Move, Breath, Flow! Explore the power and fluidity of Vinyasa yoga with this comprehensive yoga DVD! Increase flexibility and strength while learning to integrate your breath with each movement. Zyrka s insights and gentl... more »e guidance make this learning experience as rich as a one-to-one class. This is a beginning to intermediate yoga dvd. Featuring 6 yoga sequences each with their own difficulty level and length: two half-hour sequences, two three-quarter hour sequences, and two hour sequences. This means that you can choose your level, and amount of time that you want to practice, and this yoga dvd will give you exactly what you need! Let Zyrka s soothing voice & clear guidance lead you to peace and tranquility! This Yoga DVD also features a unique Pose Guide section that gives detailed instruction on 23 poses including positioning, common mistakes, pose benefits, & contraindications. This means that you can learn the basics of each pose, without having to listen to detailed instructions that you already know during the main sequences. Filmed in Santa Barbara, California in high definition, with over 3½ hours of footage.« less
"Too many user reviews base their star-ratings on how well the program met their expectations - you find 1 and 2 star reviews followed by complaints that the program was too hard for them, or too easy, or the music wasn't to their taste, or that the seller left mustard stains on the case; but little insight into the actual program quality. I will state at the outset that this program was not as challenging as I would have liked - but it helped me realize that I've made progress in my form, stamina, and willingness to extend, and it benefited me in other ways.
However, after trying both the a and b series, I can honestly say that this DVD lives up to its billing. It deserves a perfect rating for what it offers, and the care with which it is produced. I would recommend it to anyone looking to extend their beginner lessons into something more flowing, but preferring to avoid the more intense power vinyasa DVDs, or the more chatty and motivational instructors. It is gentle, meditative vinyasa, and despite the relative lack of challenge, it was very well-taught, in a pleasant, unobtrusive setting; a patient, clear verbal tone; well-demonstrated by a graceful and modest instructor; and it left me both relaxed and limber.
The pose guide would be a great resource for a beginner, and tipped me off to a few things I'd become sloppy with. For a near-beginner or advanced-beginner, I think this DVD, with its mix of programs and lengths, offers a fine build-up to a more intense practice. It is also a fine alternative for more experienced practitioners on blah days, needing a balance of meditative and physical, or nursing minor injuries. For true beginners: please take some classes and learn your basics with feedback from a live instructor, then supplement with a DVD such as this. For the rest: always go back to classes for live tune-ups - there is always something to be gained or improved from the eyes and skills of a good instructor."
My favorite gentle vinyasa dvd
M. Mori | CA USA | 03/29/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yoga: Gentle Vinyasa Flow with Zyrka Landwijt is my favorite vinyasa DVD. Filmed against the backdrop of beautiful Santa Barbara treetops, Zyrka teaches with precision and grace. She guides the student through the poses via voice-over using her gentle and soothing voice. Her detailed instructions allow the student to follow along without keeping their eyes glued to the television (a frequent complaint of most yoga DVDs). That said, you will want to view the entire practice at least once, to soak in the beauty of the poses and scenery! Another important fact is that this DVD is gently infused with yogic philosophy and does not contain the lectures that punctuate most yoga DVDs.
The DVD includes an Introduction by Zyrka, Pose Guide (23 poses), and 6 workouts ranging from 36 to 64 minutes long."
Cikk | Malta | 04/07/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a gorgeous and useful DVD. Exteremly well produced. There are 6 practices - levels A and B both have practices of around half an hour, three quarters of an hour, and an hour. I've tried 2 of the level A practices so far, even though I'm not a beginner, and really liked them. They are gentle vinyasa, but one does work. Very thorough and well taught work... The extra chapters on individual poses are extremely well done also.
I love this dvd. The day after a weights workout I find it impossible to do power yoga. This is great without being too easy. Tones and stretches every part of your body and as a great bonus the shavasana is a yoga nidra which leaves me feeling totally mellow, relaxed and revived.
Oh, and the instructor besides clearly knowing her stuff has a very nice and mellow voice.
Highly recommended."
Flowing and relaxing
yogarun | USA | 05/04/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This yoga video is one of the best I own. If you are tired of endless sun salutations and want a slower paced yet effective stretch--this is for you. She starts out with a couple slow sun salutes, then moves into some standing poses, and finishes on the floor with nice relaxing streches. You can choose from 6 workouts ranging in length from 36 minutes to an hour. Highly recommended."
A perfect flow
savitri | cottonwood, az | 09/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just love this video. I read all the reviews and researched other videos before I purchased this one, and I'm very happy with my choice.
I really love that she holds the poses long enough to really feel them and get the most from them. I've been practicing for years, and enjoy vinyasa flow, but I do think many just go too darn fast, most of the time. I do not like running at all, too jarring; I have plenty of endurance though, so I prefer hiking to running - sometimes it seems like I can go up and down hill forever; so a slower vinyasa really works best for me. Keeping this in mind, I would love to see her do another video, one with the same pace, but a little more challenging, if that's possible. This video is extremely well done, it's cued and timed just right, the instructor makes me want to come back again. It even has a pose I never do - gate pose, so I enjoy that also.
The routine keeps you working, and here in Arizona in the summer, yeah, I do sweat a bit - a lot. I recommended this to my sister, who just came to yoga several years ago, I think she'd really benefit from it, and now she's going to buy it too. This is a wonderful workout for someone who has tried yoga, and is ready to move on to something different, to work their body in new ways without stressing it out too much. Or like me, who has done yoga quite a bit, but had a sore spot on the lower back, and am using this to recoup with. I really can't find fault at all with this one. It just seems to work me the way I need worked at this time - can't go wrong with that."