Lovely colourful kitsch!
D. M. Spoelstra | Amsterdam Netherlands | 01/07/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, it's kitsch, colourful and lovely! Of course I am biased, being Dutch, and having grown up with myths about this wonderful TV-show 'Ja zuster, Nee zuster' which was aired when I was way too young too stay up 'till late and VCR's didn't exist.
The original writer, Mrs. Annie M.G. Schmidt is also legendary in the Netherlands, and I believe for twenty or more years all Dutch children grew up with her books for children, but she also wrote a lot of cabaret and plays for grown-ups.
So... I have seen this musical twice, and I am not really a musical fan. This first Dutch musical paints a lovely picture of the Netherlands in the sixties, the way people behaved, dressed and looked. I used the word colourful before because all things (set, clothes, make-up, haircolour of the actors) are a bit more colourful than usual, and thus giving it a bit of kitschy feeling.
Just try it, it is fun, not a slick spectacular musical with explosions and amazing acrobatics. But a lovely, cozy, feel good, sort of fun historical picture of living in the Netherlands in the late fifties/early sixties. The first time I saw Yes Nurse No Nurse it was shown in a sort of open air theatre, it was the sing-a-long version (also popular in the Netherlands, sing-a-long showings of Grease and The Sound of Music, everybody dressing in style, sing along karaoke-style, and participating etc.) which was hi-larious!
Most actors are really talented, I especially like Loes Luca, who is a amazingly talented performer and writer. I've seen her perform many times in real life (e.g. wonderful show: Nenettes et les Zezettes, 3 different shows) and she never ceases to amaze me.
How can you not love this film?
Steveningen | Bay Area | 01/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes Nurse! No Nurse! (Ja Zuster! Nee Zuster as it's known in Dutch) is a treasure. I'm an American who has been learning to speak Dutch. I saw this film with a friend at a film festival at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco. Loes Luca herself gave an introduction to the audience.
The film is based on a 60's television program from Holland. It was a huge hit with the Dutch (perhaps like Pee Wee's playhouse became so popular here in the States). Sadly, the film from the original program was lost. I've spoken with quite a few Dutch folks who lament this loss and have deep nostalgia for Zuster Klivia. But I digress.
If you want a recommendation for this film, I'm going to give you one...see it. It's one of those special films that has everything and it all comes together in such a way as to leave you smiling and humming a tune. The world needs more of that."
A Dutch Musical? Yes and one of the Best you never heard of
J. M. Black | San Francsico, CA USA | 12/17/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was shown for only one week in San Francisco, Friday through Thursday. I went Monday night and ended up going back Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday as well. I have never done this before but I do not think that I have ever smiled through an entire movie before either. The movie is in Dutch with subtitles, but I was so caught up in the feeling that I hardly noticed.
The story is a simple one of Nurse Klivia and the residents of her resthome and their horrible nosy neighbour, Neighbor Boordevol, who tries and tries to have them evicted. There are many sub plots, young love, reuinted love, redemption and others that allow for many twists in the story.
The staging is that of an old time movie musical. It was all filmed on a sound stage and has that almost "camp" appeal. The colors are vivid and bright which only heightens the feel good factor.
The music, however is what truly sets the movie and the mood apart from most other movie musicals. This is a movie that you will leave humming the tunes. The songs allow the characters to slip into fantasys from being on a trapeeze in a circus to a love duet with a singing in the rain feel.
This movie is truly a feel good for a long time after movie that gets better with each viewing.
It is a must for any fan of Musicals!"