The trailer was great and the beginning but Yes became a No very quickly.
Movie Reviews
Invite Yourself to Yes and RSVP...Yes
Eric M. Milillo | West Islip, NY | 12/19/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) is a lonely guy. Carl is a loan officer who is real low on life and down in the dumps because of a break up. One day Carl heeds the advice of an old friend and goes to a self-help seminar. The motto "Yes is the new no!" If the movie's title is any indicator, you know what happens for the rest of the film. He says yes to anything and everything, even an extremely generous granny.
Not very often a comedy comes out with a message worth listening to. "Yes Man" provides just that and exposes the audience to the powers of positive thinking. The movie itself is a montage of Carl saying yes to everything; Carl says yes to learning to speak Korean, Carl says yes to costume party invites from his boss, Carl says yes to flying lessons, and yes to a bar fight, which was one of the funniest scenes of Carl's acceptance journey. Eventually, Carl's yes-ery leads to a new love interest named Allison (Zooey Deschanel) and a promotion at work. And despite all the positive outcomes, Carl learns that saying yes doesn't always necessarily take you in the right direction.
"Yes Man" is a lot of fun to watch. Carrey is on top of his game and is still as funny as always. To answer any questions: Yes the movie is funny. Yes it's worth going to see. And yes you'll enjoy it.
Jim Carrey gets you through the door but Zooey Deschanel mak
Ted Lewandowski | Providence, Rhode Island | 04/25/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So you've read the other reviews - know about the plot - yes? No pun intended! To give you my take - I felt this movie was brilliant and totally unexpected - no overacting on Jim Carrey's part - no crazy antics (well other than the Ducati scene!) - just a good hearted movie with great music. Zooey Deschanel - how can you not fall in love with this girl? Get the soundtrack with her singing - Yes Man - the title track to the movie - very cool. Zooey is going to be a major Hollywood star and what's cool about that is she is so grounded - can't wait to see her next film!"
The Era of "Yes" Has Begun
C. CRADDOCK | Bakersfield | 06/03/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I said "No" to Yes Man, but then my niece Lulu was talking about it, and she started riffin' on the Red Bull scene. She said I had to see it, so I got a case of Red Bull and said "Yes" to Yes Man.
Allison: [singing with her band, Munchausen's By Proxy] Don't call me past 11 PM, it won't happen again. You can call me at 10:59 but don't call me at 11 because that's my rule now.
The plot is basically that Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) works in a bank where he just says "No" to everybody who wants a loan. Since his girlfriend dumped him he has become even more negative, saying "No" to virtually anything. His friends Peter (Bradley Cooper) and Rooney (Danny Masterson, Hyde from The 70's Show) are getting sick of him, especially when he blows off Peter's engagement party in spite of the open bar.
Carl Allen: [while watching Saw on DVD] Oh come on, you're halfway through, just snap it off already!
Just when he has hit rock bottom he meets Nick (John Michael Higgins, Kath & Kim, Best in Show), an old friend who has changed his life since attending a seminar conducted by the charismatic Terrance (Terrance Stamp, Far From the Madding Crowd). Terrance singles him out of the crowd and gets him to agree to a covenant. He has up until now been saying "No" to life, but now he must say "Yes" instead. Once he begins doing this his life dramatically changes. Even if things start to go bad, it leads to something good. He meets the spontaneous Allison (Zooey Deschanel) and is in for the ride of his life.
Allison: [singing with her band, Munchausen's By Proxy] Have you met my friend Ian? He's a computer hacker. He helped me erase your MySpace page, and your band's MySpace page, and your FaceBook page. Happy networking a**hole!
Yes Man is right up there with the greatest Jim Carrey films. It has a serious concept, but doesn't skimp on the comedy. The Cable Guy was Carrey's Citizen Kane, as I have said many times before, but it was quite dark and not everyone "got" it. The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was another triumph, but Carrey was very low key in it, suppressing his inner Ace Ventura. The Truman Show was a noble experiment that failed. Too much high concept, not enough low brow humor. Man in the Moon was another failed experiment that paid homage to the edgy humor of Andy Kaufman but tried to wrap it up in a package that would entertain the lowest common denominator, which is a self-defeating proposition. Dumb & Dumber was in my opinion a masterpiece of the broad comedy Carrey does so well, unencumbered by any higher aspirations whatsoever. However, in Yes Man Carrey has found that sweet spot right in between broad comedy and a more serious film with a message.
Carl Allen: What I have to share is huge... and I want to share it with you.
Yes Man is based on a book by British Author Danny Wallace who spent a year saying "Yes" to every proposition and question he was asked, and then wrote about the results. Carrey and Director Peyton Reed spent a lot of time developing the story and changing it to an American setting. Carrey was really inspired by the message of the film and acted without pay, though he would get a share of the profits. He gave it his all, even breaking some ribs in a stunt. The stunt woman for Zooey Deschanel also broke her hip while riding a scooter, so Zooey had to ride it herself. The whole cast really gave an outstanding effort with superb results. Rhys Darby played Carl's boss Norman, and I'll compare him to Peter Sellers at the risk of hyperbole.
