Yugi and his friends Joey Tristan and Tea can't get enough of Duel Monsters a new card game craze. Employing a variety of strange and fascinating creatures the game draws players into battles beyond the wildest imagination... more ». When Yugi's grandfather gives him an ancient Egyptian puzzle he uncovers the secret that will forever change his life and his status in the game!System Requirements: Running Time 1100 MinFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: CHILDREN/FAMILY Rating: NR UPC: 704400055256 Manufacturer No: FN-05525« less
"As you might have gleaned from other reviews on this page, there are in fact two completely different products that present the first season of Yu-Gi-Oh:
1) Yu-Gi-Oh: The Complete First Season (henceforth called TCFS)
2) Yu-Gi-Oh: The Perfect Collection (henceforth called TPC)
What's the difference? Well, several things.
1) TCFS is listed on Amazon, TPC is not.
2) TPC is the original, uncut episodes, dubbed by a foreign distributor. TCFS is an edited set, put out by 4Kids Entertainment in the US, with some violence and language removed, and also has different voices than TPC's dub. You can see several reviews here complaining about the scenes cut out in TCFS. The reason why this was done is that TCFS is a Kid's version, TPC is the original adult version.
3) Most importantly, TCFS, for one reason or another, retails for about $40 more than TPC.
Now, most people would normally love to have uncut episodes of a show over cut ones. And if the uncut episodes are less expensive, it should be a no-brainer. UNLESS you're buying it for a Kid. If you're buying for a kid, you may want, and be willing to pay more for an edited version. And in any case, the kid is going to want the version that has the voices that he's heard on TV. He's not going to get why everybody sounds different.
Whichever version you want, these are the facts. There *are* two different versions, they are not quite the same, and their prices are very different. And this is where the potential for abuse comes in.
If you should see an ad like that, and be thinking about buying, check the fine print first, and look to see if it contains the words "International Version". If it has those words, then the seller is going to substitute TPC for TCFS, (despite the fact that TCFS is the product being listed), and try to claim that they're really the same thing (despite having different titles).
What is a fantastic price for TCFS is not all that great a price for TPC. You could do better elsewhere. But be that as it may, just be aware, that if you place such an order for TCFS, TPC is what you're going to get. If that's what you wanted, fine. But if you deliberately ordered the Kid's version because you WANTED the kid's version, be aware that you're not going to get it, despite what it says on your receipt.
Yu Gi Oh is an intriging series
Ironman | Carmel, IN USA | 11/10/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Yu Gi Oh sadly has the Pokemon curse in that people who know nothing about it either assume it's for little kids (as marketing scams to buy cards, video games, and countless other garbage) or just hate it because it's the current fad.
What they fail to realize is that the series is actually action packed, entertaining, dramatic, and overall a high quality series.
What Yu Gi Oh is about is a young boy named Yugi after solving a millenium puzzle awakens an ancient Pharoh who is known as Yami. One day his grandfather (who runs a game shop) shows off to Yugi and his friends an incredibly rare card, the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba finds out and immediatly tries to buy it from him (despite the fact that he already has three of them). His Grandfather refues and eventually it leads to Yugi and Kabais first duel. Shortly there after the creator of Duel Monsters Pegasus steals Yugis Grandfathers soul as bait for him to go to Duelist Kingdom. From there Yugi along with his friends must quest to get his Grandfathers soul back.
The series like I said is action packed, funny, and dramatic. It should be noted that the series was origionally not for kids but 4kids did a decent job of marketing towards the younger audience (because truthfully the series would have died if they did not, there still is not that strong of an anime market for this). The series is fun to watch and it is very well written. I look at it this way with any anime series, if it lasts more than one season than they have done something right. Yu Gi Oh is an example of an anime series (on both shores) done right. In truth this ranks in there with Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo, and although I am not a fan of the last, Sailor Moon in terms of longevity. It lasted a number of seasons, so something was done right. It may never beat out Pokemon (because that one has better games) but in terms of a series, this is probably one of the best in terms of all ages out there right now (maybe that will get american cartoon makers off their --- and come up with something new and fresh)."
