Craig S. (InnerMacro) from WAUSAU, WI
Reviewed on 9/8/2024...
In 1966, this would have been an innovative concept for a movie. It is unfortunately poorly executed throughout. From the outset, immersion is impossible as we listen to birds chirping happily while the film attempts to evoke a post-nuclear holocaust. There's an attempt at explaining why the survivors live in this 'garden of eden' while the rest of the world burns, but to no avail. A series of unwanted visitors show up with alarming regularity at the home of a 'prepper' and his daughter. For some reason that is impossible to understand, they allow a man who openly (and regularly) threatens their safety to stay in their home with the others. The best part of the movie is the old man's lines because they are so corny and absolute. "If you can't save my daughter, then kill her with this pistol." A drinking game could be established around the word 'Roentgens' as it gets used constantly while the science being explained with it is massively outdated. The mutants all evolve along the exact same evolutionary path, so much that they are able to establish stages of what they will do and look like at each stage. Did the budget get cut on this movie? The ending is so abrubt that if you blink you may miss it - the antagonist killed and the couple marry happily all in the span of 2 seconds. What? There's not enough action in this film to recommend it for consistent laughs, it's only worth the occasional wise crack whenever the old man says something stupid, or for looking at each other in disbelief as the characters do incredibly stupid things with regard to the villain's threats and behavior.
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