The first real review of this dvd.
Michael David Hawkins | 01/05/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I would have given this zero stars if i could have.
Gripe one:
I hope that got your attention. I got this Dvd because the box says it has matches from some old faves of mine Sabu, Shane Douglas, Chris Candito and Abdullah the butcher as well as public enemy and the pit bulls. Well i was lied to... You will not find a complete match of these wrestlers in the entire ten hours. This dvd set only features highlights from the matches.
Gripe two:
Quality is HORRID! I can usually look past something like this considering the older ecw footage was poor. But this was supposed to be the year 2000! It looks closer to the year 1989. Did they steal my parents 1989 RCA camcorder to film this? Oh man, that reminds me. In the "special features" Is where the three (and only) full matches are... And they were filmed by a fan in the audience! But thats not the worst part... the fans footage is the best quality out of the entire ten hours!
Gripe three:
The announcing literally made me mute my television. They dont announce per-say. They more like tell you what your looking at on the screen. Isnt that what you have eye balls for?
I cant tell you not to buy this dvd. I can only ask you this... would you like to own four hours of wrestling clips plus four hours of the worst acting in wrestling history and MAYBE a few hours of crappy matches sprinkled with the worst "commentating" your ears have ever had the misfortune of hearing? If so this is the dvd set for you. But if your like me and a little thing like quality and substance matters then i would get either ECW's blood sport or extreme rules."
Sultan Of Sway | Sway, SD | 09/29/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This review reflects the product (DVDs) in question. It does not reflect on the promotion itself. First off the compression or Bit Rate is to extreme. In other words the video quality is not the best. My VHS recordings made via A1-TV via C-Band Analog Satellite Feed are far superior in Audio / Video quality. The music is different than the original airings. The language is totally edited. Nudity and kissing between Lizzy & Kristi is blocked out. The adverts for Kristi Mist & Jasmine St. Clair have been deleted. The episodes have been edited down to approx. 38 minutes, not the 42 minutes (minus commercials) they ran when first aired. The keepcase stores all three DVDs in one stacking ring and the DVDs are very difficult to remove. To say the least this 3 disc set is a total farce which I should have expected from Big Vision. If you didn`t watch or record these shows when they first aired then you will probably enjoy this set but what a let down to loyal fans and the promotion itself. Although I don`t approve of Rob Black`s adult films (which landed him in jail) I really feel for the wrestlers and how their matches and interviews have been butchered. They probably receive no residuals from this set either. Contractural agreements guys, not just a paycheck. This advice from a past AWA employee. Enjoy, if you can?"