Alice H. (singlegalkansas) from TOPEKA, KS Reviewed on 3/27/2009...
Good film but could have been so much better...
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
David F. from GAITHERSBURG, MD Reviewed on 2/1/2009...
Dark and disturbing, this movie is completely unsettling. I didn't realize how good it was till the second time I watched it. Surprisingly funny at times, well written and extremely well made. They pick up with Scully and Mulder 6 years after they leave the FBI. This is a stand alone story, so you need not know all of what transpired in the past to follow what is happening here. Great casting, compelling story, and a big production make for an excelent cinematic experience...lots of snow too...looks really good on the screen. Not for children!
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
"I think it's the darkness which always finds us, Scully." -
Bobby Underwood | Manly NSW, Australia | 07/26/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Much like the first theatrical outing for Mulder and Scully, this will disappoint some for what it is not, and others for what it actually is. It is very much the type of stand-alone story which used to be squeezed between the conspiracy and mythology episodes. The problem presented by the avenue chosen by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz is that after so many years have passed, fans aching for what The X-Files did best will be confronted by a dreary and snowy low-key and intimate story which while excellent on its own, is not what fans had anticipated.
That being said, I do believe, however, after the initial shock, and perhaps after a second viewing, fans will embrace it for Carter's courage to once again fly in the face of the powers that be and tell an often creepy stand-alone story showing how the darkness always found Mulder and Scully, and how it was having each other to lean on which helped each keep their faith. It is almost as if this is a segue to something more on the horizon. For even within the confines of a story which does not deal in the slightest manner with any of the X-Files mythology fans have hungered for, there are portents.
Beginning with both Mulder and Scully leading very different lives than those we came to know, Carter uses the darkness to bring them back together. It is a kidnapped F.B.I. Agent and a Bureau ready to forgive Mulder for his many indiscretions if only he will help work with the psychic who may or may not be genuine which starts things rolling. Scully's need to help a young boy with an incurable disease and the relationship of our favorite F.B.I. couple, even though neither works for the Bureau anymore, gets as much screen time as the premise, which is like a creepy episode rather than a feature film.
Duchovny and Anderson are still fabulous together, perhaps even more so in a somber and low-key outing such as this. The intimacy and history of the couple is what the film is about, and how faith can be restored even amidst the darkness which always found them, and sometimes kept them apart. This really plays better as a small screen episode of the show, but because we have missed Mulder and Scully for so long, it gets an A.
There are references to Mulder's sister, the alien abduction which haunted and drove him in his quest for the truth. It is a story line we thought wrapped up. Now that is unclear. Carter did say in an interview about the film that no one ever really dies for good on the show. And though the film itself has dealt in absolutely no way at all with X-Files mythology, what should show up as a background to the closing credits? Black oil, that's what. And it ain't Texas tea. It is worth seeing if only for a very touching and tender moment between Mulder and Scully near the end. It is the kind of intimate conversation which made the show better than anything else we got to watch during its long run.
The story itself might have been better as an episode of the show, and those who venture into theatres expecting something grandiose after all this time will certainly come away wondering if it was worth the wait. Fans of the show, however, were fans because of the relationship between Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. So if you go in knowing that this is that sort of episode, in which the case is only an excuse to bring them back to who they were, then you'll enjoy it much more. It has much more in common with "Beyond the Sea" or "Irresistible" than say, "Nesei" and "731."
See it on the big screen to show support, so we can have more, but know you'll probably enjoy it more on your set once it comes to dvd."
I will always believe!!
T. G. Baudouin | Mexico City, MEXICO | 09/22/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Mulder and Scully are back...and that's incredibly awesome!!!
I think it was a shame this movie didn't get the attention it deserved when it was released. I believe that the studio's poor promotion and the unfortunate date of release --THE DARK NIGHT's SUMMER-, among other external conditions didn't help it attract more viewers. But now that this fantastic 3-disc edition is here, there is no earthly excuse to not watch Mulder's and Scully's triumphal return.
Give this movie a chance if:
1)You were a fan back in the 90's --oH THOSE HAPPY DAYS!--.
2)You are sick of flat characters who never actually grow up, grow old and /or mature.
3)You are in the mood for an intelligent little movie and you have had your share of CGI and exaggerated action sequences -that, let's face it, turn out to be a whole lot of nonsense most of the times-.
4)You want to be captivated by 2 of the most representative characters in TV history.
Give it a try, re-watch some of the tv series'episodes, get in the mood and enjoy!! Remember the Truth is out there...and we want to find it in a third movie. I waited 6 years for this one, I hope I won't be waiting that much for an XF3!!!
Note: If you watched the movie in the theatre and thought the storyline had some slight plotholes, check out the DVD edition of the film. This is REALLY the film Carter wanted to give us. Few extra scenes give a subtle but meaningful enhancement."
