In Sins of the Past she was reborn. In A Friend in Need she was laid to rest. What happened during the years in between is what creates a legend. And it took you, the fans, to create this box-set. You selected the episodes... more » that best documented Xena and Gabrielle?s journeys, their adventures, and their friendship. You showed us what it meant to be Xena fans. So for you, we have developed this ultimate 10th Anniversary Xena Collection.« less
"There's not much detail here with regards to this set, so I thought I'd supply what I've been able to find out (basically, what Creation has published).
What we have here is basically a "fan's collection" of favorate Xena and Gabby "relationship" episodes. Thier mythology if you will.
This seven disc collection includes episodes from each season of the series (and I have to agree that there are quite a few favorites included here) :
Callisto (from Season 1) - A GREAT Episode.
Is There A Doctor In The House (from Season 1)
A Day In The Life (from Season 2) - One of the most popular.
Been There Done That(from Season 3)
The Bitter Suite (from Season 3) - The musical episode.
One Against An Army (from Season 3)
The Ides Of March (from Season 4)
Fallen Angel (from Season 5)
Lyre, Lyre, Hearts On Fire (from Season 5)
Amphipolis Under Siege (from Season 5)
Motherhood (from Season 5)
Old Ares Had A Farm (from Season 6)- Featuring a great supporting performance by the late Kevin Smith.
When Fates Collide (from Season 6)
Many Happy Returns (from Season 6)
A Friend In Need Parts 1 and 2 (the finale from Season 6)
More Details :
Original Full-Frame Presentation.
2005 10th Anniversary Xena Convention: This is a yearly Creation Entertainment Event and an outstandingly fun time. Both Lucy and Renee participate.
Comic Relief - First time interview with actor Robert Trebor on his character Salmonius.
Xena's Hong Kong Origins - Explore the influence on the style and action of Xena by Hong Kong action movies with the show's creators Rob Tapert, Liz Friedman, David Pollison and Doug Lefler.
Mythology vs. Xena - Alexandra Tydings and others talk about her Mythological character, Aphrodite in both Xena and Hercules. Alex is a frequent convention guest and a very good actor who seems to appreciate her fans. Nice to see her included here.
Seeing Double - Zoe Bell talks about being a female stunt woman and her experiences working on Xena.
Extras: A documentary - Explore the life of an extra on the set and at home in New Zealand while working on the production of Xena: Warrior Princess.
There are also some fan contest items that to me seem like a lot of filler, but the fans they feature are sure to enjoy them.
All and all, this seems a good set.
Regards, turtlex"
One or two nitpicks
David E. Miller | Las Vegas, USA | 09/04/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This 10th Anniversary Collection is very well packaged. I do wish it had a few more episodes, but some of my favorites are included ("A Day in the Life," "Been There, Done That," "The Bitter Suite," "The Ides of March"). The one episode I didn't particularly care to see included was "Is There a Doctor in the House?" but I guess fans liked the "Gabrielle is mortally wounded" aspect (similar to her plight in "One Against an Army"), or else the "female relationship" angle. Although I hated the series finale ("A Friend in Need") at the time it aired, and have been quite bitter about it for years now, viewing the finale again has tempered my feelings considerably. There is a certain undeniable logic that justifies Xena's mortal end, and her brutal demise is softened by the visual presence of her spirit. I must say, I truly appreciate the theatrical quality of the seamless director's cut, and there are a couple of graphic scenes included in this version that did not air on television which definitely enhances the episode's tragic impact.... As for the interviews and featurettes, I really enjoyed most of them. But I simply could not sit through the Robert Trebor piece, first of all because I never cared for the Salmonius character, and second of all because the actor is just too full of himself. Everyone else is delightful, though. I cringed here and there during the Xena Convention piece, didn't care for the Xena reenactments, and absolutely loathed the "Xena Fanatic" video. I am a true fan of Xena, but I'm definitely NOT a fanatic. As William Shatner once opined, fanatics need to get a life.... Also, I'm a heterosexual male, and the convention footage and fanatic videos clearly focus on gay fans. I have nothing against this sector of our society, but I do feel that guys like me who found Xena kick-butt sexy should have found a voice in the featurettes somewhere. At any rate, I rarely watch the extras more than once. The real gem here is the collection of Xena episodes, and that makes this 10th Anniversary Collection worth the price of admission."
Season 5 and 6 heavy?
Sean P. Collins | Portland, OR | 03/11/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I cannot help but say I'm suprised by this. The earlier seasons (1/2/3) are almost universally accepted as the best by the fans - and we only get a single season 2 episode in this collection?? This is not even close to what I'd assemble as an "essential" list. Season 4 I can understand, as that was not well accepted overall. I guess I just find it hard to believe that this is truly representative of fan desires (and I've been a huge Xena fan since the show's start.) Perhaps the fans shouldn't have been involved at all! A list of shows showing Xena's evolution, starting with her appearance on Hercules, and ending with her death - and all comedy and non-arc stories generally excluded - would have gone a lot farther."
Xena in all her glory!
Tres Chic | United States | 10/08/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was a junior in highschool when Xena's final episode aired on television. The show, for a while, ran in syndication, and after a few years hiatus is now back on tv. It was its return to tv that prompted me to buy this set. I had forgotten how much I loved to watch Xena and Gabrielle's adventures. These episodes are great, and I've noticed that some of what we see here is not what aired on tv, guess the FCC had something to say about it. It also saves you money if you want the director's cut of Friend in Need, as its included in this boxed set. Granted there are other episodes I would have chosen, but until I get the seasons this will work for me just fine. Great buy, and any Xena fan would want it for their collection.
Just wanted to mention, one thing I also love are the black and white pictures on the inside glossy dvd covers. The show's greatest moments are actually compiled on six discs, with the seventh being nothing but extras. The commentary is also wonderful, as its nice to see Lucy [Lawless] and Renee [O'Connor] laughing and enjoying the show just as much,if not more than, as the fans."
The Journey, Not The Destination
Sin Trader | Coon Rapids, MN United States | 07/26/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a die-hard, this set fills the Xena void quite nicely with some new featurettes, interviews and other extras. However, I was left feeling a little bit empty, since most (if not all) the audio/video commentary by Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor is the same that was found on the season sets. The tiny snapshot this 16-episode set provides is created by the fans, and we all know that no two fans are alike. Therefore I would only recommend this set as a bookend to the full series - because in the case of Xena, what was most important was the journey, not the destination."