The Complete 3rd Season Comes to DVD the RIGHT WAY!!
Seth Irskens | Greenwood, IN USA | 05/04/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I Have the Complete 2nd season since March 4,2008. But Now after long months of reasearching, i found the complete 3rd Season. They will (since it was 7 disc set) all 47 episodes of the 3rd season. In Short it will have the Virtual World and Battle City Finals Sagas!! In my Predicament here what the disc layout should be like:
Disc 1:
1.A Virtutal Nightmare
2.Isolated into cyber space Part 1
3.Isolated into cyber space Part 2
4.Isolated into cyber space Part 3
5.Freeze Play Part 1
6.Freeze Play Part 2
Disc 2:
7.Courtroom Chaos Part 1
8.Courtroom Chaos Part 2
9.Meachnical Mayhem Part 1
10.Meachnincal Mayhem Part 2
11.Settling the Score Part 1
12.Settling the Score Part 2
13.Noah's Secret
Disc 3:
14.Merger of the Big Five Part 1
15.Merger of the Big Five Part 2
16.Merger of the Big Five Part 3
17.Brother in Arms Part 1
18.Brother in Arms Part 2
19.Brother in Arms Part 3
Disc 4:
20.Noah's Final Threat Part 1
21.Noah's Final Threat Part 2
22.So close, yet so far
23.Burying the Past Part 1
24.Burying the Past Part 2
25.Back to Battle City Part 1
26.Back to Battle City Part 2
Disc 5:
27. Back to Battle City Part 3
28.The Darkness Returns Part 1
29.The Darkness Returns Part 2
30.The Darkness Returns Part 3
31.The Darkness Returns Part 4
32.Clash in the Coliseum Part 1
33.Clash in the Coliseum Part 2
Disc 6:
34.Clash in the Coliseum Part 3
35.Clash in the Coliseum Part 4
36.Clash in the Coliseum Part 5
37.Clash in the Coliseum Part 6
38.Battle for the Bronze Part 1
39.Battle for the Bronze Part 2
40.Battle for the Bronze Part 3
Disc 7:
41.The Final Face Off Part 1
42.The Final Face Off Part 2
43.The Final Face Off Part 3
44.The Final Face Off Part 4
45.The Final Face Off Part 5
46.One for the Road
47.Looking Back,Moving Ahead
Can't keep up!? Then print it up!! 4Kids said that Funimation is no longer the distributer for Yu-Gi-Oh! My guess whenever they found a distributer they will probably release Yu-Gi-Oh! The Complete 4th Season, anytime in 2009. Feel free to leave a comment, Bye.
P.S. In "Clash in the Coliseum Part 1", when Kaiba played Lullaby of obedience, he paid 1000 LP which brought him down to 2000 Lp in Part 2! However this was not mentioned in the Jappense or US Series. It was mentioned the manga."
What happen to Season 4?
David Slater | Port Lavaca. tx. USA | 07/16/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"all was needed was Season 4 after Season 3 but dont look like its going to happen once again.
here is all thats needed that has not been released yet.
: Fighting For A Friend (Part 1 of 5)
: Fighting For A Friend (Part 2 of 5)
: Fighting For A Friend (Part 3 of 5)
: Fighting For A Friend (Part 4 of 5)
: Fighting For A Friend (Part 5 of 5)
: Grappling With A Guardian (Part 1 of 3)
: Grappling With A Guardian (Part 2 of 3)
: Grappling With A Guardian (Part 3 of 3)
: A Duel With Dartz (Part 1 of 6)
: A Duel With Dartz (Part 2 of 6)
: A Duel With Dartz (Part 3 of 6)
: A Duel With Dartz (Part 4 of 6)
: A Duel With Dartz (Part 5 of 6)
: A Duel With Dartz (Part 6 of 6)
: Rise Of The Great Beast (Part 1 of 2)
: Rise Of The Great Beast (Part 2 of 2)
it is the last half of Season 4 thats never been released.
why they have to stop at this point? O.o
they was almost done."
Finally! The Noah Episodes For The First Time On DVD!
KAppleFeet2 | 08/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So, this is the complete Season 3 of Yu-Gi-Oh! That means that it contains the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament episodes. Yes, Yugi vs. Marik and all that. However, even though the Battle City story arc is a good one and Marik is one of the best villains of the show, the true reason why you should buy this is for the Noah episodes. This set contains both the Virtual World episodes and the Battle City/Enter the Shadow Realm episodes.
