Series rocks
Cable | Missouri | 12/02/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wolverine and the X-Men is an awesome animated series. I saw the first half-dozen or so episodes and then moved to a house where I can't get my old cable provider or Dish... so our family has to watch this by DVD (not many episodes available by streaming).
Long and short is do not buy these partial season releases, they are financially a poor choice. I bought the entire first season on DVD through with shipping for about $54. The DVDs work perfectly in American players.
Canada is getting this series about 6 months ahead of us, so look for season 2 from them as well, unless you like practicing patience.
9 hours and 53 minutes of X-Men goodness!
FAN of FUN movies | New York | 02/28/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm practicing the very difficult art of "patience" and am awaiting the eventual box set release of Season 1 with all 26 episodes together.
But....if you do decide to go the more expensive route of purchasing the 6 volumes seperatey, take comfort in knowing that the approximate $60.00 it will cost you to purchase them seperately bought you 9 hours and 53 minutes worth of animated X-Men goodness (although volume 6 hasn't been announced yet but when it does it should have the last 3 episodes)!
If that's worth it for you then more power to you, enjoy your purchase because waiting for the complete box set of Season 1 is just as difficult a decision to make as it is to drop that $60.00.
Now, who wants to guess how much the Season 1 complete box set will go for here on Amazon?
I say definately below $60.00!
Know what's funny, regardless that it's animation, I would rather have over 9 hours of this show than 2 hours of that silly Wolverine movie even if I do end up dropping that $60 (fingers crossed I can resist)!
Fox movies could learn a thing or two from this animated series on how to properly handle their Marvel license and not just with the X-Men!
Thanks for reading, hope this helps you make your decision.
Now c'mon Lionsgate, i'm not getting any younger.....please hurry with the Season 1 Box Set!
Oh, and did I mention that a Cap, Thor and Avengers movie are being made, i've died and went to heaven.
Edit: Screw this, i'm also going the Amazon Canadian route, I don't need no stinking commentaries....thanks for the heads up everyone."
Get full season from
Kevin Richards | Ohio, USA | 01/03/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I think others have alluded to the fact that one can order the full season 1 region 1 dvds from (canada) at about $40 with $10 in shipping. I'm pretty sure that you may end up paying more for this and the other single releases if you wanted the entire first season, but you definitely do not have to wait until the summer 2010 when the full season comes out in the US - just order it from Canada. There may be a few added features (audio commentary) for a US release, but this has all the episodes."