spread to his lungs and stomach, and he only has months to live. Zig is once again left to fend for himself. Zig meets a prostitute named Jenna, (Natasha Lyonne--American Pie 1 and 2) who takes pity on him, and they form a friendship. I won't give away the whole story or the ending, but this is one movie that you won't want to miss. Brilliant acting was done by Jones, Snipes, Leguizamo, Platt, and Lyonne."
Disturbing look at a little boy's life
Michael Bolts | superior, wiusa | 12/15/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Sam Jones III, plays Louis Fletcher(or ZigZag), he's this boy with problems, one being that he has an abusive father, played by Wesley Snipes(havent's seen Snipes this badassed, but its not in a good way). ZigZag has a job and he works for Oliver Platt, or the Toad(bastard in this movie) and then ZigZag steals money from his vault and tells Singer(John Lequizamo who is absolutely great) who is diagnosed with cancer. so ZigZag is spiraled into a world of tricks and he's trying to fit in the world and Singer is rying to help him. written by David S. Goyer(writer of Blade and Blad II) you can note that Snipes plays Blade in both of them and also the an who plays Cadilacc Tom(Luke Goss), the owner of the strip club, played Jared Nomak in Blade II. some disturbing moments but also a good drama and you feel for this boy. other actors: Abraham Benrubi, Natasha Lyonne,Sherman Augustus, Miguel Nunez, Michael Greyeyes and Elizabeth Pena"
Great Indie film
anneallen3 | Austin, TX USA | 07/20/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I saw ZigZag at the SXSW Film Festival in March 2002. I was sad to see that this film did not get released because the story and cast were intriguing and fresh. Sam Jones III who plays ZigZag gives an amazing first performance. I can't wait to buy the DVD so I can catch all of Oliver Platt's little sayings - his performance is one not to be missed."