Yu-Gi-Oh! ROCKS!! *Still not working for Seto Kaiba* Go Yami
M. Antonis | 02/20/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love Yu-Gi-Oh! so much. I have everything Yu-Gi-Oh! like the Mangas, DVDs, Clothing (Not for girls but due to me being a tomboy I have the clothes), the Cards, toys, Duel Disk, Games, and Even the orignal verson! Ok anyway Yami and Kaiba (I Hate Kaiba! Go Pharaoh!) go up aganst Lumis and Umbra and seems like Kaiba won't help Yami (Much) so Yami does his teamwork speeches (Which Kaiba calls Boyscout speeches. Stupid Kaiba) and during the duel Lumis and Umbra loose each others trust so Yami and Kaiba win the duel. (Kaiba my have summoned Oblisk but he didn't help much) Anyway I don't have the dvd but I saw the epesodes on T.V. But the point is that Kaiba never really learned Teamwork (He should have though because he will have to work with Yami again) Oh and By the way this is a spoiler because Yami's real name is Atemu hehe. I had to put a spoiler in here because I read ahead and I can't resist HeHe!"
Double Duel?Duel as a partner with kaiba? Never.
M. Antonis | cy | 09/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"On this dvd you will see kaiba and yugi dueling 2 rare hunters in a double duel.The problem is that kaiba doesnt want to duel correctly with yugi. Can yugi duel with a selfish partner and win this duel? Yugis friends and mokuba are counting on yugis and kaibas duel for their own lifes and what about if the losers of this duel lose not just a duel but their lifes. Can yugi help his friends and his own life, even if his dueling with kaiba?
You will find out if you buy this great dvd."
Bonus episodes
M. Antonis | 06/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this dvd has 3 episodes plus 2 bonus episodes double duel part 1,2,3, and the bonus episodes are double duel part 4 and the rescue. on the first 4 parts double duel caiba and yugi team up against umbra and lumis. on the last episode yugi goes to save his friends but while they are on caiba`s helicopter yugi tells about his past. this dvd is 1 of my favorites."
Best show ever
M. Antonis | 08/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i like ygo then all the boys girls and grown ups!!!!!!!!!! im a girl and im 11 im going to get the books soon and i get to read it and read the parts that grown ups said that has violence.i dont care if ppl might think its to bad for kids IM READING IT.anyways i like ygo so much that i have like everthing of it.i saw the movie the first day it came out it rocked. ilikejoeys name in japaneese its socool.anyways this dvd contains 5 episodes double duel parts 1,2,3,4 and the rescue. yugi and kaiba duel against umbra and lumbis while they duel bukara got hurt with marik said his name was nomo but really not so grampa modo went to da docters with bakura they rare hunters captured tea,joey,and mokuba. on double duel part 4 mokuba ecscaped so he went to where yugi and kaiba were at. the last episode was where yugi,kaiba, and mokuba were on kaibas, jet going to track down yugis friends but on the way yugi talks about the past. anybody thats reading this and doesnt have the dvd then buy it right away."