Yu-Gi-Oh The Complete First Season
Daniel Willis | Antlers, OK USA | 08/04/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've started watching Yu-Gi-Oh on Cartoon Network. I missed a few episodes, so I picked up Yu-Gi-Oh The Complete First Season. The box set contains special features and extras. There are 49 episodes on 6 DVDs. If you want to know the episode titles. I have include them in this review.
Disc .01
01.The Heart Of The Cards
02.The Gauntlet Is Thrown
03.Lourney To The Duelist Kingdom
04.Into The Hornet's Nest
05.The Ultimate Great Moth
06.First Duel
07.Attack From The Deep
08.Everything Relative
09.Duel With A Ghoul
10.Give Up The Ghost
Disc .02
11.The Dueling Monkey
12.Trial By Red Eyes
13.Evil Spirit Of The Ring
14.Panlk Attack
15.Winning Through Intimidation
16.The Scars Of Defeat
17.Arena Of Lost Souls Part 1
18.Arena Of Lost Souls Part 2
19.Double Trouble Duel Part 1
20.Double Trouble Duel Part 2
Disc .03
21.Double Trouble Duel Part 3
22.Face Off Part 1
23.Face Off Part 2
24.Face Off Part 3
25.Shining Friendship
26.Champion VS. Creator Part 1
27.Champion VS. Creator Part 2
28.The Night Before
29.Duel Identity Part 1
30.Duel Identity Part 2
Disc .04
31.Keith's Machination Part 1
32.Keith's Machination Part 2
33.Best Of Friends, Best Of Duelist Part 1
34.Best Of Friends, Best Of Duelist Part 2
35.Match Of The Millennium Part 1
36.Match Of The Millennium Part 2
37.Match Of The Millennium Part 3
38.Match Of The Millennium Part 4
39.Match Of The Millennium Part 5
Disc 05.
41.The Wrath Of Rebecca
42.Ties Of Friendship
43.Legendary Heroes Part 1
44.Legendary Heroes Part 2
45.Legendary Heroes Part 3
46.Dungeon Dice Monsters Part 1
47.Dungeon Dice Monsters Part 2
48.Dungeon Dice Monsters Part 3
49.Dungeon Dice Monsters Part 4
Disc .06
Character Bios
Monster Stats
Music Videos
The first season was the best.......
Daniel Willis | 06/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, I'm thirteen AND I'm a girl and I love yu-gi-oh! Yes, girls can get hooked on yu-gi-oh! too !! It is DEFINITELY not just for boys, and I DO know other girls who like yu-gi-oh! and other anime and whatnot. Yu-gi-oh! has a great story, cool and interesting characters, and BEAUTIFUL animation (with the exception of some of the newer episodes, like those in the Waking the dragons saga, but you should watch them anyway, even thogh kid's WB reruns the SAME episodes OVER AND OVER). I think the first season was one of the best, even though as a fan I love all of them ! The fist season didn't had very few, if any at all, of those same old annoying rants during the duels lke most of the battle city duels did! Anyway, I don't own this set, but I have seen the first season, and hopefully sometime in the very near future I will aquire this set and some of the other DVDS. Yu-gi-oh! is my favorite anime series of all time, and even though a TON of people say that the 4kids version is terrible, it's okay with me because I don't appriciate bad language, and some of the other things that I've heard of about the uncut version (I have read the first 2 mangas, and if you've read any of them, you know what I mean by that last statement), and the story is still excellent, even if it is changed from the original. (the 4kids version is actually kind of "dark" also, when you really begin to think about it). All in all, a great series well worht watching ! Watch Yu-gi-oh! TODAY !"
The best anime ever
Daniel Willis | 11/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"the first season isn't my favourite season but i still love it, yu gi oh is by far the best anime tv show i've ever seen and i really don't know how people can say it's bad. the first season has awesome anime, a pretty good story line and, like every other season it is really easy to get hooked on. i'm a massive yu gi oh fan and i think that even season one is some of the best anime i've ever seen. i highly recomend this to anyone who enjoys good anime."