Another great installment
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Deadly Tuguro has all the elements that Yu Yu Hakusho fans look for including a good storyline and great battle scenes. The only reason I did not give it five stars is because of a flashback to Sakyo's life story and because Yusuke and Toguro spend a lot of time standing around sizing each other up. I did not feel this added to the story, just slowed it down. The fight scenes are very well done and watching Yusuke unleash his full power is awesome. Tuguro finally powers up to 100% at the end of the DVD leaving you wanting the next installment to come out. I would recommend watching both the English and Japanese versions. Even though the story is the same the dialogue is quite different and makes both versions interesting. Stick around at the end of each episode as the ending song has changed and I believe you will like it."
100% for everbody! Holla!
RubiAngel | 12/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD was awesome! Spirit Flyswater? Kuwabara is hilarious! But when Younger Toguro killed his brother, it was beautiful in a freaky, murderous, stalker kinda way! His brother was freaky! But when Toguro got to 100%, ewww! All those muscles were creepy, yet cool! And Yusuke's flashback to the Spirit Cuffs was funny! And like Jin said, "Wow, when your wind can make a pheonix ya know ya got something big!" That was like the coolest thing I've ever seen! And when he went after Toguro, that punching was incredible! I love this DVD! Go add it to your collection and make sure you go watch this first and then get Tournament's End because that's great too! Anyone who said it lacked fighting is so blind to see the truth! It's awesome! But, if you can't stand the sight of blood or some swearing and a "weird" comment or two, then you're watching the wrong show or just go get the dubbed version! It depends on your age or what you can handle or what your parents say! But overall, it's off the heezy ya'll! Holla Back! 5 stars baby 5 stars!And I'm a girl and I can say I love this show just like my other friend who's a girl! Many girls in Japan love this and all girls who love or like DB,DBZ,or DBGT will like this anime! Go get it!"
Final Fight Begins!
The Otaku | Middle Eastern Seaboard | 05/01/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Like all of my Yu Yu Hakusho review so far, I saw this one on a crappy subtitled version which took all of the fight and condensed it into 5 minutes. I didn't see much of the Kuwabara/Elder Toguro fight but I can mention this: Kuwabara learns of Genkai's death from Elder Toguro and becomes enraged. In his blind and stupid fury, he tries to slice his enemy to bits. Throughout the entire fight, I'm guessing Elder Toguro is sliced up and put together around 2 or 3 times. Eventually, and in a way I wasn't explained in my junky version, Kuwabara defeats Elder Toguro, leaving Yusuke and Younger (yet much more evil) Toguro for the final round of the Dark Tournament!Togoro FINALLY goes to 100% of his power and Yusuke releases his energy in what I think looks like a phoenix. Anyway, I'll continue this review of the Torugo/Yusuke fight in the next volume of Yu Yu Hakusho: End of the Dark Tournament (Uncut)!"