A colossal silver airship looms out of the clouds above the English Channel, then is swallowed in a silent mist. This is Germany's Zeppelin, the most feared air weapon of World War I. Michael York (Cabaret, Logan's Run) st... more »ars as Lt. Geoffrey Richter-Douglas, a German-born Scot asked by the British to infiltrate a German zeppelin works. Although he knows he'll be branded as a traitor and mistrusted, he agrees. In what seems like luck, Richter-Douglas is invited aboard a zeppelin trial run, but that luck turns ominous once airborne. A German commandant initiates a daring raid over England - and Richter-Douglas finds that his knowledge of the Scottish countryside is the key to the mission's success. Hold on tight as this suspenseful adventure - complete with spectacular special effects - takes you soaring.« less