Zero Tolerance - A Lesson in American Filmmakery
Sean M. Kelly | Quincy, MA United States | 03/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Once in a great while, a certain will fall through the cracks for years and years until finally it will be discovered for its inherint greatness. Zero Tolerance is just such a movie. From the opening body-bag limit breaking shootout, to the exciting finale, this movie delivers, and does so with an exploding shotgun.T1000 plays Zero Tolerance (I forgot his real name... It really isnt even important), A man whose had enough of heroin cartels killing his family, and trying to kill him. So he does what any man who up until 5 seconds ago was a cop would do. He loads up for some double-barreled action, systematically taking down each of the 5 members of The White Hand. The Hand may have an army of goons, a vast array of high powered assault rifles, and enough heroin to kill mick jagger, but the one thing that they dont have, are Zeros magic handguns which have the stopping power of a runaway train, and the accuracy of the worlds finest sniper rifles. Combined with his shotgun that is constantly loaded with grenade rounds, there isnt a heroin dealer left standing by the time Zero gets through with thingsIn conclusion, this isnt a movie you should watch. It is a lifestyle you should strive to achieve.Thankyou, Zero Tolerance"
A great action film ..
Kristy M | Melbourne, Australia | 02/17/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you're looking for an action movie then look no further, with high-adrenaline action scenes from start to finish, Zero Tolerance is the ultimate action flick. Robert Patrick has the starring role as FBI agent Jeff Douglas and yet again he shines. I am always amazed by the emotion he is able to put through in any character he plays and Jeff is no different, you really feel for him and what he's going through. Watching Robert in this film is actually almost like watching a young John Doggett (his character in The X-Files), some familar mannerisms can be spotted, as well as his trademark intensity. The supporting cast is also good, particularly Kristen Meadows as Megan, and also keep an eye out for Barbara Patrick (Robert's real-life wife) playing his wife Wendy in the film. I must admit that I originally hired this film purely because it starred Robert, who is my favorite actor, but I enjoyed it so much that I had to purchase my own copy. If you're a fan of Robert or just action movies in general, I highly recommend checking this one out."