There is an old legend that speaks of a hidden paradise on Earth - A paradise in which only wolves can find. And while thought to have been extinct for hundreds of years, wolves indeed still walk the Earth? hidden among ma... more »nkind Now, a group of outcast wolves set out to find Paradise: Kiba, Hige, Toboe and Tsume. Each wolf is driven by their own personality and desires, but together they are pursued by humans seeking to quench their own thirst for power. A difficult and long journey lies ahead, with Paradise waiting to be found. The Bebop team returns with Animation by Studio BONES, Music by Yoko Kanno. Character designs by Toshihiro Kawamoto. Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi.« less
"I just figured I'd get that out of the way. This is not the entire series as it seems most people are assuming. This is the Complete Collection Part 1. I'm really not sure why it was done this way, but it is so I just want to make sure to avoid any confusion since there seems to be quite a bit.
Wolf's Rain is my single favorite anime to this day and I still watch it as much as anything else in my collection. It is the story of Keba, Hige, Toboe, and Tsume. They are wolves, a creature thought to have been hunted to extinction by humans 200 years ago. There is a legend that when mankind comes to an end, a paradise will decend upon the Earth that only wolves will be able to attain. This is the background for the show as Keba and the others meet and begin a long journey to find paradise. There are a lot of side stories thrown in to keep the viewer on edge including the wolf hunter tracking our heroes, two human scientists who eventually become caught up in the legend of wolves, and an evil empire that wants to open up paradise for their own evil intentions. Eventually everything intertwines and creates the setting for one of the most powerful endings to any show I have ever seen. But in order to see the entire thing, you will either have to wait until the second half of this collection is released or buy the actual box set that does contain the entire series. Either way you choose to do it, you can't go wrong with Wolf's Rain."
The pros outweigh the cons
Kephbren | 09/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First, the cons.
1. It isn't the complete series.
2. It is an older anime style with no computer animations (as in no eye-candy)
Next, the pros.
1. The story is very well developed and solid through the series
2. I would rate it PG personally. Definitely watch it through first before showing it to any kids to make up your own mind though.
3. The American voice-overs are incredibly well done. I watched this first collection through in English and Japanese and it is one of a very short list of series I actually prefer in English.
The story takes place in a post apocalyptic world. Most wild animals are extinct outside of man-made domed cities. One day, a wolf shows up in one of the domes when everyone thinks they have been extinct for thousands of years. The wolf falls into the hands of the local authorities with one detective becoming very interested after hearing a man tell tales of how wolves can lead people to paradise and appear as humans so they can live safely. In another part of the city a genetically engineered maiden exists who responds to the presence of wolves being near her. The wolves and maiden become the keys to paradise. The story follows wolves, maiden and many other individuals as they search for paradise and answers.
I was very leery of the collection when I first picked it up and was disappointed that it wasn't the whole series. Then as I watched it I completely forgot about all of that. The story is so well developed and compelling that I will be buying the next set when it is released and have been showing it to my friends. It isn't the definitive anime series, but it definitely is a classic and more than worth the purchase for people who enjoy anime."
Still my favorite anime after all this time
Hannah Givi | 06/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This anime was what got me hooked on anime years ago when it first came out on cartoon network, and now is definetly considered a classic alongside Cowboy Bebop and others. This is truly a wonderful series that reaches somewhere inside you and pulls you into the very souls of the characters and you feel like you know these people. Yoko Kanno is my favorite music director and the music is absolutely perfect. It's so beautiful and fits the story so well. The overtone is semi dark with those special times where the mood is happy and cheerful.
As for the languages and region, while I wouldn't know yet for this particular box set, I would assume it is just like the individual DVDs they put out with Japanese and English language and English subtitles. And I don't know where to look for the region of the DVD, but I think it might be region 1, whatever it means. I do know that I haven't had any troubles playing it on any of our DVD players.
Great show but huge downer.....
Legend | 08/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I wanted to buy this cause i watched it a few times and never finished it so i looked and it shows the COMPLETE COLLECTION for only $44 so boohaa but when i got my dvd it only is the 1st complete collection which was the bummer. it shows in the picture its complete and it also says it has 7 dvds which only has 4 so if you want this just cause its cheaper then be my guest but if you want to get the complete collection this aint it."
An amazing anime in all senses
H. Iqbal | 01/06/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wolf's Rain is an anime about the journey of a pack of wolves (Toboe, Tsumei, Hegai and Kiba) as they search for an unknown, uncertain paradise. The wolves in this tale have casted a spell on humans, making wolves appear, when they want to, as humans, but still are wolves. (This explains what other reviewers overlooked when talking about a story gap, the wolves don't 'actually' turn into humans, its just a spell that is casted upon the humans to make it seem like they are humans.) The base premise is very original and draws you in very easily. The story starts out introducing the characters, and building a base for them. Each character, not just the wolves, has a very uniqure personality which you will, in time, come to love. The music is awesome, pulling you in to each scene and just inhancing the effect the scene has on you, and the overall effect of the show. The art, not being computer enchanced, is very, very well done. The voice acting is top notch, and there are only a few odd scenes, that just don't sound right. As the story progressed it goes deeper into the characters, their motives, and their relationships, adding a touch of romance to the story just heightened the feel of it even more. Though, I'll have to say, that in one scene the dialouge between two people who are in love is too cheesy and bordered on 'chick flick' type lines, but THAT IS NOT the whole series, just one single instance.
You could honestly feel the journey these wolves were taking, and wanted them to attain a nirvana, even if it wasn't the real one they were searching for. The action scenes are very epic, good blend of wolf fights, but not overwhelming the viewer. This series shouldn't be missed if you are an anime fan or just like a show that's good. Also, about the sets, I've read that people have had disappointments with this being a Vol. 1 set, read more on the informatio on items before making the swift judgement to buy and give the rating a 1/5 star because of your own mistake, it makes this incredible anime look bad, as it deserves the full 5 stars. A highly recommended anime.
Rating 14+: Mature and complex themes, violences; including animal violence, blood."