Ah, the folly of youth. so malleable to the will of the man.
TimothyFarrell22 | 03/11/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"okay, we've all been there before: boy moves to new town. boy meets girl. boy goes with girl to televised talent showcase. boy gets to perforn do to slated performers illness. boy is a smashing success. boy gets signed by big promoter. promoter forbids boy to think for himself. boy accepts. get the picture? (yes, we see!) this picture is a slice of all of our lives; not only is it filled with nearly hideous songs of our own creation, but it is filled with people who really shouldn't be up on the big screen, engineered by people who(as mainstream hollywood might believe) don't know a camera (or other equiptment) from their own rectums, and is about as swallowable as a seven ton ball of brie. this is such great cheese, that it could be served at even the fanciest dinner party, and be accepted by at least a few people. go ahead! roll up your sleves and delve into the seemy underside of the music business. don't let others tell you what to think (including me), check this one out for yourself. (disclaimer: this is not the full storyline, and i did not give away the surprise (sort of) ending)"
One of the greatest films ever made
TimothyFarrell22 | Massachusetts | 01/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, that's right. I wish Rhino didn't insist of trying to do away with a great amount of their old videotapes. They seem to be trying to do away with any association with the great Johnny Legend. As for the film itself, it kicks mucho @$$. It's not the most technically impressive film, but is fast paced fun. Arch Hall Jr. doesn't have amazing amounts of talent, but his songs rock and roll anyways, and he is a likable enough presence. Bring back old school rhino!"
Nepotism Gone Awry
J. Kearney | Milwaukee WI | 02/07/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Back in the 60s a local TV station ran a 4:00 pm movie which I would usually watch. At the end of the program one day, the host said, "tomorrow I am going to show a film that is so bad that you just have to watch it." I did. That was my introduction to "Arch Hall presents Arch Hall jr in". These movies, Wild Guitar included, are that bad. The plots are trite; the characters are stereotypical; and to say that Arch Hall overacts would be to concede he acts at all. Somehow, however, I enjoy watching the films. A few years ago I was channel surfing and I glimpsed a scene that I immediately remembered. It was a long shot but I knew immediately it was from Wild Guitar. That inspired me to go shopping. I have since bought four Arch Hall movies. I watch them and I pass them around to my friends, telling them that these will redefine their idea of "the worst movie I ever saw". I have no idea what it is but the movies do have an appeal, more comic, I think, than anything. On that basis I recommend any Arch Hall film."
Hypnotically Bad
Douglas Doepke | Claremont, CA United States | 12/08/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"(The movie rates a 0 on the Normal Movie scale, but a solid 5 on the Inspired Bad Movie scale.)
Eureka! A gold strike for lovers of inspired bad movies. Yes, we're in Ed Wood territory here. Just when you think the acting, directing, and dialogue can't get worse, it does. This is what happens when a determined band of no-talents take themselves seriously and commit a movie. The story itself is not exactly from Shakespeare. It's not even from the guy down the block. It's from Hollywood's favorite book of thumbed pages, the inspirational saga of show business. Yes indeed, the evergreen rags to riches along Hollywood and Vine. Only here it takes our star exactly 5 minutes to become an Overnight Wonder, 10 minutes to find True Love, 20 minutes to find Real Values, and an abysmal 87 minutes to end.
Leading the thespic charge is Arch Hall Jr., with a blond pompadour that shape-shifts faster than Pampas grass in a windstorm. No wonder he's the "star": his dad is the film's producer, who also acts (sort of) the part of, shall we say, an ethics-deprived promoter. Whatever it is with the Hall's, it's in the genes. Too bad that Jr. looks more like the Pillsbury doughboy than Elvis. Still and all, he does strive manfully, and to be fair, acting was not something he wanted to do. Apparently, it was Dad's inspiration. Then there's actor-director Ray Dennis Steckler, a serial perpetrator, whose career proves that a clear lack of judgement, skill, and talent need be no barrier. Here he plays Steak, the thug, with an eye for artistic nuance that already approaches the classic heights of Rat Pfink A Boo Boo. And, poor, drama-challenged Nancy Czar essays the girl friend. Her permanently dazed expression suggests either a wardrobe break-down or a sudden glimpse of reality. Either way, her expertly performed spiral across an ice rink almost spoils everything.
The film does have a high or low-- take your pick. It comes in a cavernous sound stage left over from a 30's horror film. How appropriate. There Hall Jr. demonstrating all the charisma of dried cement bleats out a top ten tune from hell, while somewhere beneath, a girl with a veil flits back and forth like she's chasing gnats. Then again, maybe she's just celebrating her brand-name underwear. Anyway, the two together are beyond surreal. I could go on, especially about the three comic mental cases who make the Bowery Boys look like brain surgeons, but you get the idea. Hollywood used to turn out big-budget bad films by the bucket load. You know, the kind that usually starred Richard and Elizabeth and were supposed to impress even as you slumbered along. No chance of that here. This is a hypnotically bad movie. I say we turn the Oscar statuette on its head and give it to Guitar for Best Bad Movie of 1962. It may be fifty years late, but somehow that seems fitting."