Astoundingly CHEAP!!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"THE WONDERFUL LAND OF OZ and JACK AND THE BEANSTALK are both directed by BARRY MAHON, a veteran exploitation film maker.
WONDERFUL LAND OF OZ stars the tone deaf Channy Mahon as TIP who fans of the books will know is really Princess Ozma enchanted as a boy. Channy Mahon "sings" several HIDEOUS tunes amidst sets that look like they were set up on a elementary school stage and created out of paste and construction paper. This movie was done on the cheap. Frankly that is what is fun about it. It is absolutely fascinating to watch because it is just truly terrible. I have NEVER seen anything that compares to the outright and unabashed CHEAPNESS of this flick. The songs are wretched and sung by people who just can't sing. The GUMP is the most wretchedly constructed prop ever. And the effects for when it flys...well they certainly are special.
JACK AND THE BEANSTALK has much better songs, although they still suck. And it looks a little bit more polished and not quite as cheap. It also thankfully does not star the uninspiring Channy Mahon. We do get to see the evil GIANT launch into a terrible little ditty called FE FI FO FUM at least three awful times.The wonderful thing about this DVD is that it contains probably 20 odd trailers for bottom of the barrel childrens trash epics from the 60's and 70's...and maybe even the 50's.
These trailers have to be seen to be believed. MEXICAN IMPORTS like LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD AND THE MONSTERS must have employed a crew completely on drugs. The dubbing just in this trailer alone rivals any bad dubbing I have ever seen. Your jaw will drop when you see just how profoundly disturbing this trailer is. There are no words to describe my utter sense of wonder when I watch the trailers on this disc. THE SECRET OF MAGIC ISLAND is a movie I just have to see. It features a cast of live animals doing all kinds of ridiculous things like taking showers and plotting schemes. IF YOU ARE FAN OF TRASH!! YOU MUST BUY THIS DISC IMMEDIATELY!!!This disc is the perfect gift for that insipid child in your life who is only intelligent enough to barely comprehend POKEMON. Get the child this disc and they will hate you forever for marring their lackluster BARNEYesque existence with something they won't understand but will none the less disturb them."