Who are they kidding?
andy hums | Pottstown Pa, USA | 08/19/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This has got to be the worst attempt at a deathmatch tournament in wrestling history. I spent the 25 bucks to see what xpw was all about and to be completely honest, don't waste your money. Former ECW stars John Kronus, Chris Candido, Shane Douglas, and Axl Rotten all make a presence felt, but that is not worth the 25 bucks. Supreme granted is a big man and took some pretty sick bumps is no Mick Foley. The Xpw's version of Ric Blade(czw/japw) comes off as a more guts than brains high flyer. The world title match between the real deal damien steele and Chris Candido is nothing special. People don't waste your money, buy ECW's Hardcore History, or Path of Destruction and you won't be dissapointed."
Amateur Garbage Wrestling at it's most pathetic
B. Harris | Austin, Texas United States | 12/12/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Wow I wish I liked this DVD, I really do. I'm a big ECW/FMW fan, and was expecting (perhaps wishing a bit much, but still...) to at least get an entertaining hardcore wrestling experience, but to my disappointment I got a disc full of amateurs doing stupid stunts with little to no skill, regard for themselves, or their opponents. Sure, hardcore wrestling is supposed to be crazy, but this is just plain sloppy. The only entertaining moments were from the VERY latino announcer "Larry" and the brief shoots by Chris Candido and Shane Douglas, the latter of which was the only moment where you could actually tell the audience was enjoying the show. Quite frankly just skip over this DVD on your way to the ECW DVDs, because, just like I am right now, you'll be kicking yourself later for having wasted money on such garbage."
Good but not great
Brian Ross | Riverside, CA | 03/19/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is XPW's second video release. I'm a huge fan of XPW and this video has it's ups and downs. The first match is a round one match between Supreme vs. Kid Kaos with involves beds of barbed wire and nails. I think fans would love the high flying mixed in with the use of barbed wire. I think it's a good match. Next match is "White Trash" Jonny Web vs. The Messiah in a thumb tack ladder match. They definetly take full use of the thumbtacks in this match and alot of the bumbs these guys take are really cool. The next match is Kronus vs. Carlito Montana in a bed of barbed wire and lightbulbs match. First to say the match was too short. The only highlight is when Kronus throws Carlito on the bed of lightbulbs. There's also a part in the match when Kronus throws Monana on a table but the table doesn't break. The match was very dissapointing. The next match was Axl Rotten vs. Homeless Jimmy in a bed of glass and nails match. Another dissapointing match. Axl uses his trademark barbed wire ax handle most of the match but this match is also short. and the only big part of the match is when Axl hits Jimmy with a chair and he lands on the bed of glass. The next match wasn't part of the tournament. It was Chronic vs. J.N. This was probibly the worst match of the whole video. On three ocasions, J.N. pukes. Chronic tries to do a bulldog from the top rope to the table but he messes up and the crowd boos them. Then later there's a run-in by Mustafa and him and Chronic throw J.n. threw a table. I'd advise you to fast foward threw this match. The next match is my personal favorte of the match. It's second round match of the tournament between Supreme and The Messiah in a bed of thumbtacks and barbed wire match. This match is what all hardcore fans would love. Both wrestlers give it there all in this match. Its a shame that some of these other matches couldn't be more like this one. The next match was Kronus vs. Axl wrotten in a bed of barbed wire and nails match. The match was too short and too many screwups in this match. The only highlight in this match is when Kronus suplexes Axl Rotten threw a bed of barbed whire for the win. I was expecting alot more in this match between two hardcore stars but things arn't always what they're suppost to be. The next match is for the XPW titel as "The Real Deal" Damien Steel defends the belt against Christ Candido in a falls counts anywhere match. This match could have been real good but both of these guys just can't work well together. The only good thing about the match is when Shane Dougles comes out and shoots all over WCW and tells XPW that you now have yourselfs a "Franchise". The next match is the final match in the tournament between Supreme and Kronus in a barbed wire ropes and beds of glass,nails,lightbulbs,thumbtacks,barbed wire and barbed wire tables match. A cool thing about this match is Slayer's lead guitar player Kerry King is the special guest ring announcer of this match. This match was just boring. All it shows is Kronus throwing supreme in all the beds. And then out of nowhere, supreme bodyslams Kronus and then gets on top of the latter and wrapped in barbed wire, he splashes on him for the win. Also another dissapointing match. They then show a part when Lizzy Borden and Kronus strip Kristy Myst in front of everyone. It was cool but not enough skin. Then they show a steel cage match between The Messiah and "White Trash" Jonny Web. This match is also another reason to own this video. Theres this cool part where Web hits the Messiah off of the top of the cage and he lands on the table. These are two of XPW's best and I think the fans won't be dissapoint with this match. Then they show a bonus three way match between Kid Kaos, Phinominal Phil, and Mike Modest. For non hardcore fans, this is an amazing fast paced high flying match. Ofcourse they throw in some hardcore elements into this match but it gells well with the wrestling. These three wrestlers work there asses off in this match and pute on great performances. I think ECW fans would love this match.All and all, "Baptized in Blood" could be better. but it could be worse. if you want to see how XPW started, then you should purchase "Hardcore Conception" (their first video release) and "The Revolution Will Be Telivised" (which is the first two episodes fromt here telivision show). But if you want their best release, get "Go Funk Yourself". It has some great matches like Sabu vs. Terry Funk for the XPW title and both wrestlers destroy everything in their paths. The King of The Deathmatch battle between Supreme and The Messiah which any hardcore fan would love this match. There's also a really good three way match between Kronus, Homeless Jimmy, and "White Trash" Jonny Web. plus a six man brawl with Kronic, Big Rot, and Carlito Montana vs. Halloween, Damien 666, and Rey Misterio Sr. And Kid Kaos competes in two matches. first against Steven Razzono. then against Tracey Smothers."
0 star DVD
diet-coke | Woodbridge, VA United States | 10/03/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I couldn't give this 0 Stars. I wish I could have. I have no idea what people are doing giving this DVD 5 and 4 stars. This DVD has no matchs that were even close to being 3 star quality. The matches have many, many, many mess up spots. The matches move slowly, very slowly. A quick match that last like 5 to 7 min. seemed to go on for ever.
Like the match between Kronic and JN, I would much rather put my Yam Bag in a meat grinder than watch that agian. Kronic couldn't even do a Bull-Dog right and that JN couldn't sell a body slam if his life depended on it. The announceing is horrible, with the Latino Guy being one of the announcers. You couldn't understand what he said and when you could understand him he was stealing an old-schoolers line. All in all this DVD isn't worth the money. They don't show some of there big guns (if they really have any) such as Pogo the Clown or Damien 666. If you want a good Hardcore DVD check out ECW (any of them are good) or the first couple FMW DVDs, or wait and get one of the new FMW DVDs comming out in late Oct. (I recomend International Slaughterhouse; ECW v. FMW )"