Keith A. (Keefer522)
Reviewed on 8/28/2013...
I had never heard of this flick till a guy at a movie forum I hang out on mentioned it in a "Worst Movie Ever" thread. It just so happened that shortly after he brought it up, "Zaat' turned up on Turner Classic Movies (!) so of course, I had to record it and check it out., "Zaat" is pretty much badness personified. A fish-obsessed mad scientist who hates humanity turns himself into a walking catfish monster (?) because.... well, because he can, I guess. Then he spends the rest of the movie in an awesomely cheap looking monster suit, aimlessly stumbling around the swamps surrounding a small Florida town, attacking people at random while a posse of scientists try to catch him. Plotless, pointless, hilariously stupid. It's like "Swamp Thing," only WAY dumber.
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