Allison: [singing with her band, Munchausen's By Proxy] Don't call me past 11 PM, it won't happen again. Happened once, it happened twice, it happened three times, maybe four times, maybe five times, maybe, maybe it happened six times, but it won't happen seven times.
Oh, Zooey. You were once again adorable, and this was a perfect role for you. A role that requires singing a little, like (500) Days of Summer, or Elf, comedy, acting, and just being cute. In some ways you were playing yourself, but no one can play you better. You are an actress who sings, but it's not like your music is some lame vanity project. I like your movies and your music both. Catch Zooey in He & She with M. Ward if you want to hear more of her music.
Just say "Yes." Get a case of Red Bull (it goes great with Vodka) and watch Yes Man. Just don't start watching it after 11 PM, or you might be up until the dawn, like I was writing this review.
Carl Allen: You ever had a Red Bull? I've never had a Red Bull before, but I had a Red Bull last night - I really like Red Bull.
[shakes his glow-in-the-dark hoop]
Carl Allen: ... got this new... glow in the dark thing... can't really see it right now, unless you go like this...
[holds part of the hoop to his eyes and covers it with his hands]
(500) Days of Summer (2009) Zooey Deschanel was Summer Finn
The Hangover (Unrated Two-Disc Special Edition) (2009) Bradley Cooper was Phil Wenneck
He's Just Not That Into You (2009) Bradley Cooper was Ben; Luis Guzmán was Javier; and Sasha Alexander was Catherine
Fired Up (Unrated Version) (2009) John Michael Higgins was Coach Keith; and Molly Sims was Diora
Failure to Launch (2006) Zooey Deschanel was Kit; and Bradley Cooper was Demo
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Widescreen Edition) (2004) Jim Carrey was Joel Barish
Elf : Widescreen Edition (2003) Zooey Deschanel was Jovie
The Limey (1999) Terence Stamp was Wilson; and Luis Guzmán was Eduardo Roel
The Cable Guy (1996) Jim Carrey was The Cable Guy
The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (Extra Frills Edition) (1994) Terence Stamp was Bernadette
Carl Allen: I am gone-o-reha. That didn't sound right.
Invite yourself to 100 minutes of pure laughter!!
MrPraveen09 | CARY, NC USA | 02/15/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just saw this movie at the theater yesterday not having high expectations for it, but I enjoyed the movie and thought it was a BLAST! It is the funniest movie I seen since Four Christmases and White Chicks in 2004 (there have been a few others but I currently can't recall at the top of my head).
The funniest scene in the movie without spoiling the plot is where Jim Carrey's character runs from the hospital in his gown to see Zooey Daschael's character and almost gets himself killed riding his friend's out of this world heavy motorcycle (frankly it is a miracle he didn't get hit by another car or truck)! Another funny part of the movie was the part where Carrey's character clicks "yes" to the enlargement spam email on his work computer and later meets and Iranian woman. There are several other funny scenes throughout the movie with those two being my favorite.
This movie is definitely worth seeing at the theater (it is playing for $1.50 in the Blue-Ridge Cinemas in Raleigh) and with friends on DVD. You will be laughing every few minutes and chanting "Yes, Yes, Yes" for Carrey's character while you watch!
Darn good motivational comedy, yes!
Ignacio Litardo | Capital, Buenos Aires, Argentina | 01/14/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I went to this film dreading the worst, and came out yes, saying "yes"
quite a bit more often. Bearing in mind the "meaning" of it, not saying
a monosyllable, and taking it all with a pinch of salt (like the
self-help guru Terrence Bundley teaches our man in the hospital), this
movie is fun, well made, and doesn't pretend deep meaningful questions.
Popcorn movie? Yes, but good one! Only once did I feel I was into
another formulaic trap. In my case, it was when Carl was riding the
super motorcycle. It felt like The Mirror Has Two Faces (Streisand's),
which was copied in (among others), "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days",
Moving to the stuff of life: I love Zooey Deschanel's Allison! Of
course, I don't know if I'd stand anything like her in real life, but
isn't she lovely as a woman living by her own rules, not wanting to be
stereotyped "I've got fears, too!" near the end, and yes, charmingly
out of tune with reality :)? I feel the part suits her perfectly.
Unlike another try of Carrey to play something sort of serious: Eternal
Sunshine of the Spotless Mind's Kate Winslet, who's just crass, and
totally... uninviting :).
Bradley Cooper and his other sex addicted friend are fine, the scenes
with the old lady are a bit too much to, well, swallow, and
Rhys Darby is great. I didn't know the actor, but playing a perfect
goof takes guts! I felt pity for old Norman, which is good in such an
"optimistic" film. Molly Sims is cool as a stupid gorgeous
materialistic woman. John Cothran Jr.'s voice is good for a boss. I am
having nightmares with it :). The joke on cops being paranoid about
yes, "suspiciously chosen activities" "Who goes on holidays to Lincoln,
Nebraska" :)? is fun, if a bit stereotyped Hollywood "liberalism" as
Americans like to misname it.
I agree with IDMB's reviewer bopdog from Cardiff, Wales about a) the
film being uplifting b) Carrey becoming "a bit more human, and a bit
more approachable". Morale? Go and enjoy uncritically (if you can)!"