For a preview of this DVD, please visit One of history's finest yoga teachers, Krishnamacharya, said: There's an appropriate yoga for everyone. More and more cardiologists are recom... more »mending it. I know seniors are concerned with bone loss, flexibility, overall strength and eyesight. Yoga for the Golden Years targets each of these concerns with 5 individual 25-minute yoga practices. But what if you've never done yoga? Well, first there's a beginner practice designed for the complete novice. On Beginner Practice I, I'll take you through slow, careful instruction of the basic postures and teach you the essential breathing practice: ujjayi. As soon as you feel comfortable with the basics, you can advance at your own pace to the other 4 practices. There you'll learn a unique method of yoga using your own body as a weight, fulfilling osteo-therapy recommendations. No equipment required! You'll also learn how to cultivate stronger eyes with EyeStrengthener. You ll become stronger and more flexible than you've been in years. No prior experience necessary! It's never too late to start yoga. So, please come join me today. Included on this DVD is: Meet Yogi Marlon, Ideas on Practice, Ujjayi Pranayama, Beginner Practice I, Hamstring Opener, Strengthen I, Eye Strengthener.« less