The Battle City Semi Finals are over and the Finals are about to begin, but Kaiba wants them to take place in a special location. But on their way there, they are "kidnapped" by this kid named Noah. You see, Kaiba's blimp is pulled into a secret underwater location by Noah`s advanced technology. The Big Five (Kaiba`s employees from the Season 1 episode "Legendary Heroes") are back! They have been trapped inside a computer ever since Yugi and Kaiba defeated them with the Dragon Master Knight at the end of "Legendary Heroes: Part III." Now, they want revenge. They have teamed-up with Noah, a small teenage boy who wants revenge on Kaiba for mysterious, secret reasons. The Big Five and Noah trap Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan, Duke, Serenity, Kaiba, and Mokuba in a virtual world in which the only way to escape is by defeating one of the Big Five members in a duel. If Yugi and the gang win, they'll return back to the real world. But if the Big 5 win, they'll be able to take over their bodies and escape to the their real world in disguise! Sorry Marik, but you will have to wait because Yugi and the others are trapped in this computer for 24 episodes!
As you know, Season 2 was released on 11 separate DVDs (each with either 4 or 5 episodes) and five Season 3 DVDs that continued with the Marik episodes were also released. However, to release all of the Marik DVDs right away, the company skipped the Virtual World episodes because they took place at the beginning of Season 3, thus interrupting the Marik episodes. So this is the first time to own them all on DVD! The Virutal World saga is my very favorite!
The plot of this season is simply awesome and amazing! It shows how creative the Yu-Gi-Oh! writers can be. The animation is also as great as it can be and the voice acting is superb. We also take a break from Egypt to learn A LOT about Kaiba's childhood. A LOT! Since the Big Five lost their bodies, they have each taken the form of a Yu-Gi-Oh! monster card. This is convenient for them because by doing that, they have a temporary body. By doing that, they are a duelist and also a Deck Master at the same time. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: the Big Five and Noah have added a new rule to the game...the Deck Master rule! A Deck Master is a monster card that the player will have at his/her disposal for the entire duel. So, the duelist doesn't have to wait to draw that certain monster card, they just have to choose it as their Deck Master and then will be able to play it whenever they want. However, when you choose to play with your Deck Master, if you lose it, you automatically lose the duel regardless of how many Life Points you have!
Here is an episode layout, and below that is an actual spoiler-free description of each episode.
*DISC 1 [6 episodes]
1. A Virtual Nightmare!
2. Isolated in Cyberspace: Part I
3. Isolated in Cyberspace: Part II
4. Isolated in Cyberspace: Part III
5. Freeze Play: Part I
6. Freeze Play: Part II
*DISC 2 [7 episodes]
7. Courtroom Chaos: Part I
8. Courtroom Chaos: Part II
9. Mechanical Mayhem: Part I
10. Mechanical Mayhem: Part II
11. Setting the Score: Part I
12. Setting the Score: Part II
13. Noah's Secret
*DISC 3 [6 episodes]
14. Merger of the Big Five: Part I
15. Merger of the Big Five: Part II
16. Merger of the Big Five: Part III
17. Brothers in Arms: Part I
18. Brothers in Arms: Part II
19. Brothers in Arms: Part III
*DISC 4 [7 episodes]
20. Noah's Final Threat: Part I
21. Noah's Final Threat: Part II
22. So Close, Yet So Far
23. Burying the Past: Part I
24. Burying the Past: Part II
25. Back to Battle City: Part I
26. Back to Battle City: Part II
*DISC 5 [7 episodes]
27. Back to Battle City: Part III
28. The Darkness Returns: Part I
29. The Darkness Returns: Part II
30. The Darkness Returns: Part III
31. The Darkness Returns: Part IV
32. Clash in Coliseum: Part I
33. Clash in Coliseum: Part II
*DISC 6 [7 episodes]
34. Clash in Coliseum: Part III
35. Clash in Coliseum: Part IV
36. Clash in Coliseum: Part V
37. Clash in Coliseum: Part VI
38. Battle for the Bronze: Part I
39. Battle for the Bronze: Part II
40. Battle for the Bronze: Part III
*DISC 7 [7 episodes]
41. Final Face-Off: Part I
42. Final Face-Off: Part II
43. Final Face-Off: Part III
44. Final Face-Off: Part IV
45. Final Face-Off: Part V
46. One for the Road
47. Looking Back and Moving Ahead
The intro episode. On their way to Kaiba Corp Island, the island where Kaiba plans to host the Battle City Finals, Noah and the Big Five trap everyone (except Marik, Ishizu, Odion, Mai, Bakura, and Kaiba's security guards) inside a Virtual World.
