Wish upon a star is my personal favorite. the Unicorn is the ultimate fantasy horse. Did they ever exist? Maybe. In dreams they are real. The purple main and tail is decorated with golden roses. The horses golden hooves st... more »and on a black platform. Unbelievable is what you will say when you look at t...« less
"O.K., let me explain myself. I'm a 29 year old male. I am a big fan of extreme horror films, and find most films along the lines of Disney fare as worthless pap or worse. Having established that, I was flipping through the channels one Sunday and stumbled over this little gem on the Disney channel. I left it on figuring I could smirk and do a "MST3K" treatment on the movie. Incredibly, I found myself drawn to the characters and the movie. Even to this day I still check the monthly TV bulletin we get to see if it's on. In fact, it's on as I write this review. I actually taped the film, something I almost never do. What can I say? I'm not made of stone, folks.The best thing in this film by far is Danielle Harris. What a major babe! Man! Not only is she a great actress, she is so attractive and vivacious that the viewer is drawn into the film and really cares what happens to her character. Most would probably argue that Katherine Heigl is a knock-out, and she is pretty, but Harris manages to steal the movie. But it's really not about looks. Both of these fine actresses manage to turn in a stellar performance. Just thinking about some of their scenes brings a smile to my face.The movie is a sort of "Feaky Friday" type of film, but this one is much more fun, as well as updated into the '90's. Another thing that is great about it is that it's a clean film. Any parents that are reading this: try and find this for your kids. They will probably thank you for it.Just so I don't make this a long rant on the wonderous abilities of Danielle Harris, (Did I mention she steals the movie?) did anyone notice how great the band was that played at the dance? How many films have you seen where the band at the dance totally sucks? Not in this film! That alone earns the movie five stars. Wish Upon a Star is a rare film. I suspect alot of people would get a kick out of this movie.This movie is smart, funny, and upbeat. Amazon, find some copies! And Ms. Harris, if you are ever filming in Omaha, look me up!"
Surprised and thrilled
gilliannw3 | boston | 07/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not a big fan of the Disney Channel. In fact, I feel that Disney in general has been slowly degrading in the last few years. I happened across *Wish Upon A Star* on TV by chance and I thought it looked as cheesy as anything...but it turned out to be a beautiful movie. The story was universal. Who *hasn't* wished they were someone else? Especially their sibling, who seems to have everything they lack? And of course the magic of Disney can make it happen...sounds kind of dumb; but it was great. The acting was really good, especially Harris and Heigl; it was totally believable. The other more minor characters were typically Disney cute, yet that not only offset the sisters' profound characterizations, but lent the movie a lovable touch. I don't mean that the sisters were shockingly original or even that their characters are very deep and realistic. "Brainy plain Jane" and "boy-crazy fashion plate"? Where have we heard that before? However, the actors themselves were wonderful, and they really made the sister relationship come alive. They were sisters, and it was real and it was beautiful. As ever, the modern Disney personality - cute wacky craziness, healthy, hearty, but often insecure people - asserts itself. But because you like the characters, it's totally okay. In fact it actually is funny and interesting and riveting because there's substance behind it. Hailey and Alexis' wacky exploits by which they try to outdo each other, ruin each others' image, are hilarious. It's true that this movie was stereotypical to the extreme --- a good-looking basketball star going out with the homecoming queen shoo-in, a shy, dorky best friend, three snobby followers of the most popular girl in school, even the severe, uptight school principal who's secretly a real person (as outgoing as any Disney character). Yet this movie really worked. *Wish Upon A Star* made me laugh and snicker, and conversely, smile and get teary. Strangely, it was stereotypical, yet lacked all pretense."
A Classic...
Zara A. Cannon-Mohammed (Book Lover | Swarthmore, PA | 10/16/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this movie.
I ordered it from Netflix, thinking it would be one of those silly 90's movies with stupid endings.
But it was not.
It is now on my top ten favorite movies list.
Both Danielle Harris and Katherine Heigl are wonderful in this movie.
It's about 2 sisters (Hayley and Alexia Wheaton) who basically have nothing in common.
Hayley (the sporty, short, 'grungy' one) wishes on a shooting star that she was her sister.
And it happens! They switch bodies, just like in Freaky Friday! Except this movie is SO much better than
Freaky Friday. It kind of reminds me of 'Model Behavior' and how Hayley has a crush on Kyle reminds of
'All-American Girl' by Meg Cabot. Go Princess Diaries!
The part where Hayley (who is actually Alexia) gets up on the table and starts dancing is hilarious.
It's so funny how the whole cafeteria is moving along with her!
I think there should have been more parts with Caitlin in it but still, this is a great movie!
Definitely buy it or rent it.
I'm buying it next week and eating nachos while i watch it for the 2nd time in 2 weeks.
PS. The parents were super funny.
And i loved the Mitter Monster."
2 sisters trade places by wishing upon a star
John Moore | 10/04/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One night i was over at my friedns house and she was like i saw this really good movie with my kid sister. i was thinking what a dumb movie this must be. then i saw it and it was soo good. it is now my favorite movie in the world."
Is anyone listening to all who want this movie on video?
John Moore | McCordsville, IN United States | 11/25/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Seems like most everyone who has written something here about this movie, just happened upon it just like the shooting star which was wished upon. While working out of town, I flipped on the TV in my motel room, and was captured by "Wish Upon A Star" on Disney. I had no idea what it was, I missed the first few minutes of the show, but it was GREAT! I don't have cable, so I can't watch Disney in hopes of catching it again, and I would REALLY LOVE to have this movie on VHS or DVD. I don't think that siblings often enough realize just what it is like to be in the other's place, having to deal with things from another view. This movie was absolutly great, and I can't say that enough..and yes, having no idea who Danielle Harris was, she was excellent in this movie. SO, if someone is out there listening to us..DISNEY, PLEASE bring this movie into home video production! Or produce more of them or something! It has in some way touched lives, and it will continue to do so, but only if we could all have it to own, to show our own children, or to keep the riminder with us, that everything is NOT as it sometimes seems to be.5 stars to "Wish Upon A Star""