Eye Opening view of America's Past Good and Bad.
Johnny Rudick | Seattle, WA USA | 05/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As it says, this is part three of three well done movies.
If you want to get out of this movie all that there is in it, before you watch part three, go out and get part One and Two and watch them first.
I am hard pressed to see where they could have improved on what was done in telling a very important part of America's history in it's context of the early 1800's.
When I first heard of this movie I thought. OK, another stylistic caricature of "The Mormons". Like some horrible B&W movie I saw many years ago with some horror movie star (Can't remember his name. Boris Karloff of someone like him.)
Anyway this guy who portrays Joseph Smith is truly believable as God's Prophet. He is truly the kind of man I would love to sit down and share a beer with and even follow to the Rocky Mountains.
Brigham Young, although not much time spent on him, was shown as a man wholly devoted to who he truly believed to be God's Prophet.
This movie helps you to understand why a few renegade Mormons would even want to get even with a few travelers from the Missouri area coming through Utah's Mountain Meadows. Not the kind of behavior Christians should take part in but people sometimes do carry a grudge, Christian or not, when loved ones have been persecuted and murdered as a matter of political convenience.
This is no reason for the attack at Mountain Meadows just the way it was.
People traveled through Utah all the time unmolested and the story is totally false that says the reason for the attack on them was that they did not like strangers passing through their country.
This movie is informative and fun for the whole family.
Even young people need to know that just like chickens in the chicken yard or children on the school ground, we are many times not much different we we "grow up".
Watch and enjoy Parts One through Three of this movie and then write every one you can who can see to it that Part 4, Across the River to Nauvoo, (or some title like it) gets into production as soon as possible."
The books are better
Pistol Pete | Houston, TX United States | 07/17/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is between three and four stars. I enjoyed it, but it left me wanting. This is the latest (and possibly last) installment in the Work and the Glory series. If are you not familiar with this series, it is a fictional account of a Mormon family in the early days of the church.
The first two movies were very good. I felt this one fell a little bit short. The story is compelling, but quite depressing and dark. It build towards a climax, but then ended with a different, unexpected climax. Generally, a decent story, but don't set your hopes too high on this one."