Not as good as the second, But still 5 stars
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was a very exiting night. heres a run down
Vinny massaro vs Altar boy luke: Worst Match of the night, but it is still pretty good. barely anything used at all. 2/5
Crimson vs Steve Rizzono: You think that if youve seen what happened to steve rizzono in BIB II's match against pogo Steve would learn not to wear regualar ring trucks in a match...WRONG he does it again. Really good match with Pogo interfering and pinning Steve Winner: Pogo 4/5
Angel vs GQ Money: One of the best matches of the night, everything used from tons of light bulbs to "The Mini Money" Wrapped in Barbed wire. Its a Damn Shame The Table wouldnt light right, and how GQ money landed on it,Ouchie Winner: Angel 5/5
Sandman vs Supreme:Good match, its boring but when you focus on it you see alot of stuff including the paint roller thing with thumbtacks glued to it Winner: Supreme 3 and a half/5
4 way tag team match for the tag team titles
Shady and "As Seen On TV" AWC vs The New Panthers vs Pogo The Clown and Juantastico vs Mexicos Most Wanted: Good match with high flying moves and wrestling. Pogo gets very angry in this match. Winner: The New Panthers 4/5
3 way dance Ladder Match for the XPW TV Title "Rock Superstar" Kaos vs "Confederate Currency" Chris Hamrick vs Psichosis: I expected WAY more from this match. About 2 High Spots: Moonsault off a tall ladder and a double ladder sandwich springboard thing. Someone said "if you thought TLC was bad for WWF wait until you see this" i was like "kool! i gotta get this!" there isnt even 1 table used and barely anything with a chair Winner: NONE:two guys are trying to grab the belt, psichosis moves the ladder and there hanging, psichosis grabs there legs and pulls them and the belt falls too,BAD ENDING 2 and a half stars/5 for the moonsault.
Xpw Heaviweight title: Webb vs "The Franchise" Shane Douglas: Pretty good match with brawling in the crowd and a pretty good ending Winner: Shane Douglas 3 and a half/5
40 FOOT SCAFFOLD EXPLODING RING MATCH FOR THE XPW KING OF THE DEATHMATCH TITLE Supreme vs Angel: WOW...A good match featuring like 50 light tubes, a bat with thumbtacks glued to it, a barbed wire table, bed of light bulbs, bed of barbed wire, and a bed of nails are all used before they climb up to the scaffold. XTREME MATCH Winner: Supreme 5/5
That is all the matches and yes the round 2 deathmatches ARE MISSING. i really wish they werent :(. a good PPV Get Hostile Takeover, i think it is the PPV after this and it has Supreme vs angel II!"