They Call It Baptized In Blood For A Reason
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this was a great ppv from xpw and problably the best baptized in blood. heres a run down.
New 80's Dynamite D vs New Jack:good match with weapons including a sickle, vcr, garbage can, and a staple gun and some other stuff, New Jack picks up the win after a Garbage Can shot. 7.5/10
Vic Grimes vs Kraq w/Angel. Barbed Wire boards and nails replacing the turn buckles: good but short match Angel i thought was just his name until i saw this...Vic Grimes Picks up the win with some kind of powerbomb on the barbed wire and a splash off the top rope.6/10
Osawa (yes, not Nosawa) Vs Johnny Webb. Barbed Wire ladder and bed of thumbtacks: Good match Very good use of Thumbtacks and Johnny Webb wins somehow that i forgot. 8/10
Homeless Jimmy (or how the spanish guy says "Homelass yimmy") vs Kronus. Beds of Lightbulbs and broken glass: great match, homeless jimmy has to be the most hardcore (along with Supreme).Homeless Jimmy gets his first ever win after a bulldog off the top rope threw a table. 6.5/10 (6.5 is for jimmy, john kronus was supposed to hit the glass like 3 times and he dodged it and got out of the ring)
Pogo The Clown vs Steve Rizzono. Bed of thumbtacks and a board with like 40 pounds of barbed wire on it: Speechless,this is crazy steve rizzono into the barbed wire about 50 times and then in the thumbtacks wearing regular ring trunks. Supreme interferes and helps kill steve Rizzono and then knocks pogo threw a barbed wire table that supreme brought out, at the end. steve rizzono gets a spine buster onto the thumbtacks and then supreme puts the barbed wire on top of him and does some weird move off the top rope onto him and that makes supreme offically in the KOTD. 10/10
Kid Kaos Vs Jiventud Gurrera: no barbed wire or anything: pretty good with a chair and juve gets the leg lock on kid's bad leg and he taps out 5/10 for the chair spots
Supreme vs Jonny Webb Beds of nails, barbed wire, and thumbtacks: Very good match with great use of wepaons, jonny web gets a ddt on supreme on the tumbtacks and you can see the thumbtacks in supremes head, Supreme bleeds like a pro bleeder. Supreme gets the win after a Frankinsteiner off the top rope onto the thumbtacks and a splash with a chair. 8/10
Homeless Jimmy vs Vic Grimes Beds of light bulbs, glass, and barbed wire: One Of the best matches of the whole night, jimmy does a flip in the bleachers onto vic grimes who has a security railing on him! Vic Grimes wins after some kind of pick up and drops jimmy right on his back on the wheels of the shopping cart!!!!. 10/10
Messiah vs Tool: Snooze fest,they only did this match because vic grimes just had a match and he needed to prepare. a pretty good table spot and nothing good crappiest ending ive ever seen when messiah takes tools mask off and tool runs away like a baby. 3.5/10 for the table spot.
Finals of the KOTD: Supreme vs Vic Grimes: Barbed wire ladder, 40 foot ladder, Beds of everything, 2 barbed wire and light bulb tables, 2 sides are no ropes and other 2 sides is a bunch of barbed wire:HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! this match is awesome!!! one of the first moves is Vic Grimes getting thrown on light bulbs! Supreme messes up while hes on the barbed wire ladder and falls on his stomach on the apron!! In the end, Rob Black comes in and pushes the 40 foot ladder while supreme is on it!!! and supreme lands on the tables of barbed wire and light tubes!!!!
KOTD TITLE: Messiah vs Vic Grimes: same weapons as finals:This is the worst,quickest, and stupidest match ive ever seen its about 6 seconds.vic grimes just gets down and lets messiah pin him, after, Supreme came back out cleared the ring black army took over, New Jack comes in with more weapons and starts beating up the black army with everything.
Wow what a ppv! Alot better than WWf's attitude era, Best matches are Homeless Jimmy vs Vic, Rizzono vs pogo and supreme vs Vic Grimes. GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND BUY THIS DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best xpw video you can get
M. Duggan | virginia | 05/04/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this was the first xpw video i bought, and it's still my overall favorite (the first baptized in blood a close second). although it does have some weak points (rob black never shutting up, for one), this dvd is awesome.
