"Part horror movie, part randy teen sex farce, [Zerophilia] takes the premise that some organisms are capable of mutating gender to suit their surroundings and extends it to an Oregon undergrad whose extra chromosome allow... more »s him to alternate between male and female. Martin Curland's endearing debut delivers a ripe conceit in such gendermorphic times, ... it could conceivably spawn an entire genre of imitators." -VARIETY« less
"Luke has a problem. He met a beautiful girl, who seems to be very
much interested in him as well. But when starts to get sexually
aroused by her, he starts to turn into a woman. (Say, what?)
You see, Luke is a victim of "Zerophilia" (2005), a genetic
abnormality that causes one to switch genders when they have an
orgasm. Of course, they can turn back just by having another orgasm,
but that may not be so easy, since a male "zero" who just changed
into a woman may not be attuned to how to sexually excite his female
self to orgasm. Then there is the matter of having to maintain two
complete wardrobes ...
Firmly tongue in cheek, this hillariously offbeat indie comedy from
writer-director Martin Curland features witty dialogue delivered by
a talented, likeable young cast, headed by Taylor Handley (whom some
may remember as Oliver on "The O.C.") as Luke. Not a gay film, but
of special interest to anyone who likes to explore the mystery of
traditional gender roles and attitudes. DVD includes a phony plug
for a supposed "support group" for zerophiliacs, deleted scenes and
a short "making of" feature. I give it four stars out of five.
Deeper than your typical sex comedy
D.S. Chen | Rancho Cordova, California | 03/11/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is not your average sci-fi romantic comedy plot: boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy falls for girl... but that last bit becomes a problem, because when Luke feels the stirrings of lust for Michelle, boy starts to TURN INTO a girl. This is because he has "zerophilia," a rare genetic disorder that causes those afflicted to spontaneously change gender whenever they orgasm. To compound matters, Luke's newfound female alter ego "Luca" feels quite attracted to Michelle's brother Max.
The genre is that of a teen sex comedy, and the film's subject matter makes the perfect fodder for a host of sex and gender-related jokes. However, this indie film goes beyond the formulaic pablum Hollywood seems to crank out too much of these days. On another level, it does have more to say about gender roles, relationships and acceptance of oneself.
Writer/director Martin Curland's debut production features a clever script. There are excellent performances from the entire cast, particularly Taylor Handley (Luke) and Rebecca Mozo (Michelle). Dustin Seavey and Alison Folland are definite standouts in their roles as Luke's friends Keenan and Janine, and Marieh Delfino also deserves mention as the emotionally-confused "Luca."
The special effects and makeup were pretty decent given the movie's presumably limited budget. On another note, while the filmmakers could have shot this script virtually anywhere, they made quite good use of locations in and around Eugene, Oregon.
The DVD extras don't add a lot to the film. However, there is a pretty humorous interview with actress Kelly LeBrock (The Woman in Red) where she talks of zerophilia as though it were a real disease.
What's in Your Genes?
Amos Lassen | Little Rock, Arkansas | 02/04/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
What's in Your Genes?
Amos Lassen and Cinema Pride
"Zerophilia" (TLA Releasing) is a wonderful comedy and totally offbeat. I had no idea what to expect and the first few minutes of the film did not help. Yet as the movie progressed I found myself getting involved in it. For those of you who do not know what zerophilia is, a bit of explanation is due. It seems that some people are born with an extra chromosome which allows them to alternate between male and female. (No this is not a real medical condition--at least as far as I could find.)
Taylor Hadley plays an Oregon student who finds that his body is beginning to change and he is bewildered (to say the least) when his penis becomes a vagina and breasts suddenly appear on his chest. This is particularly upsetting to him when he begins to date a new girl. He has no control of when the change will take place and it seems to happen at the most inopportune times (like on a date). His roommate, to whom he has confided his secret, brings in a doctor who also suffers from the affliction and the only way to cur the situation is sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex--depending upon which sex he is. The surprising thing is that zerophilia is more widespread than anyone can imagine and this is what brings the humor into the movie.
I am really not sure how to classify the film--it is funny but it is also alarming as the mind begins to wander if such a thing can possibly happen. In the cast of actors we have some really good performances--so good in fact that the ailment actually seems real. By and large the whole thing is rather sophomoric but enjoyable none the less
What the movie does do is question the nature of gender in a comedic way. Gender has become such an issue of late that it is good to see someone actually poke fun at what is considered the "norm" in society. Aside from that, Taylor Hadley is so cute that just to watch him makes the entire movie worthwhile.
The DVD cover explains zerophilia as when an organism is "capable of mutating gender to suit" its surroundings. The problem is that the mutation has no concern for time or place. When Luke (Taylor Handley) is on a date and starts to become a woman is one of the most amusing scenes I have seen on film in a long time.
Obviously a low budget flick, I admire the director for attempting to take on such a topic. It is fun to watch and although you think you have the entire business figured it, you will be surprised at the end of the film. I have a feeling that this film may pave the way for more films that deal with gender and its role. At times the movie seems downright sly but in looking at in retrospect, I must say that I enjoyed it and recommend it to all
An intriguing film
James Marshall | Lakeville,, Connecticut USA | 04/03/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The premise of the film is a little far-fetched but once you get over that it is an interesting idea that is cleverly spun out. It helps that the two leading protagonists are immensely attractive (I would imagine to both males and females) and so the idea of changing genders is enticing!!"
Rachel A. Janacek | Houston, TX | 07/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was an enjoyable and interesting look at the fluidity of gender and sexuality. The actors were wonderful and well cast. The move itself starts a bit slow but the ending is worth the wait."