Noah separates everyone in his Virtual World. Yugi is left in a lake where he duels against one of the Big Five, Gansley. His Deck Master is the Deep Sea Warrior and he uses a Water Deck. Tea is left in a desert-like place where she is chased by Hitotsume Giants. Joey is left in a building of some sort. Tristan and Duke are in a castle that apparently has an endless hallway. Serenity is also by a lake, but unlike Yugi's, her's is inhabited by a Mad Sword Beast. The Kaiba brothers are in a forest where they revisit their past.
Tea duels against The Nightmare Penguin. He's really Crump, one of the members of the Big Five and KaibaCorp's former accountant. This particular duel is a tricky one because Tea doesn't really know how to duel, and whenever she loses Life Points, a part of her body is frozen in ice.
Joey duels against Johnson, the legal advisor at KaibaCorp and the Big Five's attorney. He takes the form of the Judge Man during his duel with Joey and the two duel in a courtroom. Though Joey gets an early lead in the duel, Judge Man's Deck Master ability is one that makes things much, much, much harder for Joey.
Tristan, Serenity, and Duke duel against robot-obsessed Nesbitt, the Tech Expert at Kaiba Corp. He takes the form of Mechanical Knight. This is one of the hardest duels ever because Tristan and Serenity don't know how to duel very well, and *****POSSIBLE SPOILER***** one of them ends up losing their body...but who? Is it Duke? Tristan? Or Serenity?
After Mokuba is kidnapped, Kaiba duels with the last member of Big Five: Leichter. He takes the form of Jinzo, whose effect makes it hard for Kaiba to win. Plus, Leichter's/Jinzo's secret weapon is a never-before-seen monster that's almost unstoppable!
We finally learn why Noah hired the Big Five and wants revenge on Kaiba. You'll never guess why! Also, four of the members of the Big Five that were defeated seek revenge on the gang!
Noah duels against Kaiba and Yugi. Since he controls the Virtual World, Noah keeps on changing their dueling location. First, the duel takes place in the Jurassic Era by a volcano, then it switches to the Ice Age, and then I'll stop so that I don't ruin the rest of the duel. By the way, this five episode duel is probably the coolest one in the saga because of Noah's Deck Master. Also, I think you'll find that the final two episodes ("Noah's Final Threat: Part I" and "Noah's Final Threat: Part II") are the best. Specially because of what Noah does in order to try to win. It's kinda extreme and unfair...
Everyone learns who's really behind everything. Because Noah and the Big Five aren't in this alone... In addition, Yugi and the gang learn of a sinister plan that puts the entire planet Earth at risk!
The computer that allows the Virtual World to exist is about to explode and Yugi and the others are still trapped inside! Can they escape in time?
Okay, I will not go into depth on the following episodes because most of you probably already own them on the separate DVD's that were released like 2 years ago. Like I said, the real reason to buy this box set is for the Virtual World episodes.
The gang returns to the Battle City Tournament after their little adventure. They engage in a special duel that decides who's gonna duel against who in the real Finals.
Joey vs. Marik
Yugi vs. Kaiba
Joey vs. Kaiba
Yugi vs. Marik!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaiba decides to blow up the island where his tournament just took place, but the blimp isn't working because of the events of "Burying the Past: Part II."
A flashback episode that summarizes Marik's role in Seasons 2 and 3.
Well, hope that was detailed enough! :)
Excellent Set
David Elgado | 09/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Best set of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters (DM)!
Together with season 4 season 3, it's the best written, got the best voice acting and some really thrilling plot twists and duels. This season have some of the most dramtic and interesting duels of the entire series.
The video is outstanding, and the set looks great aswell, it delivers what you can expect, the fact that you get all episodes with no gaps for the first time for season 3 is a big plus, aswell with the fact that you can follow the entire ending of the battle city finals that began in season 2.
Unlike other season this season is focuses less on backstories and more on drama, the characters and the duels. DM is one, if not the best, Yu-gi-oh series and this is clearly one of if not the best seasons, it has some of the most memorable duels and introudces some of the most memorable and powerful cards from the Yu-gi-oh trading card game.
Anyone who likes Yu-gi-oh! should get this set, it's one of the best products out there, season 3 together with season 4 have most of the best episodes of the entire series and very few boring episodes, and unlike some people, i enjoy the Noah storyline, it may be a long story arc, but it helps building characters alot, got alot of plot twists and drama aswell."