I wanted more from the Extended Cut
A. Cassady | 12/02/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"As a huge fan of the X-Files and as someone who was disappointed by the 2nd movie, I was looking forward to watching the "extended cut" of the movie offered in this special edition set. In articles about the movie's production, Chris Carter moaned about Fox saying the movie couldn't run longer than an hour and a half and talked about having to cut the movie down quite quickly. I had hoped that the "extended cut" would fill in some of the holes I saw in the movie and would reflect Carter's original vision. Instead, the "extended cut" is only 4 minutes longer than the theatrical release and contains only one extra scene, that I noticed. Disappointing.
I am a believer
C. Merced | Stamford, CT and sometimes in Puerto Rico | 09/13/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am a fan, I would have been happy with 2 hours worth of Mulder and Scully doing absolutely nothing in the screen, as long as they were back. But, we have been given a lot more! Chris Carter has given us a thriller and a pretty good one at that.
The film follows FBI agents in their search for a missing agent. They are aided by a man, a priest of questionable morals, who has visions. They bring in Mulder and Scully, now a surgeon (since when?!) to help them in their investigation. If Mulder helps, all will be forgiven (a bit of a stretch since he was charged by the military for murder after all). Regardless, our favorite couple discovers a sinister plan that will make you cringe.
Amanda Peet is the FBI Agent that brings Mulder in. Her character could have been better used. Skinner makes an appearance!
The movie was sinister, evil, spooky and just plain wrong. It was great! To top is all off: Mulder and Scully. There is nothing bad we can say about their acting and their portrayals...they own these characters, they created them, and made them the memorable characters we like. The direction was excellent, with amazing long shots and beautiful photography. The great musical score was done by Mark Snow, who else would have been better for this?!
For the X-philes (fans): oh, this will be fun, sunflower seeds, "I want to believe" poster, pencils in the ceiling and a whole lotta Mulder and Scully talk. Priceless. Did you see Chris Carter in the scene at the hospital, sitting down?
For the X-shippers, you will be happy. Mulder and Scully, what has happened will be answered and then some.
For the non-fan: it was very easy to understand, there is not that much mythology, just some references here and there that are not necessary for the understanding of the plot.
The movie is very good, and spooky, it talks about morality, about persistence and about beliefs. The movie once again, as the entire series of the X-Files did, challenges both Mulder and Scully in their beliefs along the way of solving yet another sinister crime. There are tons of plot holes and far fetched things though. Yes, there have been better episodes. But still, a great addition to The X-Files.
Still, I am going to wait for the Special edition which is sure to come."
Not good, and yet...
M. Nichols | San Francisco, CA United States | 12/06/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have a theory that there were three types of "X-Files" fans. The first were the die-hard sci fi types who started watching when it was a little known cult hit on Friday nights. The second group started watching when it moved to Sunday night, and were drawn to it by positive word of mouth and good reviews. The third type were never regular viewers of the show, but could probably pass a ten point quiz about it from the handful of episodes they've seen.
I was in the second category. I am not a sci-fi fan under normal conditions, but all the hype drew me to it. To my surprise, it was completely my cup of tea. Agent Mulder remains one of my favorite fictional characters, driven by a righteous single mindedness and an endearing devotion to the women in his life. He and Scully were the real deal, and remain one of my favorite TV romances. And the show had some stellar writing, combining paranoid conspiracy plots with fabulous stand alone outings. "The X-Files" was one of my favorite series.
The two movie versions fare less well. Like a lot of people, I lined up opening day for the first outing in 1998, and it was hugely disappointing. It didn't turn me off, I kept watching, right up through the lackluster finale in 2002. I don't think the series ever jumped the shark, but it came close by having Mulder go off and "hide in the desert" for inexplicable reasons to cover Duchovny's departure. Then there was Agent Scully, giving up her and Mulder's son to "keep him safe." I mean, really? Having FBI hero parents who can kick alien butt and save the world wasn't enough for young William Mulder... he was better off with strangers in Wyoming? I think I deserve a badge of honor for sitting through some of that stuff.
Having said all that, last summer I was more than happy to revisit the whole enterprise when the second movie came out. Watching it again recently on DVD, I had the same reaction as my first viewing: it is better than the first movie. It's better than several S9 episodes. But... it is not vintage "X-Files" by any means. The best episodes, and they are legion, defy logic and willingly suspend disbelief. They crackle with tension and good dialog.
This movie, like the first one, seems like a dumbed down version of an episode. The plot is idiotic, and its resolution is full of twists so implausible you want to laugh. There are moments (watch for scenes with a wrench) that seem deliberately campy. It lacks memorable dialog (unless you count the line, "Does anyone here speak English?") stimulating plot twists, or good humored exchanges. If I had never seen "The X-Files" and saw this movie, I would write it off entirely.
And yet, improbably, I enjoyed this movie. I love Mulder and Scully. Seeing them interact, six years after the finale, made me swoon. I was willing to sit through the C minus plot just for the nice moments between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. I'm glad they went back to British Columbia to film this outing... the scenery and winter wonderland quality are inspiring! I would happily pay money to watch this one several times.
So... it's not a good movie, and yet I enjoyed it and will watch it multiple times. Such is the life of a fan."