Wolf's Rain: An Amazing Story
Beverly A. Fontaine | McKinleyville, CA United States | 05/31/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wolf's Rain is an anime that describes the adventures of four wolves in a post-apocalyptic setting who can take the shape of human beings to hide from people. The artwork is dazzling: detailed, well-animated wolves running through surreal, futuristic landscapes are breathtaking to watch. The musical score, composed by the deservingly well-reputed Yoko Konno, is haunting and bittersweet. And the plot is a tense, riveting roller-coaster ride, containing touching moments and wise messages too multi-faceted to be summarized in words. I can't remember a story that touched me in the same way Wolf's Rain did.
The four main wolf characters in this story conceal themselves as humans, for they are being hunted by many sinister forces. With the help of a creation known as Cheza, they are searching for a fabled land where they can be free to be themselves again without fear. Their yearning for this place carries them on. Throughout their travels, they encounter many downtrodden and disillusioned characters who appear to have no hope left. The faith the wolves possess is often challenged by such characters, as well as by the undeniable state of the conflicted, war-torn world around them.
Wolf's Rain is not a simplistic idealist's story. It is a dark tale meant for mature audiences, and its intonations of hope are mostly subtle. It contains some violent scenes; the wolves are often beaten into pulps by their adversaries, and sometimes they themselves deal damage to humans. Though we come to care deeply for the main characters as they develop over the course of the story, moments of peace for these characters are few and far-between. The implications of the last episodes are ambiguous, deep, and philosophically far-reaching. Wolf's Rain leaves us with the hope of a better future despite the horrors and pain of current circumstances."
Great Series, Terrible Packaging
S. Dotson | 06/26/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Wolf's Rain is one of the better series in anime. Lots of deeper meaning, beautiful animation...
The only real problem I had with this boxed set was the flimsy plastic that held it together. I'm not sure how they fit a 7 disc set into it honestly. It arrived with a piece that held it together broken off inside. Also, the outer box had a crack in it. Besides Ebay, you can't beat getting this whole series for 35 dollars, but be aware of the possible poor condition it may come in."
Much better than I expected.
Joshua Miles | US Army, Iraq | 11/01/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have to say that after having seen a few episodes of this show randomly on Cartoon Network a while back I was skeptical about what it had to offer. But I will say that after watching the whole series through I changed my mind about it. It had a very original story behind it. A post apocalyptic world where wolves are believed to have been hunted to extinction by the Nobles (a ruling class in the world who still remember some of the old science from before the Apocalypse) because of a story that claims that the door to "Paradise" will only be found by wolves and once they find paradise the world we know will end. However the wolves are not extinct, they just learned how to make themselves appear human. The story follows Kiba and three other wolves, who follow him for differing reasons, as they make their way out of the city in search of paradise. Along the way there are a few human characters that have big parts in the show as well and they all do the usual human thing of having realizations about the problems that humanity caused or being just plain crazy. All in all I would recommend this to anyone who is either a true anime fan or people who like anime that is specifically about the trials and tribulations of man, since the wolves are usually seen in human form and deal with very human like problems. And if you aren't sure whether you would or wouldn't like this anime I would suggest renting it from netflix or borrowing from someone you know who already has it because I am pretty sure that once you see the show you will buy it. And if not I guess this type of show just isn't for you."