SECOND Season?
Matt Huffman | 09/16/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Nope ... let me explain to you what happened. There are two versions of Yu-Gi-Oh! ... a Sugar Coated version and a Version based on the Manga which is for teenagers and adults. The manga series lasted one season before it was finished and a new more kiddy version was made and THAT is the one KidsWB picked up.The Manga series showed a Yugi whose alter ego was a smoker, drank, cursed and was very sadistic. He broke someones mind so bad, he was reduced to a wimpering, cowering child and he even played a game similar to Russian Roulette.The manga version is in japanese only, but has subtitles and you could probably buy it somewhere but I don't quite know where. I personally think the other series is interesting, but this series IS Yu-Gi-Oh! Who needs curses, blood, perverts ... I welcome this more Kiddy version with open arms. Who needs another AKIRA?Plus these DVDs come packed with special extras, including music from the show itself, as all other songs will be released on a 14 track CD starting October 29th. So look for that if your a fan of the music, songs include " One card short " and " No matter what "Most likely the song " I'm not gonna panic " will be on there, at least I hope so :P"
Yu-Gi-Oh! Starts Here
Matt Huffman | 09/25/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is volume one of the Duel Monsters episodes (season 2 Japan, season 1 US). This DVD belongs in every Yu-Gi-Oh! fan's collection. The DVD contains several additional features including a spanish dub, music video and monster stats for the serious collector. Another reviewer was talking [...] about these American edited versions, however they are far superior to the actual uncut and subtitled versions that you CAN already get (if you can even understand them). The uncut version features guns, violence and obscure references to japanese culture that no one in America can identify with. This edited version de-emphasizes the violence and instead emphasizes the friendship and loyalty themes of the show. Again, this American version is a much more enjoyable video that you can feel comfortable with your kids watching over and over as they master their dueling techniques. This DVD contains 3 Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes and makes a great gift."
A mere shadow of its orignal version
David panek | 11/28/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Yugioh is a perfect example of how americanizing and censoring can truly screw up as series. They show is abound with needless edits, baaad dialog, and much, much more.First, theres the voice acting. Yugi is supposed to sound like a timd, kind little kid. In the dub, he sounds like some stuck up 14 yr old loser. Dark yugi(yami yugi)'s voice sounds sooo deep and stupid, its hard to describe. Jonouchi (joey) now sounds like a dumb new yorker kid, which,belive me, does not fit his charectar. Seto kaiba sounds ok when he's acting tough and all, but as the other reviewer said, his attempts at being emotional sound way to fake. And the annoying voice acting goes perfect with the baad voice acting. Yami yugi ends up saying horrible lines like "OH NOOO! A TRAAAP CARD?", or "HEART OF THE CARDS!".
And joey's dailog is patethitic. He says stuff like "GO drumsticks", and "MY DWAGON!" (sounds exacly as its spelled).Then, theres the edits, and to tell you the truth, the 100 word limit wont allow me to even describe HALF of the edits (and there are 500 so far OMG). First, to kiddyize the whole thing, they replaced anyone dying with being sent to "the shadow relm" or some other coverup. For example:When dark ryo bakura is confronted with gaurds (which i will get to later lol), he uses a card (morphing jar) to, not kill them like in the real version, but "send them to the shadow relm". Oh yeah, and kabia's parents didnt "die", they "disappeared"
And, for some reason beyond me, they paint out any form of guns. In the jap version, bandit keith threatens peaguses with a the kids wb version, the gun is painted out so now he POINTS at him. Oooh.. scary. Another time, some idiot gaurds "pointed" at kaiba and told him to come see peaguses. And there is som much more they edited out. Editing ALL occult refrences, changing stragetys in duels, and paint over and changing the monsters/cards THEMSELVES! And did i mention that they cut out the ENTIRE first season (the "manga" version), and added new, HORRID music?i tell ya folks, this is just pathetic. Dont wast your money on this so called "Yu-Gi-Oh!"..."
S. Walker | Odessa, TX USA | 04/16/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"For those who read the complaints about the story line, the editing, etc., remember that the US TV series skips quite a lot of character development.
To make up for it, I suggest people go and get all the back issues of Shonen Jump magazine (the US monthly), which starts with the first story of the manga in issue 1 (January 2003). Yugi is actually 15 years old, but he's rather short and a late bloomer. His grandfather owns a game store, and sells "Magic & Wizards" cards. The name Yugi actually means "games", and in the manga, his alter ego plays quite a few interesting ones...Also, the card game in the manga borrows VERY heavily from Magic: The Gathering (I'm surprised Wizards of the Coast didn't sue, and that they didn't get the US CCG licence...), including the card design. The US TV series skips about the first year's worth (50 or so chapters) of the go straight for the card battles."