Yoga ANYONE can do
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've been interested in trying out yoga, but my flexibility stinks and my joint strength is sub-optimum which is a real shame because I'm only 30. I saw Peggy Cappy's special on PBS. It showed her yoga class: a group of senior citizen ladies. Some were doing modified yoga exercises. Others were doing the un-modified exercises. Well, it was inspiring to me. If these ladies could do yoga and benefit from it, surely I could benefit from it too.Peggy does a great job explaining breathing and demonstrating the exercises. It's terrific that some of her students do modified versions of the exercises, so you can keep up with the video no matter what your physical level is. The exercises are modified, primarily, by the use of a chair. So if you can't bend to the floor, no worries. Or if you're unsure of your balance, again, no worries, the chair is there to hold onto if you need it.The video is divided into 20 minute work-outs: stretches, poses and the Sun Salutation. You can do the whole thing at once or you can do the 20 minute segments individually.I don't think this video would be challenging for folks who are proficient in yoga or for folks who with above average flexibility, balance and strength. But I think it's great for beginners, old and young."
Yoga with a Chair
Yoga With Betty Friends | Baltimore, Maryland United States | 01/03/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw Peggy Cappy on Public Television during the December 2003 fund drive. I was impressed with her ability to teach yoga to a diverse group of students. The class is primarily attended by persons over the age of 50 years that have limited mobility. Peggy uses chairs to enable students to stay safely on their feet while attempting unfamiliar ways of moving their bodies. The video covers most of the basic standing poses (tree, triangle, warrior I and II, downward facing dog, upward facing dog as well as a simple sun salutation). this is a must have for yoga teachers and for all others that have joint stiffness, limited mobility (because of age, infimity or weight). She has said it most aptly, Yoga for every body."
Great, even if you're already "physically fit"
Christine J. Mccarren | Fort Worth, TX | 09/28/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I initially purchased this for my 85 yr old mother. She's having trouble with flexibility and balance, and I thought this might help her. Before I sent it to her, I thought I'd better try it!
I typically work out with weights and on a treadmill. I've done jazzercise, pilates and tae bo over the last few years. I consider myself pretty physically fit. HOWEVER, I've only tried yoga once or twice, so I would definitely consider myself a beginner there. I liked how Peggy led the exercises, and I was relaxed at times and very challenged at other times (e.g. keeping up with the sun salutations). I'm on line right now because I'm going to KEEP the copy I have, so I need to buy another for my mom!"
Yoga for body movement only;
Mary Reinert | Nevada, MO | 04/27/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have done several yoga tapes over the years and this is definitely the most basic, but that's not all bad. Peggy Cappy is not coming from a "new-agey" perspective of "mind-body-spirit" [That in itself will cause many to dismiss her]. There's not even music as background. However, if what you are looking for is a way to increase flexibility, balance, and general well-being, this will help.
The DVD features ordinary people - not models or people who can tie themselves in knots. Quite the opposite, the "Meet Peggy Cappy" section interviews older individuals with all the problems of aging. And, if you are younger - don't let this be a turn off. These people are an inspiration. {Most yoga, pilates, or aerobic videos feature perky, healthy, good-looking bodies which can just plain be disgusting when you know those days have passed and you're just attempting to stay in the same jeans size.)
This isn't going to make you sweat and if you are into a real fitness program, you will definitely need more than this. Yet, there are some real beneficial aspects to this as well. The focus on breathing is very good as are the foot and wrist exercises, things that are often missed in other fitness videos. I'm not disappointed that I purchased this; I will not use it on a daily basis, but when I am overtired or just want to take a break, this will be good.
If you are brand new to yoga, out of shape, or dealing with an injury, this video would be a great introduction. It is encouraging, safe, and motivating. It's certainly better than doing nothing."