What do you get when you combine big hair, big guns, big, um...personalities! and a serious lack of wardrobe? She-Wolves of the Wasteland, a post-apocalyptic classic that features women--lots and lots of women--who leave l... more »ittle to the imagination as they battle each other in various junkyards and gravel pits to determine the fate of the entire world. Leave your brain behind for this shamelessly sinful sexploitation romp with a plot you won't remember...but plenty of eye candy you won't forget!« less
"I would like to comment,that this movie is not a sexploitation movie!. As there is not one love scene in the whole movie lesbian or heterosexual! and thats to its credit in my opionion. The plot is simple,sexy Kathleen Kinmont is phoenix a pious sand trapper in an apocalyptic earth that has been ravaged by chemical warfare. Most of the male population has been obliterated by plagues cause by warfare and what remains is a small band of women called She Wolves. Phoenix has made it her mission to protect Keela(Peggy Sands)who is carrying the seed to possibly repopulate the male population. She is opposed by Bagger the reverend mother of the She Wolves who doesn't want a repopulation of the male species. What follows is your usual script for movies like this,such as gladiator duels and fighting mutants etc.etc. The acting and action is what you'd expect for a low budget B movie. But I bought the dvd to see Kathleen Kinmont and I was not disappointed,she's quite striking and attractive scantily clad,so if youy want to purchase this dvd for Kathleen Kinmont do so."
Post apocalyptic heaven!
Bud Bundy | MN USA | 01/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In the future, the male population has been destroyed by nuclear war, leaving only the women, all of whom are hot young babes. Hair care products also seem to have survived intact, but clothing has been reduced to tattered bikinis and other Mad Max style gear. As the movie begins, after the obligatory action sequence of a mortar-firing dune buggy chasing a smaller dune buggy, we find our heroine Kathleen Kinmont rescuing a girl from the clutches of the evil babes. Soon she learns that this young girl is pregnant, the only pregnant girl on the planet. So the evil babes are very anxious to get her back. Turns out the evil babes are ruled by the "Reverend Mother", and old hag who sits in a room and apparently has a scientific laboratory stashed away somewhere where she conducts genetic experiments.
Anyhow, Kinmont and her pal make it through a variety of gunfights, gladiator battles and even survive being run over by a truck. They meet up with a man, by which time the pregnant girl has already given birth to a son. I suppose the odds of the girls who have the only male child on earth meeting up with the only other man on earth are fairly slim, but hey, it never violated my suspension of disbelief. Eventually of course they are captured and brought before the Reverend Mother, for the exciting, or well, for the showdown.
This is '80s cheese at its best. Acting is bad, sets are cheap and reused over and over, the babes are hot and plentiful, and there's all the chuckle-inducing low budget action you can handle. Typical '80s music suitable for an aerobics class plays throughout. This movie was always know as Phoenix the Warrior until it was renamed for DVD release."
great hands | San Diego, CA United States | 03/20/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"From the other reviews it sounded hot, but it could not keep my attention. As far as nudity, there is only one brief scene with partial nudity. The hot women staring in the film never get naked. The action and fight scenes are so cheezy, you can't even mention a comparsion with the epic "Mad Max"."
Phoenix the Warrior
Steven L. Kimmell | Bradenton, FL United States | 08/20/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is unique in the way they shifted things around. Since all the men were killed off by some plague the women are alone to continue the wars and battles. This movie is base in the future but nothing is left from our society except for bullets, guns, cars and gasoline. One woman is artificially implanted with a baby boy and gives birth to it. Our hero Phoenix accepts the role of protecting this woman and her child from the evil women who want the child's DNA. Just like most action adventure films their not much of a story line here but in this day of age is enlightening to see women on the other end of the gun."
Sit down and check your brain at the door.
A. Thurston | USA | 04/22/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Oh my goodness where to start ? Let's just say that She Wolves of the Wasteland aka Phoenix the Warrior is one rare gem of a B movie.Someone was trying to cash in on the Mad Max/Road Warrior craze of the 80's and came up with this one.To it's credit She Wolves knows it's limitations and plays off them.The film stars the stunning Kathleen Kinmont as Phoenix a post apolcalypse survivor/huntress.Anyone familiar with Ms.Kinmont's body of work ( tv's Renegade series,Halloween 4 ) knows that she's a competent actress with a great look.Her sidekick is Keela played by former Playboy Playmate Peggy McIntaggert.They are being pursued by the evil Cobalt who works for the diabolical mutant known as the Reverend Mother.Cobalt is played by the late Persis Khambatta who unfortunatly passed away back in 1998.Persis is best known as the "bald chick" from the first Star Trek movie and as Rutger Hauer's terrorist sidekick in Sly Stallone's Night Hawk movie.Reverend Mother is played bt Sheila Howard who is channeling Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars saga.I won't try and explain the plot as it's inane to say the least and downright hilarious in spots.I suspect that Kinmont knew what she was in for and played Phoenix to the hilt.And she looks way too hot to be a survivor of the Apocalpyse.Persis chews the scenery bigtime as Cobalt obviously knowing that this is what was required for the film.McIntaggert's acting ability was close to nil but she looked good in skimpy clothes as well.I will say that Road Warrior is obviously the movie that She Wolves apes most.There's even a little boy and a broken music box like in Road Warrior.The boy Skyler says no lines and is most likely grateful for it.Hey all I can say is if you love campy B movies like me then you'll really want to check She Wolves of the wasteland out.There's some cool dune buggy chase scenes and some mutants that recite Tv Guide verbatem that you've got to see to believe.I will admit though to being disppointed in the lack of female nudity-hey guys it's a T&A flick where's Kathleens obligitory nude scene ?Overall a much better buy than those lousy Italian made flicks like the Bronx warriors are."