Lady Jaguara has everything she needs to achieve her goal to open paradise. As groups of humans and wolves arrive at Jaguara's city, they discover that they must find a way to get in. Kiba is now obsessed with saving Chez... more »a from her fate. Tsume, too, is resigned to help and even Toboe is showing fighting spirit. But Hige is behaving strangely and the others start to worry. Meanwhile, Lady Jaguara prepares for her ritual which will open Paradise. But despite all of her power and influence, there are still those who would stand against her. And when the final battle lines are drawn, she will have to face a betrayed noble, a furious pack of wolves, and some very confused humans. The world will end or perhaps begin on this night!« less
"I am a huge fan of Wolf's Rain and have watched it on Adult Swim and own all the recent DVDs. This is truly a wonderful series that reaches somewhere inside you and pulls you into the very souls of the characters and you feel like you know these people. I can not wait for this DVD to come out because it has my favorite episodes on it. On this DVD, the group is still split up, but all of them, including Quint, make it to Jagara's keep and you learn more of Hige's past and his mysterious collar. If you have not seen any of the series and you buy this DVD, you will be intrigued and sucked into it until you are buying all the DVDs. That is what happened to me. I actually saw the first episode of this DVD on Adult Swim one night and was very interested and started my collection. It is worth your time to look into it. If you wish too learn more about this DVD and the Wolf's Rain series you can look at Do not put www in front of wolfsrain or you will not find it."
Some questions answered, and even more asked
Jaymie Krone | IL, USA | 03/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As soon as I heard Wolf's Rain was being made I got excited about the series. The people that work on it also worked on Cowboy Bebop, one of my most favorite anime series. I've been watching the series as each volume is released, and was waiting with anticipation for this one. I've heard that the last episode on Volume six was intended to be the end of the series. You can tell, because it has new, much more involved opening and closing sequences. However, I'm glad its not the end, because it leaves so many questions unanswered!
This volume just contains four episodes, but they are packed with revealing plot. You find your mouth dropping with shock a few times, because some real suprises are revealed. You also get some nice conclusions to some questions you had been dying to answer. It is a very beautiful anime, and these episodes are no different. Some of the ending sequences are confusing, but the artwork is amazing. The sound is also good, as the music really fits the scenes. Overall it's an amazing volume.
I love the series so much because it has such strong themes. It may feature wolves, but it really has something to say about love, obession, family, friendship, power, and society. If you don't believe me, start watching the series from volume one. The only bad thing about this anime, if you can even call it bad, is that the episodes do not stand alone. Don't start with this disc, or you will get nothing out of it. You need to see the series in order. Happy viewing!"
Wolf's Rain Is The Best Anime
Sesho | 04/25/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay by the way this is not a "kids review" i am a (...) girl its just that i can't figue out how to make a normal review. lol Anyway...Wolf's Rain is the best anime i have ever watched. My cousin got me into it. One of my friends said it was a terrible series and i'm glad to say that's the biggest lie i ever heard. :) I got Wolf's Rain - Leader of the Pack (Vol. 1) - With Series Box, CD & Toy for christmas. After the first episode i was hooked. I immedietly went to get the rest of the DVDS and when i have to wait for one to come out i just watch the dvds over and over again. The idea of wolf's hiding in the forms of humans is wonderful. The plot is deep and dramatic. The drawing is amazing and the details are just fantastic. There isn't one bad thing about this anime. I start to care about the character (especially Kiba and Hige *squeal*) lol I wish this series would just never come to an end, it just draws you to it. Everything ties together perfectly and everything is perfectly connected. And the music.. OMG The music is amazing!! I adore all the music in the series. I love anime but I am sorta picky when i watch them. I didn't feel that way about wolf's rain. Wolf's Rain is by far the BEST anime ever created and i will always feel that way no matter what other anime i watch Wolf's Rain will be number one, on my list.
I just finished watching this DVD yesturday and i can't wait till the seventh dvd. I'm gonna see if i can go preorder it.But i wish i didn't have to wait till May 24!!!! I will be rewatching the DVDs till it comes out though. Sadly the seventh dvd is the last one..There better be a movie......grr.
I highly recommend this to anybody. If you don't care about anime than Wolf's Rain will definetly change your mind. And if you love anime than you adore Wolf's Rain."
At War For The Future
Marc Ruby? | Warren, MI USA | 05/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One can't help by admire the conceptual sweep of this series. Based on a legend that men are descended from wolves, and that our older brothers will lead the way into the next world as they did bring us here in the first place. The story uses this without beating the viewer over the head with excessive Indian lore, and the result is something entirely original. The four wolves set out from one city on a quest for Paradise, they find Cheza, the flower maiden, and now it is time for Toboe, Tsume. Hige, and Kiba to enter Jaguera's forgotten city for what amounts to a preliminary dramatic conclusion.
Everyone descends on the forgotten city, not just our wolves. Cheza and Hubb have been captured and brought here, Blue and Cher follow their trail, and Quent Yaiden brings up the hindmost. Each will confront the truth in their own way as step by step we move towards the final confrontation with Jaguera and the conflict between the true paradise and Jaguera's hope for for a fulfilled love and a final place for this world's nobles.
These four episodes reveal much, resolving many of the mysteries, and revealing a few mysteries that we never realized were there. All taking place against the backdrop of the city and the complex rituals that Jaquera uses to gain her final objective. Good or evil, each character displays some facet of value that arouses some sense of respect. Even Jaguera, who is by far the villain of this piece, manages to command respect. In fact, character development is as important to this story as any other part of the narrative or artwork.
This has turned out to be a very special series, remarkable for its creativity, design, and music. Both the English and American casts are excellent. This DVD continues to push the envelope of anime's ability to become more than a Japanese phenomenon but something that has universal appeal to anyone seeking something special in the way of entertainment."
Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 03/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The wolf fur is definately hitting the fan in Volume 6 of the impressive series Wolf's Rain. Cheza is being held captive along with Hubb by Lady Jaguara, the mysterious noble who enlisted a special military unit to hunt down all wolves, and who is also the ruthless woman who is responsible for the murder of Lord Darcia's true love. She intends to open the gates of Paradise not to wolves, but to the Nobles! Meanwhile, Kiba, Tsume, Toboe, and Hige are trying to figure out a way into Jaguara's heavily guarded keep. The city seems so familiar to Hige, almost as if he has been there before. Quent, the fanatical wolf hunter who believes his family was killed by wolves has also sneaked into the city, and seperately, Blue and Cher as well. As you can tell, all the elements and characters of the past 5 volumes are coming together in a final endgame. Who will win out, the wolves or the Nobles, and just where does the fate of the world fit into all this?
The end of this volume kind of leaves you hanging, but don't worry, there's one more volume left. I think that Wolf's Rain has some of the most elegant animation and storytelling ever put on television. There are just scenes that stick out in your mind, such as a sequence when Blue and Cher are being assaulted by two boy thugs, and there's a close-up shot of Blue's face with her hair blown in the wind, and then the camera backs up and you see she's looking upside down, balancing on a wall before launching herself at her attackers. You really care about all these characters, even though you might not understand every single detail of the plot. All of them, even the evil Jaguara, are searching for happiness. The problem is that sometimes you have to suffer to get to your dreams.
Highly recommended. The only pathetic extra is some variant textless endings. Whippee. Also available in a two-volume manga."