"When I first saw this, I had it on a poorly subtitled version that cut down entire fights into a 5-minute, overall view of the violence and outcome. Even with this terrible version, I loved it! I may not be a Kurama fangirl (I'm not a girl in fact) but I got to say, Kurama kicks butt in this.
Karasu seems to be the worst of the enemies we've seen so far. He uses some sort of energy bomb to blow up what ever he touches. As the fight goes on, he releases some sort of Bat-bomb Traps that eventually hook onto Kurama and blow his leg open (Note: I was also watching the uneditted version so I saw his bone sticking out). If you're a Kurama Fangirl, you might like him as Yoko Kurama but the fight deteriorates into him transforming back and having his body blown up from every which way, leaving him bloody and tired, not the way I'm guessing you like him. But in the end, he uses a seed of the Death Plant to suck what I'm guessing is Karasu's blood out of his chest.Overall: Good, bloody, and a Kurama Fangirls' best dream and worst nightmare! Five Stars!!"
In answer to someone's question...
Christopher P. Cecena | Pine Valley, CA USA | 11/05/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I read a review where one fan bought the uncut copy of Yoko Kurama, and noticed that the cover on the actual disk shows the edited volume's picture of Kurama. I would like to say, do not despair! That is the actual uncut disk! It just has a different picture, but it is the uncut volume! The disks used the regular covers beginning with the next volume, Sword and Dragon, while the edited volumes probably still have the picture of a character on them. Well, hopefully this will put your fear to rest, so that way you can now go and watch this excellent DVD!"
The number 1 fight of YYH
eienkitsune | USA | 10/19/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"definitely the most intense fight of YYH. not a second is wasted. and the results are extremely surprising. kurama vs. karasu is a gripping, exciting match. yoko kurama shows up again to battle, and karasu unmasks! what happens when the two powers meet up? a little bloodshed, but an awesome fight"
Go Yoko! Go Yoko! Get Busy! Get Busy!
Christopher P. Cecena | Pine Valley, CA USA | 10/11/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, with this volume, fans who don't want to wait until Cartoon Network starts showing the episodes(not to mention fans who want to see it uncut) get to see Kurama and Karasu go at it in the first match of the Ankoku Budokai finals. Karasu finally gets to show his true face, but it's a bit disappointing for me(I was hoping he'd be really scarred without his mask, but he's nothing but a pretty-boy!). Shuichi Minamino turns back into Yoko Kurama for a second time, but even then, it may not be enough? Does Kurama bite the big one? Well, I won't spoil that! Also, one reviewer said that the subtitles on the 3rd episode, Yoko's Magic, were screwed up. I guess it's only on some volumes, because the version I bought was fine. Anyway, Yoko Kurama fans are going to have to wait about 35 more episodes before he makes his return(in the Sensui saga), but until then, enjoy this one!"
Oh my God! This is hotness! Actually 13 yrs.old!
Christopher P. Cecena | 02/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i made a review for the dubbed wersion of this and I was so sad when I saw Kurama get hurt in it. Uncut made it so much worse. I was almost in tears. But Kurama kicks so much tail! ALL HAIL UNCUT!!! Karasu is still as sadistic as ever so it still creeps me out. But I'm a major Kurama fan so this kicks butt! Check out my other reviews. They usually say holla and 5 stars baby 5 stars. They can be slightly ghetto but ya gotta love 'em! so as always, this is a must have for any Kurama fanatics like me! 5 stars baby 5 stars! Holla at ya girl!!!"