1. dynamite d v. new jack ~ nothing overly special, a typical new jack match with trash cans and staple guns and other various weapons being used. new jack wins with a trash can shot off the top rope (5.5/10)
2. vic grimes v. kraq (boards of nails and barbed wire) ~ the first deathmatch of the night and undoubtedly the weakest. too much interference from angel and a total lack of blood, yet at least it was short. vic grimes wins after a powerbomb onto the barbed wire and a splash off the top rope. (4/10)
3. nosawa v. johnny webb (bed of thumbtacks and barbed wire ladder) ~ now this is when the dvd really gets good. nice use of the ladder and some sick moves onto the thumbtacks. nosawa's blood gets all clotted on his head. webb wins with a wicked powerbomb onto the thumbtacks. (8.5/10)
4. homeless jimmy v. kronus (beds of lightbulbs and broken glass) ~ aside from kronus looking very out of shape and wimping out on the glass spots, this was a decent match. some pretty sick lighttube shots. nice ending with homeless jimmy bulldogging the big guy off the top ropes through a table. (7/10)
5. pogo the clown v. steve rizzono (bed of thumbtacks and barbed wire board) ~ this match was sick. pogo contolled the match until supreme showed up and together they absolutely brutalized rizzono. he even lost some hair after getting it tangled in the barbed wire. pogo gets thrown through a table after a while, leaving supreme free to win the match after splashing onto rizzono who was sandwiched between the barbed wire and the thumbtacks. (9/10)
6. kid kaos v. juventud guerrera ~ juvie should never speak in public, his insults just embarass him. it's not a bad non-deathmatch spot, both men proving they can wrestle. juvie wins after a leg lock on kaos' bad knee. (6/10)
7. johnny webb v. supreme (beds of nails, thumbtacks, and barbed wire) ~ very nice match, with supreme getting thumbtacks stuck in his head after a vicious ddt by webb onto the thumbtacks. supreme wins with a frankensteiner onto the thumbtacks followed by an unneccesary frog splash with a chair. (7.5/10)
8. vic grimes v. homeless jimmy (beds of lightbulbs, glass, and barbed wire) ~ pretty sick match involving not only the beds of stuff, but also pleanty of weapons including a pizza cutter and a cheese grater. vic grimes wins after attempting to gorilla slam jimmy off the shopping cart. his grip slips and jimmy lands back-first on the wheels of the shopping cart. (8/10)
9. messiah v. tool ~ after a whole lot of talking by rob black and tool's manager, these two finally wrestle, and its not too much to look at. i'm dissapointed because these guys are both good wrestlers, they just failed to put on a good match. very cheeseball ending with tool running away after messiah pulls off his mask. (2/10)
10. vic grimes v. supreme (no rope, barbed wire, beds of everything, and a huge ladder) ~ after wrestling two matches each that same night, these two took it to another level. blood and lighttubes and chairshots galore. one really sick spot when supreme tries to climb a ladder outside of the ring and splash onto vic inside the ring. supreme slips and crashes chest-first onto the side of the ring. very painful. the match ends with supreme climbing the giant ladder inside the ring, when rob black comes out and topples it over. supreme lands on a couple tables piled high with lighttubes and barbed wire. vic pins him. (9.5/10)
the back of the dvd claims that the winner of the tournament would face the messiah for the deathmatch title. however, vic grimes simply lies down and lets messiah pin him. a very dissapointing end to what was otherwise a great event."
Another Great XPW DVD
BM | 01/22/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"New Jack vs Dynamite D- This started out as a great match. New Jack was going hold for hold with D. Then New Jack broke out the hardcore weapons and the melee started! It was really getting good, but then it was over. Grade B-
Vic Grimes vs Kraq- Another great start, both of these guys where putting on a decent show. Huge top rope frog splash from the 400 pounder grimes. The match was just too short. Grade B-
Nosawa vs Johnny Webb- Quick moving, hard hitting match. Both wrestlers do a great job using various weapons. You will also see some very innovative moves. Somebody leaves a bloody mess! Grade A-
John Kronus vs Homeless Jimmy- Homeless Jimmy is the guy who never wins a match. He finally was able to put on a fantastic match against one of the most agile, big men in the sport today. Grade B+
Steve Rizzano vs Pogo the Clown- Supreme decides to join the match. Rizzano takes one of the worst beating ever. Its really great to sit back and enjoy the show! Grade A-
Juvenstud Guerrero v Kid Kaos- Kaos came in with a leg injury and wasn't supposed to wrestle. Either his leg was really hurting, or it was the best acting job ever, because at no point was he not limping, or crying out in pain. Kaos really put on a great match. Juvenstud also went all out, and didn't look sloppy like many of his matches. Grade B+
Supreme vs Johnny Webb- Supreme just destroys him! It would have been nice to see a more competitive match, but the violence was impressive! Grade B
Vic Grimes vs Homeless Jimmy- Grimes looked like he was going to run over Jimmy, since the match looked over in 2 minutes. Jimmy makes a nice comeback, and hits grimes with everything at his disposal. The finish was very good, another very solid match. Grade B+
The Messiah vs Tool- I don't know who Tool is but I would love to find out. He was a monster 6'6 300 pounds yet hit a fantastic off the top rope hurracarrana. The Messiah countered with some great offense and the match went all over the floor. Another great looking match. Grade B+
Supreme vs Vic Grimes- Its amazing to me to see two guys who are clearly injured and yet still wrestling such a great match. They used barbwire, tacks, glass, light tubes, ladders, tables, and more. Supreme took unscripted fall off a ladder that was brutal. The Black pushed him off a 10 ft ladder out of the ring onto a table with light tubes, and barbwire. That was one of the sickest falls I have seen. Grade A
It's a shame XPW went away so quickly I really liked a lot of the wrestler and the story lines they did. This DVD was just great and I would recommend it to anyone! Overall Grade A-